957 research outputs found
Modeling the dynamics of maritime territories to assess the vulnerability of the maritime network
International audienceThe maritime supply chain of energy concerns all trips done between ports on the maritime space. The use of this space has in-crease since 1970. This increase is due to the globalization, a strong increase of the demand of energy and freight, containerization of goods and economies of scale (Rodrigue, 2013). Due to the development of maritime transport, a territorialization process appears on mari-time space (Parrain, 2012). For Di Meo (2001) âTerritorialize space is for a socie-ty to multiply places to install networks in both concrete and symbolicâ. These lo-cations exist on the maritime space, and can be physical (e.g. weather, reefs) socio-economical (E.g use for navigation, exploitation) or political/legal (e.g. TSS, EEZ). All these locations formalize a spatial heterogeneity and a spatial dynamic, due to the permanent evolution of maritime locations. These maritime territories can be risky for maritime transport, taking into account the environment, human activities or deliberate actions. Risks can product disruptions and affect the capaci-ty of a spatial mediator (maritime space) to link the different parts within this me-diator (Gleyze, 2005). The main goal of this research is to propose a modeling ap-proach of the maritime network; we use an agent-based system to simulate vessel trajectories. This approach will be able to measure, by the spatio-temporal features of disruption, the vulnerability of the maritime network and especially the mari-time supply chain of energy
A methodology to improve the assessment of vulnerability on the maritime supply chain of energy
International audienceThe globalization of trade is due to the transportation possibilities and the standardization (containerization of freight). The dependency of the economy to the sea and to the merchant navy has increase this last decade. This process forms a worldwide maritime network between the different locations of production and consumption. This network, representing between 80 % and 90% of world traffic is a major economic concern, including freight distribution, raw materials or energy. Rodrigue demonstrates[1] the economic dependency of energy is increasing in the industrialized countries (North America, Europe, East Asia). The inter-regional trade of oil was 31 million bbl/day in 2002 and is expected to grow up to 57 bbl/day in 2030 [2]. Most of the international traffic use a maritime way, where may occur disruptions. For example, the Suez crisis (1956-1957) caused a closure of the canal, reducing the throughput capacity of transportation. This disruption cost a 2 millions of barrels lost per day. This article focuses on vulnerability of the energy supply, and proposes a methodology to formalize and assess the vulnerability of the network by taking into account the spatial structure of maritime territories
Hypervariabilité génotypique des mélanomes : Un défi thérapeutique
On estime Ă environ 5 000 le nombre annuel de nouveaux cas de mĂ©lanome en France. La proportion des formes familiales est Ă©valuĂ©e, selon les sĂ©ries, entre 5 % et 10 %. Les aspects cliniques, histologiques et biologiques de progression du mĂ©lanome sont actuellement mieux connus ; les dĂ©veloppements technologiques rĂ©cents ont, quant Ă eux, permis dâaborder les mĂ©canismes molĂ©culaires de la progression tumorale et de mettre en lumiĂšre des gĂšnes impliquĂ©s dans cette Ă©volution. Toutefois, des difficultĂ©s importantes persistent : il existe une grande variabilitĂ© dans lâexpression de ces gĂšnes, non seulement dâun patient Ă lâautre, mais aussi selon les stades de la maladie, locaux ou mĂ©tastatiques ; par ailleurs, certaines des mutations retrouvĂ©es au cours du mĂ©lanome peuvent Ă©galement ĂȘtre prĂ©sentes dans des lĂ©sions bĂ©nignes (naevus). La variabilitĂ© gĂ©notypique associĂ©e au mĂ©lanome rend le ciblage thĂ©rapeutique complexe, et constitue actuellement un dĂ©fi majeur en termes de traitement. Cet article, volontairement non exhaustif, insistera surtout sur les anomalies gĂ©nomiques les plus Ă©tudiĂ©es, desquelles semblent naĂźtre des perspectives thĂ©rapeutiques intĂ©ressantes.Cutaneous melanoma remains a management challenge. Melanoma is the leading cause of death from skin tumors worldwide. Melanoma progression is well defined in its clinical, histopathological and biological aspects, but the molecular mechanism involved and the genetic markers associated to metastatic dissemination are only beginning to be defined. The recent development of high-throughput technologies aimed at global molecular profiling of cancer is switching on the spotlight at previously unknown candidate genes involved in melanoma. Among those genes, BRAF is one of the most supposed to be of interest and targeted therapies are ongoing in clinical trials. In familial melanoma, germline mutations in two genes, CDKN2A and CDK4, that play a pivotal role in controlling cell cycle and division. It is hope that this better understanding of the biologic features of melanoma and the mechanisms underlying tumor-induced immunosuppression will lead to efficaceous targeted therapy
Compilation for heterogeneous SoCs : bridging the gap between software and target-specific mechanisms
International audienceCurrent applications constraints are pushing for higher computation power while reducing energy consumption, driving the development of increasingly specialized socs. In the mean time, these socs are still programmed in assembly language to make use of their specific hardware mechanisms. The constraints on hardware development bringing specialization, hence heterogeneity, it is essential to support these new mechanisms using high-level programming. In this work, we use a parametric data flow formalism to abstract the application from any hardware platform. From this premise, we propose to contribute to the compilation of target independent programs on heterogeneous platforms. These developments are threefold, with 1) the support of hardware accelerators for computation using actor fusion, 2) the automatic generation of communications on complex memory layouts and 3) the synchronization of distributed cores using hardware mechanisms for scheduling. The code generation is illustrated on a telecommunication dedicated heterogeneous soc
Innovations et stratégies logistiques dans la filiÚre vitivinicole. Le rÎle des proximités
Lâobjectif de cet article est dâidentifier comment les entreprises de la filiĂšre vitivinicole bourguignonne articulent les diffĂ©rentes formes de proximitĂ©s pour gĂ©rer leur stratĂ©gie logistique aval (du dĂ©part de la cave au client) et les innovations quâelles ont mises en place pour rĂ©soudre leurs problĂšmes logistiques. Une analyse rĂ©alisĂ©e, Ă partir des informations collectĂ©es auprĂšs de 36 entreprises en Bourgogne, nous a permis de classer les entreprises en quatre catĂ©gories selon la combinaison de proximitĂ©s Ă©laborĂ©e : proximitĂ©s gĂ©ographique et organisĂ©e mais aussi proximitĂ© circulatoire qui tient compte de la qualitĂ© et de la fiabilitĂ© des transports.The objective of this paper is to identify how companies of Burgundian wine sector articulate the proximities to manage their downstream logistics strategy (departure from the enterprise to client) and the innovations they have implemented to solve their logistics problems. An analysis, based on information collected from 36 companies in Burgundy, have allowed us to classify firms into four categories according to the articulation of proximities implemented by companies: geographical and organized proximities but also circulatory proximity that takes into account the quality and reliability of transport
ControÌle d'application flot de donneÌes pour les systeÌmes sur puces : eÌtude de cas sur la plateforme Magali
International audienceLes applications embarqueÌes demandent toujours plus de puissance de calcul pour moins de consommation, avec comme conseÌquence l'apparition de systeÌmes sur puces deÌdieÌs. Dans le domaine du traitement du signal, le modeÌle de calcul flot de donneÌes est couramment utiliseÌ pour la programmation de ces systeÌmes sur puce. Il est donc neÌcessaire d'avoir un modeÌle d'exeÌcution adapteÌ aÌ ces architectures et reÌpondant aux contraintes applicatives. Dans ce tra- vail, nous proposons un nouveau modeÌle d'exeÌcution pour le controÌle d'applications flot de donneÌes. Notre approche s'appuie sur les liens entre les caracteÌristiques des applications et les performances selon le modeÌle d'exeÌcution associeÌ. Ce travail est illustreÌ avec une eÌtude de cas sur la plateforme Magali
Cognitive Radio Programming: Existing Solutions and Open Issues
Software defined radio (sdr) technology has evolved rapidly and is now reaching market maturity, providing solutions for cognitive radio applications. Still, a lot of issues have yet to be studied. In this paper, we highlight the constraints imposed by recent radio protocols and we present current architectures and solutions for programming sdr. We also list the challenges to overcome in order to reach mastery of future cognitive radios systems.La radio logicielle a eÌvolueÌ rapidement pour atteindre la maturiteÌ neÌcessaire pour eÌtre mise sur le marcheÌ, offrant de nouvelles solutions pour les applications de radio cognitive. Cependant, beaucoup de probleÌmes restent aÌ eÌtudier. Dans ce papier, nous preÌsentons les contraintes imposeÌes par les nouveaux protocoles radios, les architectures mateÌrielles existantes ainsi que les solutions pour les programmer. De plus, nous listons les difficulteÌs aÌ surmonter pour maitriser les futurs systeÌmes de radio cognitive
CapacitĂ© dâinnovation des entreprises agroalimentaires et insertion dans les rĂ©seaux : le rĂŽle de la proximitĂ© organisationnelle
Cet article sâinterroge sur le rĂŽle de la proximitĂ© dans le processus de transfert de connaissances et le potentiel dâinnovation des entreprises en sâappuyant sur des donnĂ©es issues dâune enquĂȘte directe auprĂšs de 41 entreprises agroalimentaires bourguignonnes. DiffĂ©rents types dâentreprises sont distinguĂ©es en fonction de leur potentiel interne et des rĂ©seaux dâinnovation dans lesquels ces entreprises sont insĂ©rĂ©es. Au-delĂ de la proximitĂ© gĂ©ographique, la proximitĂ© organisationnelle apparaĂźt comme un facteur essentiel dans la mise en relation entre entreprise et centres scientifiques et techniques.This article discusses the role of proximity in the process of knowledge transfer and in determining the innovation capacity of firms, using data from a direct survey of 41 agro-food firms in Burgundy. The authors identify different types of firms according to their internal potential and the networks they belong to. Beyond the geographical proximity, organizational proximity is essential for relationships between firms and scientific and technical centres
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