150 research outputs found

    The determination of chemical structure of gluten-free bread with increased nutritional value

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    Potražnja za bezglutenskim proizvodima danas kontinuirano raste radi porasta broja osoba oboljelih od celijakije. Bezglutenski kruh prisutan na tržištu je uglavnom loše kvalitete i ima malu nutritivnu vrijednost. Cilj ovog rada je bio odrediti kemijski sastav, tj. udio vlage, pepela, proteina, masti i šećera u bezglutenskim kruhovima s i bez dodatka brašna žutog graška. Korištene su standarne metode za određivanje pojedinih sastojaka. Rezultati su pokazali da bezglutenski kruh s dodatkom brašna žutog graška sadrži veći udio proteina i mineralnih tvari, a manji udio šećera u odnosu na kruh bez njegovog dodatka. Upotreba tog istog brašna nije uzrokovala značajnu razliku u udjelu masti i vode među analiziranim kruhovima. Dodatak brašna žutog graška povećava prehrambenu vrijednost i poboljšava nutritivni sastav bezglutenskog kruha.The demand of gluten-free products is continuously growing due to the increase of the number of people suffering from celiac disease. Gluten-free bread available on the market is usually of poor quality and has low nutritional value. The aim of this paper was to determine chemical structure ie. the amount of moisture, ash, protein, fat and sugar in gluten-free bread with and without yellow pea flour. Standard methods were used to determine individual components. The result showed that gluten-free bread with yellow pea flour added contained higher amount of protein and mineral substances and lower amount of sugar in relation to the bread without added flour. The usage of that certain flour did not cause significant difference in the amount of fat and water among the analyzed breads. The supplement of yellow pea flour increases nutritional value and upgrades the nutritional components of gluten-free bread

    The determination of chemical structure of gluten-free bread with increased nutritional value

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    Potražnja za bezglutenskim proizvodima danas kontinuirano raste radi porasta broja osoba oboljelih od celijakije. Bezglutenski kruh prisutan na tržištu je uglavnom loše kvalitete i ima malu nutritivnu vrijednost. Cilj ovog rada je bio odrediti kemijski sastav, tj. udio vlage, pepela, proteina, masti i šećera u bezglutenskim kruhovima s i bez dodatka brašna žutog graška. Korištene su standarne metode za određivanje pojedinih sastojaka. Rezultati su pokazali da bezglutenski kruh s dodatkom brašna žutog graška sadrži veći udio proteina i mineralnih tvari, a manji udio šećera u odnosu na kruh bez njegovog dodatka. Upotreba tog istog brašna nije uzrokovala značajnu razliku u udjelu masti i vode među analiziranim kruhovima. Dodatak brašna žutog graška povećava prehrambenu vrijednost i poboljšava nutritivni sastav bezglutenskog kruha.The demand of gluten-free products is continuously growing due to the increase of the number of people suffering from celiac disease. Gluten-free bread available on the market is usually of poor quality and has low nutritional value. The aim of this paper was to determine chemical structure ie. the amount of moisture, ash, protein, fat and sugar in gluten-free bread with and without yellow pea flour. Standard methods were used to determine individual components. The result showed that gluten-free bread with yellow pea flour added contained higher amount of protein and mineral substances and lower amount of sugar in relation to the bread without added flour. The usage of that certain flour did not cause significant difference in the amount of fat and water among the analyzed breads. The supplement of yellow pea flour increases nutritional value and upgrades the nutritional components of gluten-free bread

    The determination of physico chemical parameters and the level of proteolysis in smoked dry cured ham

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti fizikalno-kemijske parametre: udio soli, proteina, boju i teksturu u uzorcima dimljenog pršuta, te stupanj proteolitiĉkih procesa što ukljuĉuje udio proteinskog i neproteinskog dušika, koncentraciju karbonila te indeks proteolize. Boja je odreĊena spektrofotometrom, tekstura teksturometrom, proteinski (N) i neproteinski dušik (NPN) metodom po Kjeldahlu, udio soli metodom po Mohru, koncentracija karbonila DNPH metodom, a indeks proteolize odreĊen je kao NPN/N omjer. Udio soli kretao se u rasponu od 6,64-9,63 %, udio ukupnih proteina 29,91-38,60%, udio proteinskog dušika 4,79-6,18% te udio neproteinskog dušika 1,10-2,71%. L* vrijednost iznosila je od 48,11-54,79, a* vrijednost 3,48-6,70 te b* vrijednost 5,49-8,58. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da dimljeni pršuti s višim indeksom proteolize imaju manju tvrdoću. TakoĊer uzorci s većim udjelom soli sadrţe manju koncentraciju karbonila tj. manji stupanj oksidacije proteina zbog konzervirajućeg djelovanja NaCl.The aim of this paper was to determine the physico-chemical parameters: salt and protein content, color and texture and the level of proteolytic processes including protein and nonprotein nitrogen, concentration of carbonyls and the proteolysis index in samples of smoked dry-cured ham. The color was determined by a spectrophotometer, texture by texture analyzer, protein (N) and nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) by Kjeldahl method, salt content by Mohr method, concentration of carbonyls by DNPH method and the proteolysis index as the NPN/N ratio. Salt content ranged from 6,64 to 9,63%, total protein content from 29,91-38,60%, protein nitrogen content from 4,79-6,18% and non-protein nitrogen content from 1,10-2,71%. L * value ranges from 48,11 to 54,79, a* value from 3,48 to 6,70 and b* value from 5,49 to 8,58. Obtained results showed that samples of smoked dry-cured hams with higher proteolysis index had lower hardness. Also samples with higher salt content had lower concentration of carbonyls therfore lower protein oxidation due to the conservation effect of NaCl

    Distribution of Trace Elements in Waters of the Zrmanja River Estuary (Eastern Adriatic Coast, Croatia)

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    This study aims to investigate the geochemical characteristics of waters of the highly stratified Zrmanja River estuary (eastern Adriatic coast, Croatia). For that purpose, data on salinity and distribution of 16 elements in surface and bottom water of the Zrmanja River estuary was used to assess the spatial variation of trace elements in the estuary water and to identify the main processes governing these variations. The composition of the investigated water was found to be determined primarily by natural factors. Mass concentration levels of dissolved elements were relatively low and typical for unpolluted waters and are considered to primarily reflect the geological and hydrogeological background of the catchment area. The distribution of element mass concentrations along the water column was found to primarily reflect different water masses, the river on the surface and sea at the bottom. Deviation from conservative behaviour for some elements in the bottom water is due to adsorption and desorption processes from the particulate phases. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Trendi v sekundarni preventivi po srčnem infarktu – umestitev novosti

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    Cilj sekundarne preventive po srčnem infarktu je zmanjšati tveganje za ponovne srčno-žilne dogodke, druge zaplete in umrljivost. Kljub medikamentni terapiji, ki so jo skozi čas priporočale smernice, je vedno ostajalo in še ostaja prisotno določeno preostalo srčno-žilno tveganje. Namen novejših raziskav je bil z dodatkom predvsem protitrombotičnih, hipolipemičnih ali protivnetnih zdravil brez pojavljanja pomembnih neželenih učinkov znižati to prisotno tveganje. V sklopu protitrombotičnega zdravljenja se je tako eno leto po akutnem koronarnem sindromu kot dodatek aspirinu izkazalo učinkovito podaljšano zdravljenje s tikagrelorjem ali z nizkimi odmerki rivaroksabana. Veliko novosti je tudi na področju hipolipemičnega zdravljenja, ki kot najbolj koristno zagovarja čim večje znižanje holesterola LDL. Raziskave kažejo, da so za doseganje ciljev učinkoviti ezetimib in zaviralci PCSK9. Tretja možnost učinkovitega proti-aterosklerotičnega zdravljenja so protivnetna zdravila, ki pa se še niso prebila v klinično prakso. Pri bolnikih po srčnem infarktu s sočasno sladkorno boleznijo dodaten ukrep v izboljšanju srčno-žilne napovedi izida omogoča uporaba agonistov receptorjev GLP-1 (angl. glucagon-like polypeptide-1) in zaviralcev SGLT2 (angl. sodium-glucose co-transporter 2). Če bolniki izpolnjujejo merila za uvedbo novih terapevtskih možnosti, je poleg zdravega življenjskega sloga smiselno čim bolj optimizirati medikamentno zdravljenje, saj lahko ob tem pričakujemo nadaljnje znižanje preostalega srčno-žilnega tveganja in s tem izboljšanje kakovosti življenja po srčnem infarktu

    The Self-Report Psychopathy Scale SRP-III and Its Correlation with the Five Factor Model

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati faktorsku strukturu Samoizvješća psihopatije SRP-III, s očekivanjem za 4 faktora (emocionalna hladnoća, eratični životni stil, antisocijalno ponašanje i interpersonalna manipulacija) te mogu li se IPIP 50 upitnikom ličnosti koji mjeri 5 generalnih dimenzija ličnosti (ugodnost, savjesnost, ekstraverzija, emocionalna stabilnost i intelekt) predvidjeti rezultati na dimenziji psihopatije SRP-III samoizvješća psihopatije. Uzorak je obuhvatio 190 studenata psihologije Hrvatskih studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, od čega 173 žene i 17 muškaraca, prosječne dobi od 21 godine. Za potrebe istraživanja prvi put je primijenjena hrvatska verzija Samoizvješća psihopatije SRP-III (Self-report psychopathy scale). Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su faktorsku strukturu originalnog instrumenta uz zadovoljavajuću pouzdanost dobivenih dimenzija: emocionalne hladnoće, eratičnoga životnog stila, antisocijalnoga ponašanja i impulzivnosti i manipulacije. Ujedno, rezultati su pokazali da se IPIP 50 upitnikom ličnosti može predvidjeti 49,5% varijance rezultata na dimenziji psihopatije, a najboljim prediktorima pokazali su se niska savjesnost i ugodnost, što je u skladu s većinom istraživanja, te ekstraverzija, čiji odnos sa psihopatijom još uvijek nije točno definiran, te intelekt.The aim of this study was to examine the factor structure of the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale SRP-III with expectation for four factors (Callous Affect, Erratic Lifestyle, Antisocial Behaviour and Interpersonal Manipulation) and to verify if it is possible to predict results on the "psychopathy" factor of SRP-III based on the results of dimensions of the Five Factor Model (Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Emotional Stability and Intellect). The sample comprised 190 psychology students from Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb (173 females and 17 males) with an average age of 21. For the purpose of this research, the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale SRP-III was used for the first time. Research results confirmed the factor structure of the original instrument and satisfactory reliability of four dimensions (Callous Affect, Erratic Lifestyle, Antisocial Behaviour and Impulsiveness and Manipulation). Also, the results showed that IPIP 50 Inventory can predict 49.5% of the variance for the psychopathy dimension of SRP-III. The most significant predictors were low agreeableness and conscientiousness, as it was theoretically expected, and extraversion, which has an undefined relationship to psychopathy, and intellect

    Distribution of rare earth elements in citrus leaves and reference materials (NIST SRM 1515 and ERM CD281)

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    The present study aims to discuss the data on levels and distribution of rare earth elements, including Y, (REYs) in leaves of three different citrus species (lemon, orange, and tangerine) and provide additional information about the major, minor and trace elements in two biological certified reference materials (CRMs), Apple leave (NIST SRM 1515) and Rye grass (ERM CD281). In all samples, element concentrations were determined by High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. The obtained data display substantial variability in the distribution of REY elements, not only between different citrus species but also between different genera of plants indicating their different uptake and accumulation abilities. Measured concentrations of REYs in citrus leaves were substantially lower compared to the literature values, although the fractionation indices were comparable. The data for CRMs provide additional information for the 14 elements in NIST SRM 1515 and the 30 elements in ERM CD281, including rare earth elements

    Non-traditional stable isotope signatures in geological matrices as a tool for interpreting environmental changes – a review

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    The development of new analytical techniques enabled the precise determination of the expanded set of stable isotopes and provided new insight into the existing geological issues. This review outlines recent studies of non-traditional isotope signatures in geological matrices, summarizing in one place new data for stable isotopes of Ca, Mg, Sr, Li, Ni, Cr, and Cu and their application in the interpretation of environmental processes. Although some of them, such as δ44Ca and δ26Mg, have been previously used to track changes in seawater chemistry throughout geological history, recent studies report their application as geochemical proxies of post- depositional processes. Similarly, isotopic signatures of strontium, previously used in radioactive isotope chronology, and δ7Li, used in tracing plate subduction and crust/mantle material cycling, found a new application in studies of weathering patterns. The use of δ53Cr and δ 65Cu isotope signatures, on the other hand, reflects their fractionation under different redox conditions, whereas δ60Ni, due to its adsorption and co-precipitation with sulfide species and Fe-Mn phases, is used in interpreting the contributions of different material sources. And while the isotopic signatures of all these elements indicate certain environmental conditions and processes (e.g. post-depositional processes, redox conditions, organic matter input, the contribution of sources, etc.), by combining them a more comprehensive insight into the investigated environment can be achieved