15 research outputs found

    Effect of Management of Patients with Anorexia and Bulimia nervosa on Symptoms and Impulsive Behavior

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    The aim of the study was to provide further and up to date information on the evaluation of the management of Anorexia and Bulimia nervosa at the Eating Disorders Unit (EDU) of the Ljubljana Psychiatric Clinic, based upon detailed assessment of the eating disorders specific and non specific symptoms of impulsive behaviors, highly correlated with these entities. 34 female patients with anorexia (restrictive or purgative type) and 38 female patients with Bulimia nervosa (purgative or non-purgative type) undergoing hospital treatment at the EDU were evaluated upon admission, as well as upon discharge and three and six months after discharge, using the Eating Disorder Questionnaire. Upon discharge a marked decrease in the overall symptoms was noted. The differences in symptoms incidences between the two groups were significantly specific for the individual form of eating disorder, especially upon admission, and were more pronounced in anorexia group. In later measurements, performed during the period of three and six months after discharge, a mild trend of increase in the disorder specific symptoms was detected in both groups, but was not statistically significant. In addition to binging on food, striking, quarreling and spending sprees are characteristics of patients with eating disorders, which in particular apply to the Bulimia nervosa group. Apart from the disorder specific symptoms, impulsive behavior was also reduced during study period, while the difference in its occurrence between the two groups gradually became non-significant. The management of patients with eating disorders at the EDU was successful in both groups, confirmed by an intense reduction of the disorder specific symptoms, impulsive behavior and increased stability recorded three and six months after discharge. The study strongly suggests that the effect of treatment regime for eating disorders can be predicted by careful assessment of the relevant symptoms and impulsive behavioral patterns

    Povezanost med družinskimi dejavniki in avtodestruktivnostjo pri slovenskih srednješolcih

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    Glede na visoko stopnjo samomorilnosti v slovenski mladostniški populaciji (20 na 100.000) smo poskušali v raziskavi pokazati povezave med avtodestruktivnim vedenjem slovenskih srednješolcev in njihovo družinsko situacijo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 4706 srednješolcev po načelih reprezentativnega vzorca. Rezultate smo pridobili s pomočjo obširnega vprašalnika. Rezultati so pokazali, da kot družinski dejavniki zaščite delujejo pozitivno doživljanje družinskega vzdušja, čustvena podpora staršev, manjša frekvenca konfliktov s starši in med starši in manjša prizadetost zaradi konfliktov

    Suicidalna ideacija pri slovenskih srednješolcih

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    The aim of the research was to assess the correlation between suicidal ideation and other risk factors for suicide in the representative sample of 4706 Slovene high school students in the age span from 14 to 19 years. 55,2% of the girsl and 31,1% of the boys reported suicidal ideation. We compared twogroups of the students: those with no reported suicidal ideation and those with suicidal ideation. The differences in the family and peer support, experienced problems, behaviour in distress, use of psychoactive drugs, numberof cases of suicidal behaviour in the close circle, level of depression and self-esteem were significant. There were no differences in the religiosity found between the groups. The results of the study offer importantdirections for prevention of the suicide risk in the adolescents.Besedilo je nadaljevanje članka, ki je bil objavljen v Psiholoških obzorjih (19954(3)). Nanaša se na interpretacijo rezultatov faktorske analize, ki so že bili opisani. Osredotoča se le na sedem faktorjev, ki vsebujejo različne dele samopodobe. V sklepnem delu je predstavljen hipotetični model samopodobe,strukturiran, multidimenzioniran, ne pa hierarhično urejen. Njegova glavna področja so: pozitivna, akademska, moralna, socialna, družinska samopodoba in samopodoba, ki se nanaša na ustvarjalnost in reševanje problemov

    Correlation of sports activity with stress and satisfaction with life among adult Slovenians

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the correlation of sports activity (SA) with stress experience and evaluation of satisfaction with life among adult Slovenians. Methods: Data was collected with a survey on a representative sample of 856 adult Slovenians (average age 39±13.73 years). We determined sports activity with incidence of any sports activity - times per week. To determine mental health, the respondents marked how often the 9 signs of stress appeared within a last month and how satisfied they were with their life. Scores on the first component of stress and satisfaction with life scale were computed using Anderson-Rubin method. The correlations between variables were evaluated using the Spearman correlation coefficient and general linear models

    Adolescent substance dependency in relation to parental substance (ab)use

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    Problem: Stanje odvisnosti pri mladostnikih, ki smo ga določili na nominalni ravni ter opredelili kot neodvisno spremenljivko, smo ugotavljali v zvezi z naslednjimi odvisnimi spremenljivkami: mladostnikova raven samospoštovanja, depresivnosti in ocena družinskega vzdušja ter starševska izraženost kazalcev zlorabe psihotropnih snovi. Metoda: Vključeno je bilo 197 družin (oče, mati, mladostnik - povprečna starost 17,2 let). Uporabljeni so bili naslednji kazalci: Rosenbergova lestvica samospoštovanja, semantični diferencial za oceno družinskega vzdušja, Zungova lestvica depresivnosti in (Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory) vprašalnik za ugotavljanje izraženosti odvisnosti od psihotropnih snovi SASSI-3. Hipoteze smo preverjali z univariatnimi in multivariatnimi pristopi ob upoštevanju dveh kovariat (ocene izraženosti odvisnosti mater in očetov). Rezultati: Pri odvisnih mladostnikih je bila ugotovljena pomembno višja raven depresivnosti, raven samospoštovanja in ocena družinske klime pa sta bili pomembno nižji. Očetje ne-odvisnih mladostnikov in matere odvisnih mladostnikov so se izkazali kot bolj ranljivi na področju kazalcev odvisnosti. Stanje odvisnosti pri mladostnikih je pogosteje razločevalo subskore SASSI-3 pri očetih kot pri materah. Zaključek: Rezultati kažejo, da so v skupini z odvisnimi mladostniki na vprašalnik odgovarjali bolj angažirani očetje. Poudarjena je potreba po večji podpori materam in večji vključenosti očetov v zdravljenje odvisnih mladostnikov.Problem: Relations between adolescents\u27 substance dependency status (yes-no) as independent and adolescent self and family evaluations and parental indicators of substance dependency as dependent variables were studied. Methods: All together 197 families were included (father, mother, adolescent -mean age of adolescent was 17.2 years). Rosenberg self - esteem scale, originally constructed semantic differential perceived family climate, Zung depression scale and SASSI-3 (Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory) instrument were applied. Multivariate and univariate approach were applied to verify hypotheses about differences in dependent variables regarding the independent one also with estimated mothers\u27 and fathers\u27 dependency as two covariates. Results: Level of depression was significantly higher, but level of self-esteem and family climate evaluation were significantly lower in dependent adolescents. Fathers of non-dependent adolescents and mothers of dependent adolescents were found more substance dependency vulnerable. Adolescent dependence status differed more frequently in fathers\u27 than in mothers\u27 SASSI-3 sub scores. Conclusions: Results indicate that in group of substance dependent adolescent families with healthier and more engaged fathers participated in the study. Support for mothers\u27 vulnerability and need for fathers\u27 involvement in treatment of dependent adolescent is underlined

    Non-pharmacological interventions for schizophrenia—analysis of treatment guidelines and implementation in 12 Southeast European countries

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    This study aimed to analyze treatment guidelines of 12 SEE countries to identify non-pharmacological interventions recommended for schizophrenia, explore the evidence base supporting recommendations, and assess the implementation of recommended interventions. Desk and content analysis were employed to analyze the guidelines. Experts were surveyed across the 12 countries to assess availability of non-pharmacological treatments in leading mental health institutions, staff training, and inclusion in the official service price list. Most SEE countries have published treatment guidelines for schizophrenia focused on pharmacotherapy. Nine countries-Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia-included non-pharmacological interventions. The remaining three countries-Kosovo (UN Resolution), Romania, and Slovenia-have not published such treatment guidelines, however they are on offer in leading institutions. The median number of recommended interventions was seven (range 5-11). Family therapy and psychoeducation were recommended in most treatment guidelines. The majority of recommended interventions have a negative or mixed randomized controlled trial evidence base. A small proportion of leading mental health institutions includes these interventions in their official service price list. The interventions recommended in the treatment guidelines seem to be rarely implemented within mental health services in the SEE countries