4 research outputs found

    Open source software in school administration

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    V današnjem času si uspešnega poslovanja ne moremo zamisliti brez učinkovite informacijske infrastrukture, ki pa zahteva veliko vzdrževanja in velik finančni vložek. Da bi poenostavili vzdrževanje in znižali stroške, smo na Višji strokovni šoli, Šolskega centra Ptuj, vpeljali pilotski projekt uporabe odprtokodne programske opreme v tajništvu in referatu. Vpeljali smo uporabo tankih odjemalcev in s tem omogočili uporabo drugače neuporabne strojne opreme. S tankimi odjemalci se preko nxclienta prijavimo na delovno postajo, ki uporablja xen virtualizacijo, v kateri je nameščen centos operacijski sistem. Z uporabo virtualizacije omogočimo enostavno nadgradnje in migracijo sistema. Programska oprema je nameščena na enem mestu, kar poenostavi posodobitve, varnostno kopije, upravljanje in dostopnost od koderkoli ter zaradi uporabljene programske opreme tudi večjo odpornost proti virusom. Za pisanje dokumentov se uporablja openoffice.org, za dostop do spleta firefox in poštni odjemalec thunderbird. Za izvajanje programov, ki ne tečejo v odprtokodnem sistemu GNU/Linux se povežemo na drug strežnik. Po dosedanjih izkušnjah, je delo hitrejše in bolj tekoče, kakor pred tem.Nowadays we can\u27t imagine successful work without effective information infrastructure, which demands a lot of a maintenance and also big money investment. In order to reduce maintenance and lower expense costs, we have introduced a pilot project of use of Open Source Software in secretary\u27s office at Post Secondary Vocational School at School Centre Ptuj. We have introduced the use of thin clients and thus enabled the use of otherwise not useable computer hardware. With the use of thin clients we connect to the workstation using nxclient. At the workstation, there is xen virtualisation on which centos operating system is installed. By using virtualisation we enable a simple upgrading and migration of the system. The software is installed in one place which simplifies updating, backup copies, maintenance and accessibility from everywhere and due to the used software also a higher virus resistance. Openoffice.org is used for writing documents, firefox is used for access to the Internet and thunderbird for emails. The usage of programs which do not run in the Open Source system GNU/Linux, we connect to another server. Judging by the present experience, the work is performed faster and more fluent compared to the past

    Robust Biaxial Motion Control for Laser Cutting Machine

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    ¾ A position control algorithm for a beltdriven servomechanism of a laser-cutting machine is described. High-accuracy position tracking control procedure for the system with inherent elasticity due to the low-cost belt-driven servomechanism is derived using sliding mode motion control strategy and Lyapunov design. The control design results in continuos sliding mode control law. It possesses all the good properties of the robust sliding mode and avoids the unnecessary discontinuity of the control input, thus eliminating chattering. The proposed robust position tracking control algorithm is used in an industrial application of a biaxial motion controller for the CNC laser-cutting machine. Experimental results are reported. I. INTRODUCTION Performances of movement transformation elements from motors to a machine tool play important role in a design of a motion controller. A mechanical construction of the machine and built-in drives define drive's performances. There are two major sourc..

    Robust Motion Control of XYTable for Laser Cutting Machine

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    The position control algorithm for a beltdriven servomechanism of the laser cutting machine is described. High-accuracy position tracking control procedure for system with inherent elasticity due to the low-cost belt-driven servomechanism is derived based on continuos sliding mode technique. The proposed robust position tracking control algorithm was tested by simulations and used in the industrial application of a motion controller for the CNC machine. Simulation and experimental results are reported. I. INTRODUCTION Tool machines have several motion axes. In order to control all motion axes servo controls with motion controllers are indispensable in CNC controllers for machining centers. Motion controllers must be able to guarantee execution of demanded motion, which satisfies the desired tolerance of the finished workpiece. There are two fundamental motion tasks, which are used in modern mechanical systems: PTP (Point-To-Point) movement for moving from one position point to another ..