12 research outputs found

    Mastitis pathogens and their resistance against antimicrobial agents in herds of dairy cows situated in marginal parts of Slovakia

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    Marginal regions are relatively large part of the area Slovakia which in terms of the economy breeding ruminants can efficiently produce animal commodities only occasionally. Geographic, social and economic stability of these regions is strongly influenced by breeding of ruminants with market milk production. Mastitis is a disease complex that assumes highest clinical and economic significance in milk animals particularly medium to high yielding dairy cattle, usually in and around periparturient period. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different antibiotics against mastitis causing microorganisms during first month of lactation in two herds of 230 and 310 dairy cows situated in marginal parts of Slovakia. Milk samples from quarters were cultured and identified bacteria were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility test by disc diffusion method to a large number of antibiotics. The prevalence of mastitis in the monitored herds of dairy cows was 26.1% to 17.6%, respectively. A total of 1663 milk samples from udder quarters were investigated, 446 (21.3%) samples were positive. No pathogens were isolated from 1663 (78.4%) milk samples. From all tested bacteria Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. which were isolated from subclinical and clinical mastitis, were found amoxicillin + clavulanat and tetradelta to be most effective drug followed by ceftiofur and rifaximin. The significant difference was confirmed between the Staph. aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) isolates with respect to their susceptibility to the various antibiotics. Antibiotic susceptibility tests should be done to determine the effectiveness of drug that can be used for successful treatment of diseases. Proper isolation and identification of the causative organism play significant role in prevention and control of the diseases

    Effect of peroral supplementation with selenium and vitamin e during late pregnancy on udder health and milk quality in dairy cows

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    The aim of the experiment was to study selenium and vitamin E sources in the diet of dairy cows in late phase of pregnancy and their effects on udder health and milk quality during the first two weeks after calving. The experiment included 48 cows of Holstein breed divided into four equal groups (n = 12). The first experimental group (D1) was fed with addition of vitamin E in total dose of 1020 dl-a-tocopherol acetate Se/cow per day. The second group (D2) was added the selenium at a dose of 0.3 mg.kg-1 of DM in form of sodium selenite. The third group (D3) was supplemented with addition of vitamin E in combination with sodium selenite in total dose of 1020 dl-a-tocopherol acetate Se/cow per day and of 5.0 mg Se/cow per day, respectively. The control group (C) was without the addition of selenium and vitamin E. In group (D2) with addition of selenium at a dose of 0.3 mg.kg-1 of DM and vitamin E a dose of 50 mg dl-a-tocopherol acetate/kg of DM in diet, increased the plasmatic concentration of selenium and vitamin E and reduced the incidence of mastitis by 13.3% and number of somatic cells during peripartal period in comparison with other groups

    Influence of selenium and vitamin e supplementation during pregnancy on udder health and milk quality in dairy cows at parturition

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    Selenium and vitamin E ranks among very important antioxidant agents protecting the organism from the effect of reactive oxygen forms. The deficiency of both nutrients during pregnancy in cows often result in metabolic disorders and increased of cases of related diseases (mastitis, retained placenta and other reproductive disorders). The aim of the present work was to study the influence of different dose of parenteral administration selenium and vitamin E in dairy cows prior to parturition on selected metabolic parameters, udder health and milk quality. A total in herd of 270 Holstein cattle in east of Slovakia in a two-four lactation-gestation cycle the control group (C) and 2 experimental groups (D, D1) were selected. All groups were similarly housed, managed and fed with the diet containing from 36 to 42 mg vitamin E and 0.2 mg.kg-1 Se of DM through the study period. In group D a products containing vitamin E and selenium were administered IM four weeks prior to the expected date of parturition in total dose of 1000 mg of dl-α-tocopherol acetate and of 44 mg sodium selenite per cow, respectively. In group D1 the same products were administered twice, four and two weeks prior to parturition. Blood samples were 4 weeks prior to predicted calving date (the time of treatment), on parturition day and at 14th day after calving for assessment of plasma vitamin E and selenium concentrations. Blood samples of the calves were drawn from jugular vein at birth and first colostrum was also collected. The occurrence of the mastitis and retained placenta during the first 14th day after calving were evaluated in all groups. Higher plasmatic and colostral concentrations of selenium and vitamin E were found only in group with repeat application of Se and vitamin E (D1) collected on the day of parturition. At the 14th day of postpartal period a trend of lower occurrence of mastitis was observed in group D1 compared to D group, administered IM once and control group. Parenteral supplementation of selenium and vitamin E during pregnancy had no impact on their transmission into the milk and on the presence of bacterial agents in raw milk obtained from dairy cows diagnosed with mastitis.&nbsp

    Comparison of exterior traits in selected giant and medium rabbit breeds

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    [EN] Generally, in recent times across the breeding spectrum, rabbits of giant, medium, small and dwarf breeds have been reared. The largest representation among breeders at most breeding exhibitions held in central European countries is amongst giant and medium breeds. The aim of this work was to evaluate the qualities and exterior faults in selected giant and medium rabbit breeds in different colour varieties according to a current book of rabbit standards. Of 1779 rabbits from 11 exhibitions held in the territory of the Czech and Slovak Republics, 646 giant rabbits weighing 5.5 kg and over and 1133 medium rabbits between 3.25 to 5.5 kg of different breeds and colour varieties were selected. Giant (large) breeds population included 210 of Giant, 187 of Giant Papillon and 249 of Lop. In the medium weight category, 308 of Big Light Silver, 184 of Chinchilla Giganta and 641 of Vienna group breeds were selected. The qualities and exterior faults of typical breed traits were evaluated in six positions: weight, shape, type, coat, top colour or markings and undercolour. The results of the work show that the most common exterior faults in these categories were in the shape, type and coat positions. In the shape position, significant exterior faults were found, such as slightly protruding hips with slanting rump, worse legs position with bowed or splayed limbs and loose skin on the body. Especially observed in the type position in all selected breeds were narrow chest, body too lean or too long and a more delicate head with finer structure of ears. The coat was usually thick and less elastic with the lighter undercolour at the base of the skin and non-sharply defined intermediate colour. The data obtained are ground-breaking, representing a new approach to assist in the characterisation of giant and medium rabbit breeds included in a study and to select individuals with the best exterior properties with a view to improving the breed quality.This work was supported by projects KEGA no. 006UVLF-4-2020: Implementation of new scientific knowledge in teaching and improving the practical training of students in breeding technology from the Animal husbandry subject (Slovak) and the Cultural heritage of small homelands project, no. PPI-APM-2018-1-00010-U-001 (Poland)Zigo, F.; Pyskatý, O.; Ondrašovičová, S.; Zigová, M.; Šimek, V.; Supuka, P. (2020). Comparison of exterior traits in selected giant and medium rabbit breeds. World Rabbit Science. 28(4):251-266. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2020.12937OJS25126628

    Assessment of lipid peroxidation in dairy cows with subclinical and clinical mastitis

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    Mastitis is still one of the major causes of economic losses in dairy sector. The routine application of bacteriologic examination of milk samples is often insufficient and for this reason, alternative parameters are used to identify trends in the development of the udder health. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine the relationship of oxidative product levels, using malondialdehyde (MDA) as a marker on occurrence of mastitis and its causing pathogens. Dairy herd of 223 Slovak spotted cattle were tested for etiology and occurrence of mastitis based on assessment of clinical signs, abnormal udder secretions, Californian Mastitis Test (CMT) with subsequent collecting of milk samples for bacteriological examination. From 892 quarter milk samples were selected for MDA detection 51 subclinical (SM) and 26 clinical mastitis (CM) quarters with positive CMT score and positive bacteriological examination of Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. as well 40 healthy quarters. Results showed that among the current pathogens of the mammary gland belong CNS, S. aureus, S. sanguinis, S. uberis and E. coli, which were the most frequently isolated from SM and CM. The highest MDA level was observed from clinical cases of mastitis however, increased MDA levels were detectable from subclinical cases. Bacterial isolates from subclinical quarter milk samples are different levels of MDA. In this study, we found that quarter milk samples infected with S. uberis were higher compared to other pathogens. In conclusion, differences in both severity of mastitis and mastitic pathogens were associated with differences of oxidative products in infected udders

    Flea Communities on Small Mammals in Lowland Environment

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    The landscape of south-western Slovakia is characterised by anthropogenous reshaping, while fragments of undisturbed, waterlogged habitats have been preserved in what remains of the meandering ancient Žitava River. These refuges are inhabited by various small mammal species and their blood-sucking ectoparasites. Between 2014 and 2018, research on them was carried out in Slovakia’s Danubian Lowland (Podunajská nížina) during three out of the four seasons (spring, summer and autumn). The small mammals were captured at 27 localities. The occurrence of nine flee species from the Hystrichopsyllidae, Ctenophthalmidae and Ceratophyllidae families was documented on 12 small burrowing mammals. During the course of all the seasons in which research was conducted, Ctenophthalmus agyrtes, C. assimilis, Megabothris turbidus a Nosopsyllus fasciatus were found, among the most dominant species to be seen on small burrowing mammals

    Differentiation of flea communities of small mammals in selected habitats in the Eastern Tatra Mts

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    Research into small mammals and their ectoparasites was carried out in the Belianske Tatras during 2010–14, evaluating flea communities found on small mammals on the basis of species richness, abundance and level of infestation. Flea infestation of host species occurred mostly in C. glareolus with the highest infestation rates recorded in S. alpinus, the earlier mentioned C. glareolus, N. anomalus and N. fodiens. Based on their prevalence in all the examined hosts, the most frequent flea communities found were M. turbidus, C. agyrtes, A. penicilliger and P. soricis. In addition, flea prevalence in all the captured host species was evaluated. The most frequent flea communities were M. turbidus, P. soricis and D. dasycnema (8 host species); C. agyrtes and H. orientalis (7); A. penicilliger and P. bidentata (4); C. uncinatus, P. sylvatica and R. integela (3); and M. rectangulatus, N. fasciatus and C. bisoctodentatus (2), while A. nuperus and A. arvicolae were recorded in only one host species

    Exploring the Antiproliferative and Modulatory Effects of 1-Methoxyisobrassinin on Ovarian Cancer Cells: Insights into Cell Cycle Regulation, Apoptosis, Autophagy, and Its Interactions with NAC

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    Ovarian cancer, a highly lethal malignancy among reproductive organ cancers, poses a significant challenge with its high mortality rate, particularly in advanced-stage cases resistant to platinum-based chemotherapy. This study explores the potential therapeutic efficacy of 1-methoxyisobrassinin (MB-591), a derivative of indole phytoalexins found in Cruciferae family plants, on both cisplatin-sensitive (A2780) and cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer cells (A2780 cis). The findings reveal that MB-591 exhibits an antiproliferative effect on both cell lines, with significantly increased potency against cisplatin-sensitive cells. The substance induces alterations in the distribution of the cell cycle, particularly in the S and G2/M phases, accompanied by changes in key regulatory proteins. Moreover, MB-591 triggers apoptosis in both cell lines, involving caspase-9 cleavage, PARP cleavage induction, and DNA damage, accompanied by the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and mitochondrial dysfunction. Notably, the substance selectively induces autophagy in cisplatin-resistant cells, suggesting potential targeted therapeutic applications. The study further explores the interplay between MB-591 and antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC), in modulating cellular processes. NAC demonstrates a protective effect against MB-591-induced cytotoxicity, affecting cell cycle distribution and apoptosis-related proteins. Additionally, NAC exhibits inhibitory effects on autophagy initiation in cisplatin-resistant cells, suggesting its potential role in overcoming resistance mechanisms

    Ellagic Acid and Cancer Hallmarks: Insights from Experimental Evidence

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    Cancer is a complex and multifaceted disease with a high global incidence and mortality rate. Although cancer therapy has evolved significantly over the years, numerous challenges persist on the path to effectively combating this multifaceted disease. Natural compounds derived from plants, fungi, or marine organisms have garnered considerable attention as potential therapeutic agents in the field of cancer research. Ellagic acid (EA), a natural polyphenolic compound found in various fruits and nuts, has emerged as a potential cancer prevention and treatment agent. This review summarizes the experimental evidence supporting the role of EA in targeting key hallmarks of cancer, including proliferation, angiogenesis, apoptosis evasion, immune evasion, inflammation, genomic instability, and more. We discuss the molecular mechanisms by which EA modulates signaling pathways and molecular targets involved in these cancer hallmarks, based on in vitro and in vivo studies. The multifaceted actions of EA make it a promising candidate for cancer prevention and therapy. Understanding its impact on cancer biology can pave the way for developing novel strategies to combat this complex disease