27 research outputs found

    A Framework for Integrated Energy Systems, Infrastructure and Services Optimization with Visualization and Simulation Platform for Low-carbon Precincts

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    Abstract: The energy informatics can be enhanced to support decision-making, communication and benchmarking of the energy performance both in design and operational phases. To enable engineers, developers and policy-makers to better understand the implications of energy systems and services, computer-generated visualization is a powerful tool to inform a range of technological options and to analyze the effects of energy system strategies. Visualization increases the transparency of results and the understanding of interactions between users and energy systems. This paper presents a novel conceptual framework for integrating energy systems, infrastructure and services optimization with a visualization and simulation platform. It focuses on the development of a tool for low-carbon energy systems and high quality energy services at precinct scale. The paper describes the vision and architectural design for the integrated framework. It is expected to serve as a next generation approach to managing energy services, carbon emissions and efficient resource use in the built environment. This will help to deliver new environmentally sustainable infrastructure and achieve carbon neutrality in urban development. Citation: Phdungslip, A., Martinac, I & Ngo, T. (2014). A Framework for Integrated Energy Systems, Infrastructure and Services Optimization with Visualization and Simulation Platform for Low-carbon Precincts. In: Campbell P. and Perez P. (Eds), Proceedings of the International Symposium of Next Generation Infrastructure, 1-4 October 2013, SMART Infrastructure Facility, University of Wollongong, Australia


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    Background: A cross-sectional study in the Primary Care Medical Centre Mostar and Regional Medical Center "Safet Mujić" was conducted. Family physicians randomly surveyed, examined, and analyzed laboratory tests from 300 subjects divided into three age groups from 20-39, 40-54 and 55-65 years, totally 100 subjects. Data for age, sex, smoking status, alcohol consumption, body mass index, blood pressure, blood glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol, and the presence of chronic non-communicable diseases, including diagnosis of depression and the presence of stress were entered in medical records. Results: Levels of cholesterol were significantly higher in rural population as well as among students, and high triglyceride levels most frequently were presented in the student population. A group of farmers had a significantly higher prevalence of hypertension, DM and CVD compared to other investigated groups. The largest number of smokers and people who drink alcohol was present in group with the highest incomes, while obesity was significantly expressed in people with lower incomes. The group of examinees with the highest incomes had the greatest exposure to stress. Conclusions: Socioeconomic processes have an impact on risk behavior of the adult population, and the presence of a number of chronic diseases that are accompanied with increased laboratory blood glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides levels

    Učinak socio-kulturoloÅ”kih čimbenika na mentalno zdravlje i česte kronične bolesti u pacijenata opće medicine u Istočnom i Zapadnom Mostaru, Bosna i Hercegovina: preliminarni rezultati

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    Since war activities, the previously mixed population of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, live in segregated parts of the town based on ethnicity. The aim of this study was to examine differences in health risks and health status between populations of the two parts of the town. Health status of 300 randomly selected primary care patients was evaluated by practicing family physicians in two main primary care centers in West and East Mostar. Each group consisted of 150 patients. Data were collected between December 2013 and May 2014. Patients were evaluated for smoking habit, alcohol consumption, body mass index, blood pressure and laboratory measurement of fasting glycemia. Family physicians provided diagnosis of chronic noninfectious diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, malignant disease, depression, and alcoholism). The two groups differed according to age, income, employment status, and rate of alcoholism and hypertension. Alcoholism (OR= 4.105; 95% CI 2.012-8.374) and hypertension (OR=1.972; 95% CI 1.253-3.976) were associated with inhabitants of West Mostar, adjusted for age, employment and income status on logistic regression. In conclusion, ethnic differences between inhabitants of the two parts of the town might influence health outcomes. These are preliminary data and additional studies with larger samples and more specific questions considering nutrition and cultural issues are needed to detect the potential differences between the groups.Ranije mijeÅ”ana populacija Mostara u Bosni i Hercegovini od rata živi u dijelovima grada podijeljenim na osnovi etničke pripadnosti. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike u zdravstvenim rizicima i zdravstvenom statusu između populacija dvaju dijelova grada. Obiteljski liječnici dvaju domova zdravlja istočnog i zapadnog Mostara ispitali su zdravstveni status 300 slučajno izabranih ambulantnih pacijenata. Svaka skupina sastojala se od 150 pacijenata. Podaci su prikupljani između prosinca 2013. i svibnja 2014. godine. Prikupljeni su podaci o puÅ”enju, konzumaciji alkohola, indeksu tjelesne težine, krvnom tlaku i laboratorijski mjerenoj glukozi nataÅ”te. Dijagnoze kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti (hipertenzija, dijabetes melitus, kardiovaskularne bolesti, maligne bolesti, depresija i alkoholizam) utvrdili su liječnici obiteljske medicine. Dvije skupine razlikovale su se prema dobi, prihodima, zaposlenju, zastupljenosti alkoholizma i hipertenzije. Alkoholizam (OR=4,105; 95% CI 2,012-8,374) i hipertenzija (OR=1,972; 95% CI 1,253-3,976) povezani su sa stanovanjem u zapadnom Mostaru prilagođeno za dob, zaposlenje i zaradu u logističkoj regresiji. Zaključno, etničke razlike između stanovnika dvaju dijelova grada mogu utjecati na zdravstvene ishode. Ovo su preliminarni podaci i potrebna su dodatna istraživanja s većim uzorcima i specifičnim pitanjima vezano uz prehranu i kulturoloÅ”ka pitanja za otkrivanje mogućih razlika među ovim skupinama

    Graphical visualization of behavioural patterns in relation to indoor environment quality and energy use

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    In this paper, the authors provide a general overview on the methodological framework behind the monitoring and evaluation strategies of Mobistyle project that are used as reference for the demonstration cases. The strategies identify parameters that need to be evaluated during several phases regarding the impact (energy, IEQ, health, behavioural patterns) and the strategy (effectiveness of the process) of the project, and how these parameters can be numerically evaluated. In particular, the paper focuses on the graphical visualization method for behavioural patterns analysis in relation to indoor environment quality and energy use. The proposed approach is illustrated based on measured data from one Mobistyle Project case study i.e. a hotel for long term stay located in Turin, Italy


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    Kongenitalni hiperinzulinizam (KHI) najčeŔći je uzrok tvrdokornih hipoglikemija u novorođenačkom i ranome dojenačkom razdoblju. Iako je bolest razmjerno rijetka s pojavnosti od oko 1 : 25ā€…000ā€“50ā€…000 živorođene djece, bolest se ne smije podcijeniti zbog trajnih neuroloÅ”kih oÅ”tećenja do kojih dolazi ako se bolest brzo ne otkrije i ne započne promptno liječiti. Uzrok su mutacije nekog od 7 gena, ključnih u regulaciji inzulinske sekrecije u b-stanicama guÅ”terače. Odmah nakon postavljanja dijagnoze nužno je u terapiju uvesti antihipoglikemike koji djeluju specifično na -stanice guÅ”terače. Kod teÅ”kih neonatalnih oblika nerijetko postoji rezistencija na antihipoglikemike. Tada preostaje kirurÅ”ko liječenje prije kojeg je potrebno odrediti histoloÅ”ki oblik bolesti, Å”to se danas uspjeÅ”no postiže kombinacijom genskog testiranja i scintigrafske pretrage. KirurÅ”kim se zahvatom najčeŔće postiže izlječenje kod fokalnog KHI, dok difuzni oblik ima loÅ”iju prognozu. Ovaj je tekst pregled novijih spoznaja o KHI, kojim želimo naglasiti važnost Å”to ranijeg postavljanja dijagnoze kao preduvjeta uspjeÅ”noga ciljanog liječenja bolesti, koje je posljednjih godina obogaćeno novim mogućnostima.Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a major cause of persistent hypoglycemia in the neonatal and early infancy periods. Althought the disease is relatively rare with incidence of about 1: 25ā€…000ā€“50ā€…000 live births, the importance of the disease should not be underestimated. Namely, prompt recognition and management of patients with CHI is essential, if permanent neurological impairment is to be avoided. CHI is caused by mutations in one of the 7 genes involved in the regulation of insulin secretion in pancreatic b-cells. It is important to introduce specific medical therapy as soon as diagnosis is established. Severe, neonatal forms of CHI are often resistant to medications, thus they require surgical procedure. The preoperative genetic testing and scintigraphy are indicated to distinguish histological subtypes of the disease (focal vs. diffuse CHI). Patients with focal disease are usually cured after pancreatic resection, while diffuse disease has much worse prognosis. This manuscript offers novel insights into CHI and emphasizes the role of early diagnosis as crucial for succesful treatment that was recently enriched with novel options

    A Framework for Integrated Energy Systems, Infrastructure and Services Optimization with Visualization and Simulation Platform for Low-carbon Precincts

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    Abstract: The energy informatics can be enhanced to support decision-making, communication and benchmarking of the energy performance both in design and operational phases. To enable engineers, developers and policy-makers to better understand the implications of energy systems and services, computer-generated visualization is a powerful tool to inform a range of technological options and to analyze the effects of energy system strategies. Visualization increases the transparency of results and the understanding of interactions between users and energy systems. This paper presents a novel conceptual framework for integrating energy systems, infrastructure and services optimization with a visualization and simulation platform. It focuses on the development of a tool for low-carbon energy systems and high quality energy services at precinct scale. The paper describes the vision and architectural design for the integrated framework. It is expected to serve as a next generation approach to managing energy services, carbon emissions and efficient resource use in the built environment. This will help to deliver new environmentally sustainable infrastructure and achieve carbon neutrality in urban development. Citation: Phdungslip, A., Martinac, I & Ngo, T. (2014). A Framework for Integrated Energy Systems, Infrastructure and Services Optimization with Visualization and Simulation Platform for Low-carbon Precincts. In: Campbell P. and Perez P. (Eds), Proceedings of the International Symposium of Next Generation Infrastructure, 1-4 October 2013, SMART Infrastructure Facility, University of Wollongong, Australia

    Multi-objective robust optimization of energy systems for a sustainable district in Stockholm

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    This paper applies a multi-objective robust design optimization approach to the energy system design of a sustainable district. The life cycle cost and the greenhouse gas emissions are the two objectives that are minimized. In order to investigate the possbility to implement a nearly zero energy district, the nonrenewable primary energy consumption is kept below a certain value, handled as a constraint in the optimization. Through the proposed robust design optimization methodology, the robust Pareto optimal solutions are obtained, which are less sensitive than the deterministic ones to the uncertainties assumed in the selected most influential economic and technical paramers as well as design variables.QC 20160923</p

    Multi-objective optimization of energy system designs for the Albano university campus in Stockholm

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    In this paper, a multi-objective optimization approach based on genetic algorithm is applied to the energy system design of a sustainable district ā€“ the new Albano university campus in Stockholm. The study aims to help district planners find optimal energy solutions that have good energy, environmental and economic performances. Three objectives are minimized: the non-renewable primary energy consumption, the greenhouse gas emissions, and the levelized life cycle cost. A wide range of energy conversion technologies and energy sources including both renewables and non-renewables have been modeled. The potential to recover waste heat from greywater and a prospective IT/Data center is analyzed. The energy system is modelled in steady-state and simulated in an hourly resolution with renewable energy production determined at real time. The optimization results are presented in the form of Pareto fronts, which helps district planners understand more clearly the trade-off between conflictingĀ objectives and make more informed decisions.QC 20160923</p

    Multi-objective optimization of energy system designs for the Albano university campus in Stockholm

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    In this paper, a multi-objective optimization approach based on genetic algorithm is applied to the energy system design of a sustainable district ā€“ the new Albano university campus in Stockholm. The study aims to help district planners find optimal energy solutions that have good energy, environmental and economic performances. Three objectives are minimized: the non-renewable primary energy consumption, the greenhouse gas emissions, and the levelized life cycle cost. A wide range of energy conversion technologies and energy sources including both renewables and non-renewables have been modeled. The potential to recover waste heat from greywater and a prospective IT/Data center is analyzed. The energy system is modelled in steady-state and simulated in an hourly resolution with renewable energy production determined at real time. The optimization results are presented in the form of Pareto fronts, which helps district planners understand more clearly the trade-off between conflictingĀ objectives and make more informed decisions.QC 20160923</p

    Managing climate-change-induced overheating in non-residential buildings

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    Large and rapid climatic changes can be uncomfortable and sometimes hazardous to humans. Buildings protect people from external climatic conditions, and also mitigate the impacts of external climate extremes through their design and construction, as well as with the help of dedicated building service and other technical systems. Active space conditioning accounts for more than 30 per cent of the overall final energy use in Germany. In the life cycle of a building, the construction phase (planning and construction) is the phase with the shortest duration. However, the quality applied during this phase has a significant impact on the resources required, as well as the overall building performance during the much longer operational phase. Once built, buildings are often unable to adapt to boundary conditions that were not considered in the original building design. Consequently, changing outdoor climate conditions can result in an uncomfortable indoor climate over the lifetime of a building. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of flexible solutions for reducing winter heating loads and to reducing/avoiding summer cooling loads in nonresidential buildings in Germany. Various external shading scenarios for non-residential buildings were analysed using the IDA ICE indoor climate and energy simulation tool. Key simulation parameters included the orientation and location of the building, as well as the envelope structure. We investigated the impacts of solar shading on heat storage in the building mass and indoor climate and how different types of envelopes affect overall energy use. The result shows that the use of an adaptive building envelope allows a higher reduction of the total energy demand by 7 % to 15 % compared to an increase in insulation thickness only