705 research outputs found

    High index top layer for multimaterial coatings

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    For application in future cryogenically cooled gravitational wave detectors, the thermal noise of low absorbing mirror coatings has to be reduced. The development of low mechanical and optical loss materials is challenging, but thermal noise reduction can be significantly supported by using a multimaterial coating design. We analyze the possible improvement of the total (optical and mechanical) loss of a three-material based coating obtained by optimizing the properties of the top layer of the coating stack. A top-layer material with sufficiently high refractive index could have a significantly higher optical and mechanical loss than currently used tantala, while still enabling reduction of the total coating loss. Restrictions on possible top-layer material properties are made, and the option of a crystalline top layer is discussed

    Mapping the optical absorption of a substrate-transferred crystalline AlGaAs coating at 1.5 µm

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    The sensitivity of 2nd and 3rd generations of interferometric gravitational wave detectors will be limited by thermal noise of the test-mass mirrors and highly reflective coatings. Recently developed crystalline coatings show a promising thermal noise reduction compared to presently used amorphous coatings. However, stringent requirements apply to the optical properties of the coatings as well. We have mapped the optical absorption of a crystalline AlGaAs coating which is optimized for high reflectivity for a wavelength of 1064nm. The absorption was measured at 1550nm where the coating stack transmits approximately 70% of the laser light. The measured absorption was lower than (30.2 +/- 11.1)ppm which is equivalent to (3.6 +/- 1.3)ppm for a coating stack that is highly reflective at 1530nm. While this is a very promising low absorption result for alternative low--loss coating materials, further work will be necessary to reach the requirements of <1ppm for future gravitational wave detectors. Jessica Steinlechner, Iain W Martin, Angus Bell, Garrett Cole, Jim Hough, Steven Penn, Sheila Rowan, Sebastian Steinlechne

    Effect of stress and temperature on the optical properties of silicon nitride membranes at 1550 nm

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    Future gravitational-wave detectors operated at cryogenic temperatures are expected to be limited by thermal noise of the highly reflective mirror coatings. Silicon nitride is an interesting material for such coatings as it shows very low mechanical loss, a property related to low thermal noise, which is known to further decrease under stress. Low optical absorption is also required to maintain the low mirror temperature. Here, we investigate the effect of stress on the optical properties at 1,550 nm of silicon nitride membranes attached to a silicon frame. Our approach includes the measurement of the thermal expansion coefficient and the thermal conductivity of the membranes. The membrane and frame temperatures are varied, and translated into a change in stress using finite element modeling. The resulting product of the optical absorption and thermo-optic coefficient (dn/dT) is measured using photothermal common-path interferometry

    Thermal noise from icy mirrors in gravitational wave detectors

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    The detection of gravitational waves has established a new and very exciting field of astronomy in the past few years. To increase the number of detections and allow observation of a wider range of sources, several future gravitational wave detectors will operate at cryogenic temperatures. Recent investigations of a mirror in one of the cryostats of the Japanese KAGRA detector showed a decrease in reflectivity due to ice growth, induced by residual water molecules moving from the warm to the cold sections of the detector's vacuum system. Based on the optical measurements made in KAGRA, in this paper we calculate the implications of an ice layer on coating thermal noise for the planned European Einstein Telescope. We find coating thermal noise to oscillate, due to periodic reflectivity changes as the ice layer grows. The average coating thermal noise increases significantly over a time of one year with a larger increase at higher temperatures

    Optical absorption of ion-beam sputtered amorphous silicon coatings

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    Low mechanical loss at low temperatures and a high index of refraction should make silicon optimally suited for thermal noise reduction in highly reflective mirror coatings for gravitational wave detectors. However, due to high optical absorption, amorphous silicon (aSi) is unsuitable for being used as a direct high-index coating material to replace tantala. A possible solution is a multimaterial design, which enables exploitation of the excellent mechanical properties of aSi in the lower coating layers. The possible number of aSi layers increases with absorption reduction. In this work, the optimum heat treatment temperature of aSi deposited via ion-beam sputtering was investigated and found to be 450 °C. For this temperature, the absorption after deposition of a single layer of aSi at 1064 nm and 1550 nm was reduced by more than 80%

    Silicon nitride and silica quarter-wave stacks for low-thermal-noise mirror coatings

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    This study investigates a multilayer high reflector with new coating materials for next-generation laser interferometer gravitational wave detectors operated at cryogenic temperatures. We use the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition method to deposit amorphous silicon nitride and silica quarter-wave high-reflector stacks and studied the properties pertinent to the coating thermal noise. Room- and cryogenic-temperature mechanical loss angles of the silicon nitride and silica quarter-wave bilayers are measured using the cantilever ring-down method. We show, for the first time, that the bulk and shear loss angles of the coatings can be obtained from the cantilever ring-down measurement, and we use the bulk and shear losses to calculate the coating thermal noise of silicon nitride and silica high-reflector coatings. The mechanical loss angle of the silicon nitride and silica bilayer is dispersive with a linear weakly positive frequency dependence, and, hence, the coating thermal noise of the high reflectors show a weakly positive frequency dependence in addition to the normal 1/ vf dependence. The coating thermal noise of the silicon nitride and silica high-reflector stack is compared to the lower limit of the coating thermal noise of the end test mirrors of ET-LF, KAGRA, LIGO Voyager, and the directly measured coating thermal noise of the current coatings of Advanced LIGO. The optical absorption of the silicon nitride and silica high reflector at 1550 nm is 45.9 ppm. Using a multimaterial system composed of seven pairs of ion-beam-sputter deposited Ti∶Ta2O5 and silica and nine pairs of silicon nitride and silica on a silicon substrate, the optical absorption can be reduced to 2 ppm, which meets the specification of LIGO Voyager

    Anomalous optical surface absorption in nominally pure silicon samples at 1550 nm

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    The announcement of the direct detection of Gravitational Waves (GW) by the LIGO and Virgo collaboration in February 2016 has removed any uncertainty around the possibility of GW astronomy. It has demonstrated that future detectors with sensitivities ten times greater than the Advanced LIGO detectors would see thousands of events per year. Many proposals for such future interferometric GW detectors assume the use of silicon test masses. Silicon has low mechanical loss at low temperatures, which leads to low displacement noise for a suspended interferometer mirror. In addition to the low mechanical loss, it is a requirement that the test masses have a low optical loss. Measurements at 1550 nm have indicated that material with a low enough bulk absorption is available; however there have been suggestions that this low absorption material has a surface absorption of > 100 ppm which could preclude its use in future cryogenic detectors. We show in this paper that this surface loss is not intrinsic but is likely to be a result of particular polishing techniques and can be removed or avoided by the correct polishing procedure. This is an important step towards high gravitational wave detection rates in silicon based instruments

    How can amorphous silicon improve current gravitational-wave detectors?

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    Thermal noise in the highly reflective mirror coatings is one of the main limitations to the sensitivity of current gravitational-wave detectors. Amorphous silicon (aSi) is an ideal material to reduce thermal noise. Due to high optical absorption at 1064 nm, so far it was mainly considered as a candidate for future, cryogenic detectors using longer wavelengths. This paper summarizes the current state-of-the-art of the optical absorption of aSi at 1064 nm. We show how recent improvements in aSi absorption, and the development of multimaterial coatings, make the use of aSi at 1064 nm realistic, and discuss the possible thermal-noise improvement and corresponding optical absorption in room-temperature gravitational-wave detectors

    Optical absorption of silicon nitride membranes at 1064 nm and at 1550 nm

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    Because of a low mechanical loss, thin films made of silicon nitride (Si3N4) are interesting for fundamental research and development in the field of gravitational-wave detection. Si3N4 membranes allow for the characterization of quantum radiation pressure noise (RPN), which will be a limiting noise source in gravitational-wave detectors of the second and third generations. Furthermore, Si3N4 is an interesting material for possible thermal noise reduction in highly reflective mirror coatings. For both applications, the optical absorption of Si3N4 needs to be low. This paper presents absorption measurements on low-stress Si3N4 membranes showing an absorption a factor of 7 lower at 1550 nm than at 1064 nm resulting in an estimated 2 times higher sensitivity in RPN experiments at the higher wavelength and making Si3N4 an interesting material for highly reflective multimaterial mirror coatings at 1550 nm

    Thermal Noise Reduction and Absorption Optimisation via Multi-Material Coatings

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    Future gravitational wave detectors (GWDs) such as Advanced LIGO upgrades and the Einstein Telescope are planned to operate at cryogenic temperatures using crystalline silicon (cSi) test-mass mirrors at an operation wavelength of 1550 nm. The reduction in temperature in principle provides a direct reduction in coating thermal noise, but the presently used coating stacks which are composed of silica (SiO2) and tantala (Ta2O5) show cryogenic loss peaks which results in less thermal noise improvement than might be expected. Due to low mechanical loss at low temperature amorphous silicon (aSi) is a very promising candidate material for dielectric mirror coatings and could replace Ta2O5. Unfortunately, such a aSi/SiO2 coating is not suitable for use in GWDs due to high optical absorption in aSi coatings. We explore the use of a three material based coating stack. In this multi-material design the low absorbing Ta2O5 in the outermost coating layers significantly reduces the incident light power, while aSi is used only in the lower bilayers to maintain low optical absorption. Such a coating design would enable a reduction of Brownian thermal noise by 25%. We show experimentally that an optical absorption of only (5.3 +/- 0.4)ppm at 1550 nm should be achievable
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