7 research outputs found

    Analysis of the relationship between personal consumption and investment in Lithuania

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    The paper analyses the relationship of personal consumption and domestic investment in Lithuania. A dynamic and structural analysis of GDP and personal consumption expenses is conducted. The relationship between personal consumption expenses and determining factors, i.e. disposable income, the inflation rate, the consumer confidence index, is established. The paper also analyses which part of expenses is allocated for personal consumption and which for saving. The paper estimates the saving rate and the relationship between personal consumption expenses per capita and the saving rate. Having established that economic growth is related to the saving rate and domestic investment, a correlation regression analysis of household saving and domestic investment per capita is conducted

    Pajamų nelygybės poveikio darniam ekonomikos augimui vertinimas taikant IDVI

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    The aim of this work is to assess the impact of income inequality for sustainable economic growth in the EU-25 countries in 2005–2012. Research was performed by using integrated sustainable development index (ISDI). It was found that the highest value of ISDI was in the first cluster. The highest value of income inequality and the lowest value of GDP per inhabitant were in the first cluster

    An impact assessment of income inequality on sustainable economic growth by using ISDI

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    ISSN 2335-8742 (Online)Darbo tikslas – įvertinti pajamų nelygybės poveikį darniam ekonomikos augimui ES-25 šalyse 2005–2012 m. Tyrimas buvo atliktas naudojant integruotą darnaus vystymosi indeksą (IDVI). Nustatyta, kad pirmojo klasterio šalių grupėje, t. y. grupėje, kurioje buvo didžiausia pajamų nelygybė ir mažiausias BVP vienam gyventojui, buvo didžiausias IDVIThe aim of this work is to assess the impact of income inequality for sustainable economic growth in the EU-25 countries in 2005–2012. Research was performed by using integrated sustainable development index (ISDI). It was found that the highest value of ISDI was in the first cluster. The highest value of income inequality and the lowest value of GDP per inhabitant were in the first clusterEkonomikos katedraVilniaus universitetas Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas, [email protected] Didžiojo universitetasŠiaulių universiteta

    States and International Criminal Justice: COST CA18228 Scoping Survey (version 1)

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    Categorical and scale data in three formats (Google drive; .csv; and .sav) and further free text data, collected from experts in response to a survey organised under the auspices of COST Action CA18228 (Global Atrocity Justice Constellations)Researchers were invited to respond to a series of prompts designed to measure the impact of international criminal justice on specific countries, and the engagement of those countries to international criminal justice institutions. The first set of results, covering 12 countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe are published here. A further round of data collection is underway, and an updated version will be published by the end of the Action in April 2024. We invite researchers to make use of the data here, citing accordingly.Aydın-Aitchison, A., E. Brandon, M. Buljubašić, M. Dobrovolskis, A. Gerdeci, T Hoffmann, N. Higgins, M.P. Hossain, N. Jeiranashvili, I. Jusufi, G. Maguire, A. Maljević, M. Mancini, U. Markevičiūtė, L. Martinaitytė, Matsiko, J. Radmanović, I.M. Ragaišytė, B. Ristivojević, S. Samardžić, R. Steponavičiūtė, N. Stojanović, G. Švedas, and A. Vosyliūtė (2023) States and International Criminal Justice: COST CA18228 Scoping Survey (version 1), available online at: https://justice-360.com/scoping-survey

    States and International Criminal Justice: COST CA18228 Scoping Survey (version 2)

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    The data consists of two elements, both derived from a survey developed and administered through the EU Cost Action CA18228 (Global Atrocity Justice Constellations). The first element is made up of quantitative and categorical data; the second of qualitative text responses. The survey seeks to record and measure different elements of states' engagement with international criminal justice, including the integration of relevant provisions to domestic law; cooperation with and support for international and hybrid courts; various policy measures around prosecution of crimes defined in international law, and for the support of victims of such crimes; domestic prosecutions; NGO activity; and memorialisation, museums and other cultural activities. The survey covers 23 countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe. In each case, data was provided by individual scholars or teams of scholars coming from, working in, or working on the country in question. In some instances additional support was provided from NGOs or governmental agencies.Aksamitowska, Karolina; Andaya, Raymond; Anosova, Iuliia; Aydın-Aitchison, Andy; Bernasol, Joseph; Bhadra, Poulomi; Brandon, Emma; Buljubašić, Mirza; Chakrabarty, Ishita; Christensen, Mikkel Jarle; de León Agosto, Luis; Dobrovolskis, Martynas; Emasealu, Martha; Gërdeci, Alba; Ghiasi, Sumaya; Gómez Alcorta, Elizabeth; Hoffmann, Tamás; Higgins, Noelle; Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar; Hronum, Caroline; Jeiranashvili, Nika; Jusufi, Islam; Kirabira, Tonny; Lingaas, Carola; Lohne, Kjersti; Maguire, Gerard; Maljević, Almir; Mancini, Marina; Markevičiūtė, Ugnė; Martinaitytė, Laura; Matsiko, Samuel; Mejía, Gretel; Munivrana, Maja; Dalsgaard Nielsen, Toke Andersson; Oyewole, Oriola; Radmanović, Jelena; Ragaišytė, Ieva Marija; Ristivojević, Branislav; Roksandić, Sunčana; Samardžić, Stefan; Šestan, Katarina; Steponavičiūtė, Ramunė; Stojanović, Nikola; Švedas, Gintaras; Tamayo Gomez, Camilo; Vegh Weis, Valeria; Vosyliūtė, Andželika; Holá, Barbora; Rodrigues, Fatima; Vasiliev, Sergey. (2023). States and International Criminal Justice: COST CA18228 Scoping Survey (version 2), 2020-2023 [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. School of Law. https://doi.org/10.7488/ds/7536