28 research outputs found

    Molecular architecture of the endocytic TPLATE complex

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    Eukaryotic cells rely on endocytosis to regulate their plasma membrane proteome and lipidome. Most eukaryotic groups, except fungi and animals, have retained the evolutionary ancient TSET complex as an endocytic regulator. Unlike other coatomer complexes, structural insight into TSET is lacking. Here, we reveal the molecular architecture of plant TSET [TPLATE complex (TPC)] using an integrative structural approach. We identify crucial roles for specific TSET subunits in complex assembly and membrane interaction. Our data therefore generate fresh insight into the differences between the hexameric TSET in Dictyostelium and the octameric TPC in plants. Structural elucidation of this ancient adaptor complex represents the missing piece in the coatomer puzzle and vastly advances our functional as well as evolutionary insight into the process of endocytosis

    Distinct EH domains of the endocytic TPLATE complex confer lipid and protein binding

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    Clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) is the gatekeeper of the plasma membrane. In contrast to animals and yeasts, CME in plants depends on the TPLATE complex (TPC), an evolutionary ancient adaptor complex. However, the mechanistic contribution of the individual TPC subunits to plant CME remains elusive. In this study, we used a multidisciplinary approach to elucidate the structural and functional roles of the evolutionary conserved N-terminal Eps15 homology (EH) domains of the TPC subunit AtEH1/Pan1. By integrating high-resolution structural information obtained by X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy with all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, we provide structural insight into the function of both EH domains. Both domains bind phosphatidic acid with a different strength, and only the second domain binds phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. Unbiased peptidome profiling by mass-spectrometry revealed that the first EH domain preferentially interacts with the double N-terminal NPF motif of a previously unidentified TPC interactor, the integral membrane protein Secretory Carrier Membrane Protein 5 (SCAMP5). Furthermore, we show that AtEH/Pan1 proteins control the internalization of SCAMP5 via this double NPF peptide interaction motif. Collectively, our structural and functional studies reveal distinct but complementary roles of the EH domains of AtEH/Pan1 in plant CME and connect the internalization of SCAMP5 to the TPLATE complex. AtEH/Pan1 proteins contain two N-terminal Eps15 homology (EH) domains and are subunits of the endocytic TPLATE complex present in plants. Here, the authors combine X-ray crystallography, NMR and MD simulations with biochemical and in planta analysis to characterize the two AtEH1/Pan1 EH domains and reveal their structural differences and complementary functional roles

    Small secreted proteins and exocytosis regulators: do they go along?

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    Small secreted proteins play an important role in plant development, as well as in reactions to changes in the environment. In Arabidopsis thaliana, they are predominantly members of highly expanded families, such as the pathogenesis-related (PR) 1-like protein family, whose most studied member PR1 is involved in plant defense responses by a so far unknown mechanism, or Clavata3/Endosperm Surrounding Region (CLE) protein family, whose members’ functions in the development are well described. Our survey of the existing literature for the two families showed a lack of details on their localization, trafficking, and exocytosis. Therefore, in order to uncover the modes of their secretion, we tested the hypothesis that a direct link between the secreted cargoes and the secretion regulators such as Rab GTPases, SNAREs, and exocyst subunits could be established using in silico co-expression and clustering approaches. We employed several independent techniques to uncover that only weak co-expression links could be found for limited numbers of secreted cargoes and regulators. We propose that there might be particular spatio-temporal requirements for PR1 and CLE proteins to be synthesized and secreted, and efforts to experimentally cover these discrepancies should be invested along with functional studies

    DataSheet_2_Comprehensive analysis of glycerolipid dynamics during tobacco pollen germination and pollen tube growth.xlsx

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    Pollen germination and subsequent pollen tube elongation are essential for successful land plant reproduction. These processes are achieved through well-documented activation of membrane trafficking and cell metabolism. Despite this, our knowledge of the dynamics of cellular phospholipids remains scarce. Here we present the turnover of the glycerolipid composition during the establishment of cell polarity and elongation processes in tobacco pollen and show the lipid composition of pollen plasma membrane-enriched fraction for the first time. To achieve this, we have combined several techniques, such as lipidomics, plasma membrane isolation, and live-cell microscopy, and performed a study with different time points during the pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Our results showed that tobacco pollen tubes undergo substantial changes in their whole-cell lipid composition during the pollen germination and growth, finding differences in most of the glycerolipids analyzed. Notably, while lysophospholipid levels decrease during germination and growth, phosphatidic acid increases significantly at cell polarity establishment and continues with similar abundance in cell elongation. We corroborated these findings by measuring several phospholipase activities in situ. We also observed that lysophospholipids and phosphatidic acid are more abundant in the plasma membrane-enriched fraction than that in the whole cell. Our results support the important role for the phosphatidic acid in the establishment and maintenance of cellular polarity in tobacco pollen tubes and indicate that plasma membrane lysophospholipids may be involved in pollen germination.</p

    DataSheet_1_Comprehensive analysis of glycerolipid dynamics during tobacco pollen germination and pollen tube growth.docx

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    Pollen germination and subsequent pollen tube elongation are essential for successful land plant reproduction. These processes are achieved through well-documented activation of membrane trafficking and cell metabolism. Despite this, our knowledge of the dynamics of cellular phospholipids remains scarce. Here we present the turnover of the glycerolipid composition during the establishment of cell polarity and elongation processes in tobacco pollen and show the lipid composition of pollen plasma membrane-enriched fraction for the first time. To achieve this, we have combined several techniques, such as lipidomics, plasma membrane isolation, and live-cell microscopy, and performed a study with different time points during the pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Our results showed that tobacco pollen tubes undergo substantial changes in their whole-cell lipid composition during the pollen germination and growth, finding differences in most of the glycerolipids analyzed. Notably, while lysophospholipid levels decrease during germination and growth, phosphatidic acid increases significantly at cell polarity establishment and continues with similar abundance in cell elongation. We corroborated these findings by measuring several phospholipase activities in situ. We also observed that lysophospholipids and phosphatidic acid are more abundant in the plasma membrane-enriched fraction than that in the whole cell. Our results support the important role for the phosphatidic acid in the establishment and maintenance of cellular polarity in tobacco pollen tubes and indicate that plasma membrane lysophospholipids may be involved in pollen germination.</p

    Plant PIP2-dependent phospholipase D activity is regulated by phosphorylation

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    AbstractPhospholipase D (PLD) forms the major family of phospholipases that was first discovered and cloned in plants. In this report we have shown, for the first time, that C2 phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2)-dependent PLD(s) from 5 day hypocotyls of Brassica oleracea associated with plasma membrane is covalently modified-phosphorylated. Pre-incubation of the plasma membrane fraction with acid phosphatase resulted in concentration-dependent inhibition of PIP2-dependent PLD activity. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry of tryptic in-gel digests, the BoPLDγ1,2 isoform was identified. Comparing the spectra of the proteins obtained from the plasma membrane fractions treated and non-treated with acid phosphatase, three peptides differing in the mass of the phosphate group (80 Da) were revealed: TMQMMYQTIYK, EVADGTVSVYNSPR and KASKSRGLGK which possess five potential Ser/Thr phosphorylation sites. Our findings suggest that a phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanism may be involved in the regulation of plant PIP2-dependent PLDγ activity

    EXO70A2 Is Critical for Exocyst Complex Function in Pollen Development

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    A pollen-specific component of the exocyst, a protein complex regulating cellular secretion, plays an important role in pollen development and function in Arabidopsis. Pollen development, pollen grain germination, and pollen tube elongation are crucial biological processes in angiosperm plants that need precise regulation to deliver sperm cells to ovules for fertilization. Highly polarized secretion at a growing pollen tube tip requires the exocyst tethering complex responsible for specific targeting of secretory vesicles to the plasma membrane. Here, we demonstrate that Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) EXO70A2 (At5g52340) is the main exocyst EXO70 isoform in the male gametophyte, governing the conventional secretory function of the exocyst, analogous to EXO70A1 (At5g03540) in the sporophyte. Our analysis of a CRISPR-generated exo70a2 mutant revealed that EXO70A2 is essential for efficient pollen maturation, pollen grain germination, and pollen tube growth. GFP:EXO70A2 was localized to the nucleus and cytoplasm in developing pollen grains and later to the apical domain in growing pollen tube tips characterized by intensive exocytosis. Moreover, EXO70A2 could substitute for EXO70A1 function in the sporophyte, but not vice versa, indicating partial functional redundancy of these two closely related isoforms and higher specificity of EXO70A2 for pollen development-related processes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the ancient duplication of EXO70A, one of which is always highly expressed in pollen, occurred independently in monocots and dicots. In summary, EXO70A2 is a crucial component of the exocyst complex in Arabidopsis pollen that is required for efficient plant sexual reproduction

    Details in the interaction of AtCP with the membrane containing phosphatidic acid.

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    <p><b>A</b> Sequence comparison of C-terminal parts of CPα (CPα-Cterm) from different species. The mafft algorith <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002765#pcbi.1002765-Katoh1" target="_blank">[40]</a> was used to construct multiple alignments and the final figure was produced using the Jalview alignment editor <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002765#pcbi.1002765-Waterhouse1" target="_blank">[56]</a>. Abbreviations used: At – <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>, Gg – <i>Gallus gallus</i>, Hs – <i>Homo sapiens</i>, Mb - <i>Monosiga brevicollis</i>, Os – <i>Oryza sativa</i>, Pp – <i>Physcomitrella patens</i>, Sc - <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>, Sm - <i>Selaginella moellendorffii</i>, Sp - <i>Schizosaccharomyces pombe</i>. Red asterisk marks conserved Lys in plants. <b>B</b> A detailed view of AtCP interaction with membrane containing 20% POPA (charge −2)/POPC. This figure was prepared using VMD <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002765#pcbi.1002765-Humphrey1" target="_blank">[54]</a>. <b>C</b> Protein-lipid overlay assay for detecting interacting lipids. CPα-Cterm shows a preference for PA and PPIs. GST-CPα-Cterm bound to the lipids was detected by immunoblotting with an antibody against GST. Figure shows a representative result from 3 different experiments. <b>D</b> Liposome-binding assay of CPα-Cterm. PA binding was determined using 200 nm-sized vesicles containing 20% PA/PC or PC alone. After incubation of GST-AtCPα-Cterm with the vesicles, they were recovered by ultracentrifugation and protein bound was analysed by SDS-PAGE. As negative control, GST alone was used. Figure shows representative result from 4 different experiments.</p