4,759 research outputs found

    Total Domishold Graphs: a Generalization of Threshold Graphs, with Connections to Threshold Hypergraphs

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    A total dominating set in a graph is a set of vertices such that every vertex of the graph has a neighbor in the set. We introduce and study graphs that admit non-negative real weights associated to their vertices such that a set of vertices is a total dominating set if and only if the sum of the corresponding weights exceeds a certain threshold. We show that these graphs, which we call total domishold graphs, form a non-hereditary class of graphs properly containing the classes of threshold graphs and the complements of domishold graphs, and are closely related to threshold Boolean functions and threshold hypergraphs. We present a polynomial time recognition algorithm of total domishold graphs, and characterize graphs in which the above property holds in a hereditary sense. Our characterization is obtained by studying a new family of hypergraphs, defined similarly as the Sperner hypergraphs, which may be of independent interest.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Energy harvesting from electric and magnetic fields in substations for powering autonomous sensors

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    This poster presentation looks at energy harvesting from electric and magnetic fields in substations for powering autonomous sensor

    A novel inductive electromagnetic energy harvester for condition monitoring sensors

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    As the operation of electrical power networks becomes increasingly sophisticated, the role of condition monitoring is expanding. The burden of implementing additional condition monitoring will be eased if self-powered, fully autonomous sensors can be used to reduce installation and maintenance costs. Changing batteries is inconvenient and standard mains power is often not available where sensors are needed. Existing commercial inductive harvesters to power sensors must be fitted around high voltage transmission lines, which requires either a power outage or live line installation. In this paper, an alternative harvester is presented which can be installed at any location where there is sufficient magnetic field. Magnetic flux densities within a cable tunnel are considered, from which a suitable target is defined for the magnetic flux density range over which the harvester must provide power to the sensor. optimisation of output power per unit volume limits cost and allows placement of sensors in locations with restricted space. Coil parameters to achieve high output power per unit volume are discussed and experimental results are presented that demonstrate effective energy harvesting. A coil design for a typical cable tunnel is proposed

    Measuring individual differences in generic beliefs in conspiracy theories across cultures: the Conspiracy Mentality Questionnaire (CMQ)

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    Conspiracy theories are ubiquitous when it comes to explaining political events and societal phenomena. Individuals differ not only in the degree to which they believe in specific conspiracy theories, but also in their general susceptibility to explanations based on such theories, that is, their conspiracy mentality. We present the Conspiracy Mentality Questionnaire (CMQ), an instrument designed to efficiently assess differences in the generic tendency to engage in conspiracist ideation within and across cultures. The CMQ is available in English, German, and Turkish. In four studies, we examined the CMQ’s factorial structure, reliability, measurement equivalence across cultures, and its convergent, discriminant, and predictive validity. Analyses based on a cross-cultural sample (Study 1a; N = 7,766) supported the conceptualization of conspiracy mentality as a one-dimensional construct across the three language versions of the CMQ that is stable across time (Study 1b; N = 141). Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated cross-cultural measurement equivalence of the CMQ items. The instrument could therefore be used to examine differences in conspiracy mentality between European, North American, and Middle Eastern cultures. In Studies 2–4 (total N = 476), we report (re-)analyses of three datasets demonstrating the validity of the CMQ in student and working population samples in the UK and Germany. First, attesting to its convergent validity, the CMQ was highly correlated with another measure of generic conspiracy belief. Second, the CMQ showed patterns of meaningful associations with personality measures (e.g., Big Five dimensions, schizotypy), other generalized political attitudes (e.g., social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism), and further individual differences (e.g., paranormal belief, lack of socio-political control). Finally, the CMQ predicted beliefs in specific conspiracy theories over and above other individual difference measures

    Quantification of growth hormone in serum by isotope dilution mass spectrometry

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    Inter-assay variation of antibody based routine tests is hampering comparability of measurement results for growth hormone (GH) between different laboratories and decision making in clinical practice. Here it is demonstrated, that quantification of GH by isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) constitutes a way to precise and reliable results which can be referred to in evaluation of performance of commercial test kits. With the IDMS method developed, tryptic cleavage products YSFLQNPQTSLCFSESIPTPSNR (T6) and LEDGSPR (T12) of GH are quantified by LC/MS-MS using the isotopically labeled forms of the peptides as internal standards. The GH cleavage fragments are obtained by whole-serum tryptic proteolysis and then extracted from the resulting mixture by semi-preparative reversed phase liquid chromatography followed by strong cation-exchange chromatography. Method validation basing on recovery of recombinant 22 kDa GH spiked to blank serum in defined amounts covering the intended concentration range (3-30 µg/L) would yield mean recoveries of 101.6% (100.7%), standard deviations of 2.5% (2.4%) and combined uncertainties (_u~c~_) of 3.0% (2.5%) if quantifying T6 (T12) as GH derived fragments, while the LOQ were 1.7 µg/L (2.7 µg/L). Potential to acquisition of reference values is exemplified by application to serum materials used in a recent quality assessment exercise for routine laboratories

    Porn Empowerment: Negotiating Sex Work and Third Wave Feminism

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    This article examines the ubiquitousness of sexy female bodies in popular culture, and assesses what impact the mainstreaming of porn and sex work has on feminism and female empowerment, exploring the ironic tension between the feminist struggle to freely express oneself sexually through sex work and its co-optation and selling by pop culture to young women as a sexy, empowered lifestyle choice. Résumé Cet article examine l'omniprésence des corps de femmes sexy dans la culture populaire, et évalue l'impact qu'ont l'intégration de la porno et de l'industrie du sexe sur le féminisme et l'émancipation de la femme, en explorant la tension ironique entre la lutte féministe pour pouvoir s'exprimer sexuellement librement par l'entremise de l'industrie du sexe et sa cooptation, et sa vente par la culture populaire aux jeunes femmes comme étant un choix de style de vie sexy, émancipé

    Mapping the vegetation for a village improvement scheme in Marburg-Hermershausen

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    Für Marburg-Hermershausen ließ sich während einer Kartierung im Rahmen der Dorferneuerung 1985 ein qualitativer und quantitativer Rückgang charakteristischer Dorfvegetation feststellen, der durch Versiegelung, Einschränkung landwirtschaftlicher Nutzungen, Verlust traditioneller volkskundlicher Heilmethoden und übertriebenem Sauberkeitsbestreben bedingt ist. Zur Umsetzung der Ergebnisse wurden Vorschläge entwickelt, die sich an die Bevölkerung, Behörden und Planer wenden, wie eine Verbesserung der Dorfökologie für Pflanzen (und Tiere) erreicht werden kann. Allein die Einsicht in die Notwendigkeit zur Erhaltung und Förderung der vom Menschen geprägten Dorfvegetation kann diese so bedrängte Vegetation retten.When mapping the vegetation within the framework of a village improvement scheme in Marburg-Hermershausen in 1985, a qualitative and quantitative decline of the characteristic village vegetation was noted. The reasons for this decline are the sealing of land, the reduction of agricultural exploitation, the disappearance of traditional methods of curing ailments and excessive clean-up campaigns. Based on these findings, a number of new proposals on how to improve the ecology of the village for the sake of the plants (and the animals) were drawn up for the village inhabitants, the authorities and the planners. Only when people realize how important it is to conserve and cultivate this village vegetation on which man has left his mark may it be possible to save it from extinction
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