55 research outputs found

    Combination of geodetic observations and models for glacial isostatic adjustment fields in Fennoscandia

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    We demonstrate a new technique for using geodetic data to update a priori predictions for Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) in the Fennoscandia region. Global Positioning System (GPS), tide gauge, and Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) gravity rates are assimilated into our model. The technique allows us to investigate the individual contributions from these data sets to the output GIA model in a self-consistent manner. Another benefit of the technique is that we are able to estimate uncertainties for the output model. These are reduced with each data set assimilated. Any uncertainties in the GPS reference frame are absorbed by reference frame adjustments that are estimated as part of the assimilation. Our updated model shows a spatial pattern and magnitude of peak uplift that is consistent with previous models, but our location of peak uplift is slightly to the east of many of these. We also simultaneously estimate a spatially averaged rate of local sea level rise. This regional rate (similar to 1.5 mm/yr) is consistent for all solutions, regardless of which data sets are assimilated or the magnitude of a priori GPS reference frame constraints. However, this is only the case if a uniform regional gravity rate, probably representing errors in, or unmodeled contributions to, the low-degree harmonic terms from GRACE, is also estimated for the assimilated GRACE data. Our estimated sea level rate is consistent with estimates obtained using a more traditional approach of direct "correction" using collocated GPS and tide gauge site

    Fennoscandian strain rates from BIFROST GPS: A gravitating, thick-plate approach

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    The aim of this investigation is to develop a method for the analysis of crustal strain determined by station networks that continuously measurements of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The major new ingredient is that we require a simultaneous minimum of the observation error and the elastic and potential energy implied by the deformation. The observations that we analyse come from eight years worth of daily solutions from continuous BIFROST GPS measurements in the permanent networks of the Nordic countries and their neighbours. Reducing the observations with best fitting predictions for the effects of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) we find strain rates of maximum 5 nano/yr in the interior of the rebound area predominantly as areal strain. The largest strain rates are found in the Finnmarken area, where however the GNSS network density is much lower than in the central and southern parts. The thick-plate adjustment furnishes a simultaneous treatment of 3-D displacements and the ensuing elastic and potential energy due to the deformation. We find that the strain generated by flexure due to GIA is important. The extensional regime seen at the surface turns over into a compressive style already at moderated depth, some 50 km

    A GNSS velocity field for geophysical applications in Fennoscandia

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    In Fennoscandia, tectonics, Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA), and climatic changes cause ongoing crustal deformation of some millimetres per year, both vertically and horizontally. These displacements of the Earth can be measured to a high degree of precision using a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Since about three decades, this is the major goal of the Baseline Inferences for Fennoscandian Rebound, Sea-level, and Tectonics (BIFROST) project. We present a new velocity field for an extended BIFROST GNSS network in the ITRF2008 reference frame making use of the GNSS processing package GPS Analysis Software of MIT (GAMIT). Compared to earlier publications, we have almost doubled the number of stations in our analysis and increased the observation time span, thereby avoiding the early years of the network with many instrument changes. We also provide modelled vertical deformation rates from contributing processes, i.e. elastic deformation due to global atmospheric and non-tidal ocean loading, ice mass and hydrological changes as well as GIA. These values for the vertical component can be used for removal of these contributions so that the residual uplift signal can be further analysed, e.g., in the context of local or regional deformation processes or large-scale but low-magnitude geodynamics. The velocity field has an uplift maximum of 10.3 mm/yr in northern Sweden west of the Gulf of Bothnia and subsidence exceeding 1 mm/yr in northern Central Europe. The horizontal velocity field is dominated by plate motion of more than 20.0 mm/yr from south-west to north-east. The elastic uplift signal sums up to 0.7–0.8 mm/yr for most stations in Northern Europe. Hence, the maximum uplift related to the past glaciation is ca. 9.6 mm/yr. The residual uplift signal after removal of the elastic and GIA contribution may point to possible improvements of the GIA model, but may also indicate regional tectonic and erosional processes as well as local deformation effects. We show an example of such residual signal discussing potential areas of interest for further studies

    Towards a dynamic reference frame in Iceland

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    There is a growing need for geodetic reference frames that on a national level support the increas-ing use of global positioning services. Today, the vast majority of countries have their own national ref-erence frame. In Europe this frame is normally aligned to ETRS89. This system is co-moving with theEurasian tectonic plate. Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and global positioning services arenormally aligned to the Earth as a whole through a global reference frame like ITRF2014. Consequently,global positioning services does not give direct access to the national reference frame without a time-dependent transformation.A solution is to align the national reference frame directly to a global reference frame. In such aframe, the coordinates of a point fixed to the ground will change with time, - a fact leading to the expres-sion dynamic reference frame (DRF).To be prepared for future challenges, the Nordic Geodetic Commission (NKG) initiated a pilot-project on DRF in Iceland. Iceland has a very active and complex geodynamic situation. It is located atthe boundary of two tectonic plates and affected by seismic and volcanic activity, recent ice loadingchanges as well as glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). Due to this, the traditional concept of a static geo-detic reference frame is difficult to maintain at the uncertainty level required by modern applications.Iceland was therefore a natural place to investigate the concept of DRF.This paper focuses on the outcome and conclusions of the DRF project in Iceland. We give tenpreconditions for a DRF. Living on an ever-changing Earth, we see that many of these preconditionshave to be in place regardless of type of reference frame. Through the work in the Nordic countries andNKG, the Nordic area will be well prepared for the future challenges. However, some legal issues forinstance, can be challenging. A two-frame solution combining static- and dynamic- reference framesseems like the best alternative in the foreseeable future

    Geodetic Reference Frames in Presence of Crustal Deformations

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