76 research outputs found

    Exposure assessment based recommendations to improve nanosafety at nanoliposome production sites

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    The NANOFOL concept aims at creating nanodevices containing a drug for inflammatory disorder treatment. This paper provides recommendations for nanosafety based on a measurement campaign which aimed at identifying exposure risks with respect to two specific phases of the products lifecycle, that is, production of the device and its waste management. The nanoparticles presence both in air and in liquid phase was studied. While no emissions were detected during the production period, many recommendations have been made, particularly regarding the nanowaste treatment, based on nanosafety guidelines.Eugenia Nogueira (SFRH/BD/81269/2011) holds scholarships from Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT). The authors thank the EC for funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement NMP4-LA-2009-228827 NANOFOL

    Long-term dust generation from silicon carbide powders

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    Most dustiness studies do not measure dust release over long durations, nor do they characterize the effect of dust release on bulk powders. In this study, we tested the dustiness of two different samples of silicon carbide (SiC) powders (referred to as F220 and F320) over six hours using a vortex shaker. Additionally, we characterized the bulk sample for change in shape and size distribution due to the testing. Both powders release respirable fractions of dust particles but differ in their dust generation behavior. The numbers of released respirable particles for powder F220 are more than two times higher than those of powder F320. The dust generation mechanism might include the release of aerosols due to the attrition of particles owing to inter-particle and particle-wall impaction. This study emphasizes the need for long duration dustiness tests for hard materials like SiC and characterization for change in bulk material properties due to dust generation and release. Furthermore, the results can aid in selecting the bulk material for long-term applications based on dustiness

    Produits émetteurs potentiels des particules nanométriques ou submicroniques

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    Caractériser les émissions de nanomatériaux est un objectif complexe à atteindre. S’agit-il d’émissions dans l’eau ou dans l’air ? Quelles sont les formes, les tailles, les compositions des objets émis ? Comment caractériser les expositions ? Quelle sollicitation des nanomatériaux donnant lieu à des émissions peut-on envisager ? Quelle voie d’exposition peut-on suspecter ou bien quelle toxicité peut avoir la nanoparticule émise ? À toutes ces questions générales s’ajoutent des difficultés techniques portant sur la caractérisation des émissions : l’outil universel capable de décrire de manière exhaustive les objets émis quelle que soit leur taille ou leur forme n’existe pas encore. Ainsi, après une description la plus complète possible de l’usage des nanomatériaux dans notre société, le présent article vise à décrire l’état de l’art sur la caractérisation des nanoparticules émises tant d’un point de vue des méthodes traditionnelles que des dernières avancées technologiques. La voie d’exposition par inhalation est généralement considérée comme étant la principale. Les méthodes de caractérisation des aérosols sont par conséquent particulièrement développées dans cet article. Les appareils capables de telles caractérisations sont décrits, leurs limites lorsqu’elles existent sont également évoquées. Comme les expositions aux nanoparticules sont de plus en plus sources d’inquiétudes, l’article présente également les grands principes de la nanosécurité. Ainsi tous les industriels intéressés par le sujet peuvent à terme s’approprier ces notions afin de limiter voire supprimer les relargages éventuels dus à des nouveaux matériaux

    Aerosol sampling techniques using TEM grids

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    International audienceNon-intentional nanoparticle (NP) may occur in aerosol production process. Occupational safety and environment protection associated with the nano-aerosol exposureare serious issues. Nano-aerosol measurement is a key point to characterize NP exposure. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is the only technique for gaining sizes distribution and individual particle analysis. However, observation with techniques allowing sampling on TEM grids is crucial to aerosol analysis. There is a need to develop sampling devices that will make possible aerosol speciation and quantification according to class sizes for efficient characterization. Make the measurements quantitative when sample aerosol and analyse particles on TEM grids using MPS developed by INERIS both through experiments and modelling is important. Assess the sampling efficiency and optimize the set up based on TEM analyses technique are the main work. Aerosol generators, mini particle sampler (MPS) and scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) are carried out to evaluate the sampling efficiency. In this way measurement and analysis can be carried out at real time. Three set up method plays an important role. NaClatomizer and WOx nano-aerosol generator are used to generate NP with diameter 10-130nm and 0.8- 30nm. For the TEM grid filtration, “Holey” type and “Quantifoil” typecarbon films are fitted with a 400 “mesh” copper grid then installed in the MPS. The overall collection efficiency of each gridand collection efficiency of the holey carbon filmare compared to get the best efficiency. By using MPS and TEM analysis, sampling is made directly and easily. The influence factors are taken into account. According to the experiment and the empirical approach, a theory model is developed to assess the sampling efficiency. Furthermore, the expose risk of the nanoparticles during the processing of the nanoparticles is evaluated using the Short Time Sampling (STS) approach
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