4 research outputs found

    Memoirs of Ruth Hooper

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    This edition was created from the manuscript of the Memoirs of Ruth Hooper, as well as images from the accompanying materials contained on Western Carolina University鈥檚 Digital Collections website. As a whole manuscript, Ruth Hooper鈥檚 memoirs detail events related to her life, as well as her marriage to W. Carr Hooper. The manuscript begins by telling details of her life with W. Carr Hooper in the Philippines of the 1930s. The document also covers events related to the beginning of World War II, the couple鈥檚 time spent as prisoners in the Japanese-run Santo Tomas Internment Camp, and of the camp鈥檚 liberation in 1945 by the United States military. A vast majority of Ruth Hooper鈥檚 memoirs (including the entirety of my assigned section) relates to the details surrounding the Santo Tomas camp: through both depictions of daily life and general goings-on in the camp. Hooper鈥檚 manuscript has a unique tone of voice, which says many things about the experiences of Santo Tomas internees. Living there under Japanese control was not easy, and the amount of malnutrition in the camp was exceedingly tragic. Yet despite all of this, the Hoopers (as well as many others in the camp) were determined to make it through until their liberation day


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    La canalizaci贸n generalmente es consecuencia de la heterogeneidad del yacimiento, especialmente por grandes variaciones de permeabilidad, ocasionando reducci贸n en la eficiencia volum茅trica como producto de la recirculaci贸n del fluido inyectado en procesos de recobro secundario y/o mejorado (EOR). Con el objetivo de mejorar el perfil vertical de inyecci贸n y reducir la recirculaci贸n de agua inyectada, en Colombia se han implementado, desde el a帽o 2008 a 2020, 33 tratamientos de control de canalizaci贸n y conformance qu铆mico profundo en nueve campos con el objetivo de aumentar la eficiencia de barrido volum茅trico para incrementar el factor de recuperaci贸n de petr贸leo. El resultado de los tratamientos reportados es de hasta 3 barriles de petr贸leo incremental por cada barril de gel r铆gido inyectado. Sin embargo, la cantidad de tratamientos de conformance es baja en comparaci贸n con el n煤mero de pozos inyectores en el pa铆s de aproximadamente 1400). Por lo tanto, Ecopetrol adapt贸 una metodolog铆a de selecci贸n de pozos candidatos para tratamientos de conformance qu铆mico que tiene en cuenta continuidad de los yacimientos, determinaci贸n y caracterizaci贸n de la heterogeneidad, estudio de movimiento de fluidos, determinaci贸n de conectividad del patr贸n de inyecci贸n, distribuci贸n vertical y areal de los fluidos inyectados y producidos, generaci贸n de gr谩ficos diagn贸sticos en software Sahara para finalmente identificar los pozos candidatos y realizar el dise帽o del tratamiento de conformance. La generaci贸n de los gr谩ficos diagn贸stico base de la metodolog铆a tiene como punto de partida la distribuci贸n vertical de producci贸n secundaria realizada por el m茅todo IWR de alocaci贸n de producciones de malla ponderando caudales, en el cual la producci贸n de un pozo es distribuida entre los inyectores que lo afectan, y esta producci贸n es asociada a cada inyector. Con respecto a la distribuci贸n areal se toman elementos de flujo creando mallas din谩micas centradas en inyector y se pondera utilizando la distribuci贸n angular. La distribuci贸n de producci贸n secundaria tiene en cuenta los ILT/PLT realizados hist贸ricamente en los pozos inyectores/ productores, mallado y coeficientes de distribuci贸n de los patrones de inyecci贸n en el tiempo. En el presente trabajo se hace una descripci贸n y aplicaci贸n de la metodolog铆a integrada que permite identificar la producci贸n de petr贸leo y agua por yacimiento en cada patr贸n de inyecci贸n, as铆 como la eficiencia del agua inyectada para mapear acciones de mejoramiento de la producci贸n de petr贸leo y disminuci贸n de la producci贸n de agua, con el objetivo de identificar los sectores con menor desempe帽o y que requieren optimizaci贸n del proceso secundario y/o mejorado. La metodolog铆a se valid贸 y complement贸 con informaci贸n de trazadores interwell (IWTT) y simulaci贸n num茅rica en l铆neas de flujo (streamline). En ese sentido, se vienen aplicando tratamientos de conformance desde el a帽o 2021 en 23 nuevos pozos con resultados prometedores de producci贸n incremental de petr贸leo. La selecci贸n de pozos candidatos para tratamientos de conformance qu铆mico ampl铆an las expectativas de masificaci贸n de estas tecnolog铆as en diferentes campos del pa铆s y se convierten en pieza fundamental para apalancar la consecuci贸n de reservas y una disminuci贸n de la huella de carbono debido principalmente a que con el mismo caudal de fluido inyectado se incrementa la producci贸n de petr贸leo y en algunos tratamientos puede disminuir la producci贸n de agua, asegurando menor consumo de energ铆a (CO2) por cada barril de petr贸leo extra铆do

    Appreciative Mentoring: Applying the Appreciative Framework to a Writing Fellows Program

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    In this essay, an academic advisor and a writing fellow describe how the framework of appreciative advising highlights aspects of mentoring, and explore how mentoring programs could benefit by adding elements of appreciating advising

    Regulation of expression of copper responsive genes in Sulfolobus solfataricus:

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    Copper is an essential micronutrient, but toxic in excess. Cells must maintain their internal level of copper within a narrow range of concentrations. This is accomplished mainly by copper efflux mediated by ATP-driven copper transporters that are induced at the level of transcription. Sulfolobus solfataricus has the ability to adapt to fluctuations of copper levels in its environment. Two Sulfolobus strains P2 and 98/2, showed different sensitivity to copper To better understand the molecular mechanism behind the organismal response to copper, the expression of the cluster of genes copRTA, which encodes the copper-responsive transcriptional regulator CopR, the copper-binding protein CopT, and CopA, has been investigated. The expression of the copR and copA transcripts was monitored by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. The data showed that only copA was induced by copper. By comparing the patterns of copA expression and cellular copper accumulation, as determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission spectrometry, it was concluded that the level of copA depends on the internal fluctuations of copper. To investigate the role of CopR, a mutant carrying a disruption of the copR gene was created. The mutant strain was uncapable of growth in the presence of excess copper, and under the same conditions no transcription of copA was observed. These data suggested that CopR positively regulates transcription of copA. The knockout mutant strain PBL2070, its parent strain and the mutant complemented with a wild type copy of copR, were compared with respect to their physiological and transcriptional response to copper. Results confirmed that, under copper stress, CopR, activates the transcription of copA, and its presence restores the wild type phenotype resistant to copper. Finally, a reporter system based on the thermostable 尾-glucuronidase of S. solfataricus was developed to study the promoter of regulated genes. This system was applied to the analysis of the copTA promoter region fused to the S. solfataricus 尾-glucuronidase reporter. GUS activity assays showed that after copper addition, the activity of GusB was consistent with the transcriptional changes observed for copA under similar conditions. The results provide the basis for a model of the molecular mechanisms of copper homeostasis in Sulfolobus.Ph.D.Includes bibliographical references (p. 87-113)by Aramis Alexis Villafa帽e Martine