124,086 research outputs found
Segmented back-up bar Patent
Segmented back-up bar for butt welding large tubular structures such as rocket booster bodies or tank
Visible-IR Colors and Lightcurve Analysis of Two Bright TNOs: 1999 TC36 and 1998 SN165
We report on observations of two bright Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) - 1999
TC36 and 1998 SN165}- during two observational campaigns, as part of the Meudon
Multicolor Survey of Outer Solar System Objects. V-J color was measured for
1999 TC36 (V-J=2.34+/-0.18), which combined with previous measured colors in
the visible, indicate a red reflectivity spectrum at all wavelengths.
Photometric V-band lightcurves were taken for both objects over a time span of
around 8 hours. We have determined a possible rotational period of P=10.1+/-0.8
h for 1998 SN165, making it the seventh TNO with an estimated period. From its
lightcurve variation of Dm=0.151(+0.022/-0.030), we have inferred an asymmetry
ratio of a/b >=1.148(+0.024/-0.031). For 1999 TC36, we did not detect any
rotational period or periodic signal variation within the uncertainties, but
the analysis of its lightcurve hints to a slight systematic magnitude decrease.Comment: Accepted for publication in New Astronomy (13 pages, inc. 4 figures
The first-passage area for drifted Brownian motion and the moments of the Airy distribution
An exact expression for the distribution of the area swept out by a drifted
Brownian motion till its first-passage time is derived. A study of the
asymptotic behaviour confirms earlier conjectures and clarifies their range of
validity. The analysis also leads to a simple closed-form solution for the
moments of the Airy distribution.Comment: 13 page
Fast global convergence of gradient methods for high-dimensional statistical recovery
Many statistical -estimators are based on convex optimization problems
formed by the combination of a data-dependent loss function with a norm-based
regularizer. We analyze the convergence rates of projected gradient and
composite gradient methods for solving such problems, working within a
high-dimensional framework that allows the data dimension \pdim to grow with
(and possibly exceed) the sample size \numobs. This high-dimensional
structure precludes the usual global assumptions---namely, strong convexity and
smoothness conditions---that underlie much of classical optimization analysis.
We define appropriately restricted versions of these conditions, and show that
they are satisfied with high probability for various statistical models. Under
these conditions, our theory guarantees that projected gradient descent has a
globally geometric rate of convergence up to the \emph{statistical precision}
of the model, meaning the typical distance between the true unknown parameter
and an optimal solution . This result is substantially
sharper than previous convergence results, which yielded sublinear convergence,
or linear convergence only up to the noise level. Our analysis applies to a
wide range of -estimators and statistical models, including sparse linear
regression using Lasso (-regularized regression); group Lasso for block
sparsity; log-linear models with regularization; low-rank matrix recovery using
nuclear norm regularization; and matrix decomposition. Overall, our analysis
reveals interesting connections between statistical precision and computational
efficiency in high-dimensional estimation
Relativistically Covariant Symmetry in QED
We construct a relativistically covariant symmetry of QED. Previous local and
nonlocal symmetries are special cases. This generalized symmetry need not be
nilpotent, but nilpotency can be arranged with an auxiliary field and a certain
condition. The Noether charge generating the symmetry transformation is
obtained, and it imposes a constraint on the physical states.Comment: Latex file, 9 page
Comparing supernova remnants around strongly magnetized and canonical pulsars
The origin of the strong magnetic fields measured in magnetars is one of the
main uncertainties in the neutron star field. On the other hand, the recent
discovery of a large number of such strongly magnetized neutron stars, is
calling for more investigation on their formation. The first proposed model for
the formation of such strong magnetic fields in magnetars was through
alpha-dynamo effects on the rapidly rotating core of a massive star. Other
scenarios involve highly magnetic massive progenitors that conserve their
strong magnetic moment into the core after the explosion, or a common envelope
phase of a massive binary system. In this work, we do a complete re-analysis of
the archival X-ray emission of the Supernova Remnants (SNR) surrounding
magnetars, and compare our results with all other bright X-ray emitting SNRs,
which are associated with Compact Central Objects (CCOs; which are proposed to
have magnetar-like B-fields buried in the crust by strong accretion soon after
their formation), high-B pulsars and normal pulsars. We find that emission
lines in SNRs hosting highly magnetic neutron stars do not differ significantly
in elements or ionization state from those observed in other SNRs, neither
averaging on the whole remnants, nor studying different parts of their total
spatial extent. Furthermore, we find no significant evidence that the total
X-ray luminosities of SNRs hosting magnetars, are on average larger than that
of typical young X-ray SNRs. Although biased by a small number of objects, we
found that for a similar age, there is the same percentage of magnetars showing
a detectable SNR than for the normal pulsar population.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA
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