7 research outputs found

    'Res nullius'

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    Il presente contributo mira a ricostruire il regime delle 'res nullius' nel diritto romano, anche al fine di operare una distinzione rispetto alla categoria delle 'res nullius in bonis'. Partendo dai due ‘criteri guida’, vale a dire quello dell’attualità/possibilità dell’appartenenza e quello relativo al regime di appropriabilità, si giunge ad ammettere che le 'res nullius', rientrando nella più ampia categoria della 'res privatae', sarebbero state suscettibili di occupabilità: si tratta, infatti, di cose che, temporaneamente, erano sine domino (basti pensare, 'ex multis', agli animali selvatici come 'ferae bestiae', 'volucres', 'pisces', all’'insula in flumine nata' e all’'insula in mari nata'). Vengono poi prese in esame le problematiche sottese alla stessa nelle codificazioni di diritto vigente, ove si può rilevare come, anche al suo interno, il binomio ‘res nullius-occupabilità’ sia inscindibile

    Brevi annotazioni sullo stuprum per vim in età classica

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    EnThe essay aims to identify the time from which stuprum per vim (heterosexual and homoerotic) was submitted to the legislation on violence: to this purpose, the punitive profile and prescriptive regime of the case are relevant on the one hand, and the relationship between intent and violence on the other. It is also proposed to clarify whether the ascription to the vis legislation was due to the type of conduct or 'quoad poenam'.DeDer Beitrag zielt darauf ab, den Zeitpunkt zu bestimmen, ab dem das stuprum per vim (heterosexuell und homoerotisch) der Gewaltgesetzgebung unterworfen wurde: Zu diesem Zweck sind einerseits das Strafprofil und das präskriptive Regime des Falles und andererseits das Verhältnis zwischen Vorsatz und Gewalt relevant. Außerdem soll geklärt werden, ob die Zurechnung zur Sichtvermerksverordnung von der Art des Verhaltens abhängig war oder 'quoad poenam' erfolgte

    Sulla condizione giuridica del concepito, con speciale riguardo al procurato aborto

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    La tematica relativa all’aborto è sempre stata centrale nell’antichità e, in particolar modo, nel contesto romano, ove l’assetto giuridico viveva in perfetta sintonia con quello sociale e con la scienza medica. È proprio all’interno di siffatto contesto che sono emerse, sia nella produzione letteraria sia in quella giuridica, diverse accezioni per indicare il concepito, alle quali avrebbe fatto da contrappeso – sin da epoca assai remota – un regime sanzionatorio particolarmente duro verso la donna, considerata la sola e unica artefice cui addebitare la compromissione del desiderio paterno di filiazione; né deve stupire che già Plutarco e Dionigi di Alicarnasso avessero fatto rientrare il procurato aborto nel novero delle 'iustae causae repudii'. Esso avrebbe assunto, in progresso di tempo, rilievo pubblicistico, per poi essere stabilmente inserito tra i 'crimina extraordinaria', pur continuando a persistere la medesima finalità, vale a dire la repressione di una delle colpe reputate più odiose, insieme all’adulterio, di cui la donna potesse macchiarsi.The issue concerning abortion has always been very important in antiquity and, in particular, in the Roman context, where the legal framework lived in perfect harmony with the social framework and with medical science. It is exactly within this context that different meanings appeared, in both literary and legal production, to define the unborn, which would have been offset by a particularly harsh treatment, from the earliest times, towards the woman, who would have been considered the one and only author to whom the undermining of the paternal desire for filiation would have been charged. In fact, it is not surprising that Plutarch and Dionysius of Halicarnassus had already included procured abortion among the iustae causae repudii. Over time, it would take on public importance, and then be permanently included among the crimina extraordinaria, although the same purpose would continue to persist, i.e. the repression of one of the most odious offences, together with adultery, that women could be guilty o

    Studies on women as active subjects of crime in Roman law

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    La ricerca si prefigge di indagare sulla donna che commette reato nel corso dell’intera esperienza giuridica romana. Attraverso l’analisi delle fonti, con speciale riferimento a quelle letterarie, vengono analizzati i singoli illeciti in cui la donna stessa poteva assumere la qualifica di soggetto attivo, che danno luogo a un nutrito catalogo di fattispecie attinenti alla sfera sessuale, per quanto non manchino casi di maiestas e, più in generale, di cospirazione contro il principe. Nella presente ricerca si tenta dunque di investigare, proprio a partire dalla peculiare condizione riconosciuta alla donna all’interno della società romana, la sua dimensione ‘pubblica’, che sarebbe stata lesa con la commissione dell’illecito giacché la rea, in questo modo, avrebbe sovente compromesso un valore superindividuale, ossia la pudicitia. È proprio la lesione di siffatto principio, tale da assumere un ruolo centrale nel quadro dell’etica sessuale degli antichi romani, a giustificare la repressione degli illeciti femminili nella forma del crimen: non deve dunque meravigliare che la mulier, venuta meno all’onore familiare, sia sanzionata pubblicamente, potendosi intendere i reati dalla stessa commessi alla stregua di ‘attentati alla res publica’.The research aims to investigate the woman who commits a crime during the entire Roman legal experience. Through the analysis of the sources, with special reference to the literary ones, are analyzed the single illicit ones in which the woman herself could assume the qualification of active subject, which give rise to a large catalogue of cases related to the sexual sphere, although there are cases of ‘maiestas’ and, more generally, of conspiracy against the prince. In the present research, therefore, an attempt is made to investigate, starting from the particular condition recognized to women within Roman society, their ‘public’ dimension, which would have been damaged by the commission of the offence since the real, in this way, it would often compromise a superindividual value, namely modesty. It is precisely the violation of such a principle, such as to assume a central role in the sexual ethics of the ancient Romans, to justify the repression of female offences in the form of the crimen: it is therefore no wonder that the mulier, which has failed the family honour, is publicly sanctioned, being understood as crimes committed by the same as ‘attacks on the res publica’

    Alle origini della recidiva nell'esperienza giuridica romana

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    Sebbene manchi nell’esperienza giuridica romana un terminus technicus per qualificare la ripetuta commissione di illeciti previa condanna, si può ritenere che elementi riconducibili alla moderna recidiva siano emersi in progresso di tempo. Da diverse testimonianze, infatti, si evince come la reiterazione dell’illecito avrebbe comportato un inasprimento del trattamento punitivo, talvolta anche facendo mutare la qualificazione di fattispecie in termini di rilevanza penalistica. Alla luce di determinati passi, inoltre, a venire in questione sono alcuni paradigmi attigui alla recidiva, che con la medesima si combinano, inducendo un aggravamento o un’attenuazione della sanzione a seconda del comportamento tenuto nella vita precedente. In ulteriori occorrenze, infine, la recidiva appare integrata nonostante difetti un preventivo accertamento di reità, circostanza la quale avrebbe permesso di ancorare l’aumento della pena alla ricaduta nel reato invece che a una precedente damnatio.Although a terminus technicus to qualify the repeated commission of crimes after conviction is lacking in Roman legal experience, we can see some evidence of modern recidivism along the times. Several sources suggest that the repetition of the offence would have led to an increasing of the punishment, sometimes even causing a change in the qualification due to criminal relevance. In the light of certain passages, moreover, certain paradigms adjoining the recidivism counts: they are combined with it, leading to an aggravation or mitigation of the penalty depending on the behaviour in one’s earlier life. Finally, in further instances, recidivism appears realized despite of the absence of a former assessment of guilt and this made it possible dealing the increased penalty with the recidivism rather than with a past conviction


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    Il contributo contiene l'edizione critica e la traduzione dei frammenti del libri XV e XVI del commentario di Paolo 'ad edictum'

    Development, validation, and prognostic evaluation of a risk score for long-term liver-related outcomes in the general population: a multicohort study

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    Liver cirrhosis is a major cause of death worldwide. Cirrhosis develops after a long asymptomatic period of fibrosis progression, with the diagnosis frequently occurring late, when major complications or cancer develop. Few reliable tools exist for timely identification of individuals at risk of cirrhosis to allow for early intervention. We aimed to develop a novel score to identify individuals at risk for future liver-related outcomes. We derived the LiverRisk score from an international prospective cohort of individuals from six countries without known liver disease from the general population, who underwent liver fibrosis assessment by transient elastography. The score included age, sex, and six standard laboratory variables. We created four groups: minimal risk, low risk, medium risk, and high risk according to selected cutoff values of the LiverRisk score (6, 10, and 15). The model's discriminatory accuracy and calibration were externally validated in two prospective cohorts from the general population. Moreover, we ascertained the prognostic value of the score in the prediction of liver-related outcomes in participants without known liver disease with median follow-up of 12 years (UK Biobank cohort). We included 14 726 participants: 6357 (43·2%) in the derivation cohort, 4370 (29·7%) in the first external validation cohort, and 3999 (27·2%) in the second external validation cohort. The score accurately predicted liver stiffness in the development and external validation cohorts, and was superior to conventional serum biomarkers of fibrosis, as measured by area under the receiver-operating characteristics curve (AUC; 0·83 [95% CI [0·78-0·89]) versus the fibrosis-4 index (FIB-4; 0·68 [0·61-0·75] at 10 kPa). The score was effective in identifying individuals at risk of liver-related mortality, liver-related hospitalisation, and liver cancer, thereby allowing stratification to different risk groups for liver-related outcomes. The hazard ratio for liver-related mortality in the high-risk group was 471 (95% CI 347-641) compared with the minimal risk group, and the overall AUC of the score in predicting 10-year liver-related mortality was 0·90 (0·88-0·91) versus 0.84 (0·82-0·86) for FIB-4. The LiverRisk score, based on simple parameters, predicted liver fibrosis and future development of liver-related outcomes in the general population. The score might allow for stratification of individuals according to liver risk and thus guide preventive care. None. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.