995 research outputs found

    Psychology, Strategy, and Behavioral Equivalence

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    Psychology, Strategy, and Behavioral Equivalence

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    FMR and voltage induced transport in normal metal-ferromagnet-superconductor trilayers

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    We study the subgap spin and charge transport in normal metal-ferromagnet-superconductor trilayers induced by bias voltage and/or magnetization precession. Transport properties are discussed in terms of time-dependent scattering theory. We assume the superconducting gap is small on the energy scales set by the Fermi energy and the ferromagnetic exchange splitting, and compute the non-equilibrium charge and spin current response to first order in precession frequency, in the presence of a finite applied voltage. We find that the voltage-induced instantaneous charge current and longitudinal spin current are unaffected by the precessing magnetization, while the pumped transverse spin current is determined by spin-dependent conductances and details of the electron-hole scattering matrix. A simplified expression for the transverse spin current is derived for structures where the ferromagnet is longer than the transverse spin coherence length.Comment: 10 page

    Nonequilibrium Kondo Effect in a Quantum Dot Coupled to Ferromagnetic Leads

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    We study the Kondo effect in the electron transport through a quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads, using a real-time diagrammatic technique which provides a systematic description of the nonequilibrium dynamics of a system with strong local electron correlations. We evaluate the theory in an extension of the `resonant tunneling approximation', introduced earlier, by introducing the self-energy of the off-diagonal component of the reduced propagator in spin space. In this way we develop a charge and spin conserving approximation that accounts not only for Kondo correlations but also for the spin splitting and spin accumulation out of equilibrium. We show that the Kondo resonances, split by the applied bias voltage, may be spin polarized. A left-right asymmetry in the coupling strength and/or spin polarization of the electrodes significantly affects both the spin accumulation and the weight of the split Kondo resonances out of equilibrium. The effects are observable in the nonlinear differential conductance. We also discuss the influence of decoherence on the Kondo resonance in the frame of the real-time formulation.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Spin effects in single-electron tunneling in magnetic junctions

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    Spin dependent single electron tunneling in ferromagnetic double junctions is analysed theoretically in the limit of sequential tunneling. The influence of discrete energy spectrum of the central electrode (island)on the spin accumulation, spin fluctuations and tunnel magnetoresistance is analysed numerically in the case of a nonmagnetic island. It is shown that spin fluctuations are significant in magnetic as well as in nonmagnetic junctions.Comment: 14 pages, 3 eps-figures include

    Frequency-Dependent Current Noise through Quantum-Dot Spin Valves

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    We study frequency-dependent current noise through a single-level quantum dot connected to ferromagnetic leads with non-collinear magnetization. We propose to use the frequency-dependent Fano factor as a tool to detect single-spin dynamics in the quantum dot. Spin precession due to an external magnetic and/or a many-body exchange field affects the Fano factor of the system in two ways. First, the tendency towards spin-selective bunching of the transmitted electrons is suppressed, which gives rise to a reduction of the low-frequency noise. Second, the noise spectrum displays a resonance at the Larmor frequency, whose lineshape depends on the relative angle of the leads' magnetizations.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure

    Interaction-driven spin precession in quantum-dot spin valves

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    We analyze spin-dependent transport through spin valves composed of an interacting quantum dot coupled to two ferromagnetic leads. The spin on the quantum dot and the linear conductance as a function of the relative angle θ\theta of the leads' magnetization directions is derived to lowest order in the dot-lead coupling strength. Due to the applied bias voltage spin accumulates on the quantum dot, which for finite charging energy experiences a torque, resulting in spin precession. The latter leads to a non-trivial, interaction-dependent, θ\theta-dependence of the conductance. In particular, we find that the spin-valve effect is reduced for all θπ\theta \neq \pi.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, version to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Electric-field controlled spin reversal in a quantum dot with ferromagnetic contacts

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    Manipulation of the spin-states of a quantum dot by purely electrical means is a highly desirable property of fundamental importance for the development of spintronic devices such as spin-filters, spin-transistors and single-spin memory as well as for solid-state qubits. An electrically gated quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime can be tuned to hold a single unpaired spin-1/2, which is routinely spin-polarized by an applied magnetic field. Using ferromagnetic electrodes, however, the properties of the quantum dot become directly spin-dependent and it has been demonstrated that the ferromagnetic electrodes induce a local exchange-field which polarizes the localized spin in the absence of any external fields. Here we report on the experimental realization of this tunneling-induced spin-splitting in a carbon nanotube quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic nickel-electrodes. We study the intermediate coupling regime in which single-electron states remain well defined, but with sufficiently good tunnel-contacts to give rise to a sizable exchange-field. Since charge transport in this regime is dominated by the Kondo-effect, we can utilize this sharp many-body resonance to read off the local spin-polarization from the measured bias-spectroscopy. We show that the exchange-field can be compensated by an external magnetic field, thus restoring a zero-bias Kondo-resonance, and we demonstrate that the exchange-field itself, and hence the local spin-polarization, can be tuned and reversed merely by tuning the gate-voltage. This demonstrates a very direct electrical control over the spin-state of a quantum dot which, in contrast to an applied magnetic field, allows for rapid spin-reversal with a very localized addressing.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure