201 research outputs found

    On the nature and function of organizers.

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    Organizers, which comprise groups of cells with the ability to instruct adjacent cells into specific states, represent a key principle in developmental biology. The concept was first introduced by Spemann and Mangold, who showed that there is a cellular population in the newt embryo that elicits the development of a secondary axis from adjacent cells. Similar experiments in chicken and rabbit embryos subsequently revealed groups of cells with similar instructive potential. In birds and mammals, organizer activity is often associated with a structure known as the node, which has thus been considered a functional homologue of Spemann's organizer. Here, we take an in-depth look at the structure and function of organizers across species and note that, whereas the amphibian organizer is a contingent collection of elements, each performing a specific function, the elements of organizers in other species are dispersed in time and space. This observation urges us to reconsider the universality and meaning of the organizer concept

    Patterned Cell Adhesion Associated with Tissue Deformations during Dorsal Closure in Drosophila

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    Cell shape changes within epithelia require the regulation of adhesive molecules that maintain tissue integrity. How remodelling of cell contacts is achieved while tissue integrity is maintained remains a fundamental question in morphogenesis. Dorsal Closure is a good system to study the dynamics of DE-Cadherin during morphogenesis. It relies on concerted cell shape changes of two epithelial sheets: amnioserosa cell contraction and epidermal cell elongation. To investigate the modulation of DE-Cadherin we performed antibody uptake experiments in live embryos during Dorsal Closure. We found that some antibodies access certain epitopes of the extracellular domain of native DE-Cadherin only in the amnioserosa and epidermal cells attached to the amnioserosa, which has never been observed in fixed DE-Cadherin in Drosophila embryos. These differences correlate with the different cell behaviour of these regions and therefore we suggest that DE-Cadherin exists in different forms that confer different adhesive strengths. We propose this to be a widespread mechanism for the differential modulation of adhesion during morphogenesis

    Biomedical and societal impacts of in vitro embryo models of mammalian development.

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    In recent years, a diverse array of in vitro cell-derived models of mammalian development have been described that hold immense potential for exploring fundamental questions in developmental biology, particularly in the case of the human embryo where ethical and technical limitations restrict research. These models open up new avenues toward biomedical advances in in vitro fertilization, clinical research, and drug screening with potential to impact wider society across many diverse fields. These technologies raise challenging questions with profound ethical, regulatory, and social implications that deserve due consideration. Here, we discuss the potential impacts of embryo-like models, and their biomedical potential and current limitations

    FGF/MAPK signaling sets the switching threshold of a bistable circuit controlling cell fate decisions in embryonic stem cells.

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    Intracellular transcriptional regulators and extracellular signaling pathways together regulate the allocation of cell fates during development, but how their molecular activities are integrated to establish the correct proportions of cells with particular fates is not known. Here we study this question in the context of the decision between the epiblast (Epi) and the primitive endoderm (PrE) fate that occurs in the mammalian preimplantation embryo. Using an embryonic stem cell (ESC) model, we discover two successive functions of FGF/MAPK signaling in this decision. First, the pathway needs to be inhibited to make the PrE-like gene expression program accessible for activation by GATA transcription factors in ESCs. In a second step, MAPK signaling levels determine the threshold concentration of GATA factors required for PrE-like differentiation, and thereby control the proportion of cells differentiating along this lineage. Our findings can be explained by a simple mutual repression circuit modulated by FGF/MAPK signaling. This might be a general network architecture to integrate the activity of signal transduction pathways and transcriptional regulators, and serve to balance proportions of cell fates in several contexts.Work in the Martinez Arias lab was funded by an ERC investigator grant. CS was the recipient of an EMBO long-term fellowship, and CS and PR were supported by a Marie Curie fellowship.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Company of Biologists via http://dx.doi.org/10.1242/dev.12753

    Autocrine and paracrine Wingless signalling in the Drosophila midgut by both continuous gradient and asynchronous bursts of wingless expression

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    Wingless (Wg)/ Wnt signalling is a major regulator of homeostasis in both the mammalian andDrosophilaintestine. InDrosophilathe organisation and function of Wingless signalling in the adult intestine remain poorly understood. Here we characterise the pattern of expression ofwg, the stabilisation of its effector Armadillo in the adultDrosophilamidgut, and correlate them with the response of the cells to Wg signalling activation. We show that in normal homeostasis there is a gradient of Wingless signalling in the intestinal stem cell (ISC) and the undifferentiated progenitor cell (enteroblast, EB) populations along the posterior midgut, with a high point at the midgut-hindgut boundary (pylorus). This gradient results from a combination of two sources of Wingless: a distant source outside the epithelium (the pylorus) and a local one from the ISCs and EBs themselves. Altogether, our studies show that Wingless expression and signalling in the epithelium is not continuous, but operates through bursts that occur randomly in space and time.</ns4:p
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