14,287 research outputs found

    An algal greening of land

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    The origin of platelets enabled the evolution of eutherian placentation

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    Invasive placentation with extended pregnancy is a shared derived characteristic unique to eutherian mammals that possess a highly effective system of haemostasis, platelets. These are found in all mammals but no other group of animals. We propose that platelets and megakaryocytes (large polyploid nucleated bone marrow cells that produce platelets) evolved from an ancestral 2 N thrombocyte by polyploidization and that the possession of platelets enabled the evolution of invasive placentation. This could explain why invasive placentation is limited to mammals

    3D Analysis of chromosome architecture: advantages and limitations with SEM

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    Three-dimensional mitotic plant chromosome architecture can be investigated with the highest resolution with scanning electron microscopy compared to other microscopic techniques at present. Specific chromatin staining techniques making use of simultaneous detection of back-scattered electrons and secondary electrons have provided conclusive information on the distribution of DNA and protein in barley chromosomes through mitosis. Applied to investigate the structural effects of different preparative procedures, these techniques were the groundwork for the ``dynamic matrix model{''} for chromosome condensation, which postulates an energy-dependent process of looping and bunching of chromatin coupled with attachment to a dynamic matrix of associated protein fibers. Data from SEM analysis shows basic higher order chromatin structures: chromomeres and matrix fibers. Visualization of nanogold-labeled phosphorylated histone H3 (ser10) with high resolution on chromomeres shows that functional modifications of chromatin can be located on structural elements in a 3D context. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

    “Western Mediterranean” (WM) broad band network: permanent seismic monitoring at the Ibero-Maghrebian region

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    The “Ibero-Maghrebian” region, a western part of the Eurasia-Africa plate boundary, is a broad deformation area without a well defined plate boundary line, comprising the Southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, the Northwestern part of Africa, the Gulf of Cadiz and the Alboran Sea, with a convergence between Iberia and Africa at some mm/year (Nuvel-1A model, DeMets et al, 1994) in a NNW-SSE direction, and a dif- ferential motion at Alboran Sea area (Buforn et al, 1995). Although seismic activity is characterized by a low to moderate magnitude and shallow depth earthquakes, big events are also well documented, among others: Lisbon earthquake (1755, I0= X), Gulf of Cadiz (1969, Ms= 8.1), or, more recently Bourmedes (2003, Mw= 7.1), some them with an associated tsunami, like Lisbon or Bourmedes earthquakes. An interme- diate seismic activity is also clearly registered from Gulf of Cadiz to mid Alboran Sea (Martin Davila and Pazos, 2003), and very deep earthquakes (h> 650 km) have been registered at Granada basin (1954, M= 7.0). In order to better study the seismic characteristics of this area, from 1996 on, ROA and the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM), with the collaboration of Geo- forschungZentrum of Potsdam (GFZ), have deployed a broad band seismic net with stations located at Southern Spain and Spanish possessions located Northern Africa, mainly surrounding the Alboran Sea, complementing the previously installed ROA SP and LP stations. This net has been named as “Western Mediterranean net” (WM FDSN code). As net was evolving, new Institutes and stations joined WM net, such a way at present is formed by ten stations located at: San Fernando (SFS), Málaga (MALA), Cartagena (CART), and Evora (UEVO, University of Evora, Portugal) at Iberian peninsula, Mahón (MAHO) at Minorca island, three stations at Melilla (MELI), Peñón de Vélez-Gomera (PVLZ), and Ceuta (CEU) at Spanish villages located Northern Africa in South Alboran Sea area, and Averroes (AVE) and Ifrane (IFR) installed at Morocco mainland as a joined effort among ISRABAT (Institut Scientifique, Univer- sité Mohammed V), ROA and UCM. Most stations are collocated with permanent geodetic GPS stations (Gárate et al, 2004). Next future plans include the installation of five stations by U. Evora at Southern Portugal area, a new station at Morocco by ISRABAT, ROA and UCM and also a new station at Oran (Algeria), as a collaboration among Université d’Oran (Algeria), ROA and UCM. All them will be associated to WM net. All WM network stations include Streckeisen STS-2 sensor, a Quanterra or Earth Data digitizer, and a SeiscomP process system (Heinloo, 2004), and all them are available in real time via phone modem or Internet, except PVLZ and CEU, which will be in short. In this work, partly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (MEC) through the project REN2006-10311-C03-01/02 (RISTE), we will present the present status, the next future plans and some related activities of WM net

    Shape-induced magnetic anisotropy in dilute magnetic alloys

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    We extend the theory of the surface-induced magnetic anisotropy to mesoscopic samples with arbitrary geometry. The shape-induced anisotropy of impurity spins in small brick-shaped grains of dilute magnetic alloys is studied in detail. The surface-induced blocking of a magnetic-impurity spin is shown to be very sensitive to geometric parameters of a grain. This implies that the apparent discrepancy between the experimental data of different groups on the size dependence of the Kondo resistivity can result from different microstructure of the used samples. In order to interpret recent experimental data on the anomalous Hall effect in thin polycrystalline Fe doped Au films, we analyse the magnetisation of impurity spins as a function of the impurity position and of the grain shape.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Angiogenesis-dependent and independent phases of intimal hyperplasia.

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    BACKGROUND: Neointimal vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation is a primary cause of occlusive vascular disease, including atherosclerosis, restenosis after percutaneous interventions, and bypass graft stenosis. Angiogenesis is implicated in the progression of early atheromatous lesions in animal models, but its role in neointimal VSMC proliferation is undefined. Because percutaneous coronary interventions result in induction of periadventitial angiogenesis, we analyzed the role of this process in neointima formation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Local injury to the arterial wall in 2 different animal models induced periadventitial angiogenesis and neointima formation. Application of angiogenesis stimulators vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A165) or a proline/arginine-rich peptide (PR39) to the adventitia of the injured artery induced a marked increase in neointimal thickening beyond that seen with injury alone in both in vivo models. Inhibition of either VEGF (with soluble VEGF receptor 1 [sFlt1]) or fibroblast growth factor (FGF) (with a dominant=negative form of FGF receptor 1 [FGF-R1DN]), respectively, signaling reduced adventitial thickening induced by VEGF and PR39 to the level seen with mechanical arterial injury alone. However, neither inhibitor was effective in preventing neointimal thickening after mechanical injury when administered in the absence of angiogenic growth factor. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that adventitial angiogenesis stimulates intimal thickening but does not initiate it

    An assessment of computer-assisted personalized sedation: a sedation delivery system to administer propofol for gastrointestinal endoscopy

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    Background: Demand for colonoscopy and EGD procedures is increasing. Impediments to performing these examinations persist, Patients perceive these procedures as unpleasant and painful. The use of suboptimal sedatives results in inefficiency in endoscopy practices. Improving sedation methods utilizing precise control of preferred sedatives may increase patient satisfaction ancl practice efficiency Objective: Our purpose was to demonstrate the feasibility of computer-assisted personalized sedation (CAPS) for facilitating the precise administration of propofol by endoscopist/nurse teams, achieving minimal to moderate sedation in subjects undergoing routine endoscopies. Design: Open label, single-center studies. Setting: Endoscopy clinics in Charlottesville, Virginia, and Gent, Belgium. Subjects: Twenty-four adults per center; 12 colonoscopies, 12 EGDs. Interventions: Propofol sedation with CAPS by endoscopist/registered nurse care teams. Main Outcome Measurements: Sedation level measured by modified observer's assessment of alertness/sedation (MOAA/S), recovery time measured from endoscope removal until Adrete >= 12, dosage of propofol, oxygen saturation, and safety assessments. Results: Subjects responded to mild tactile and verbal stimuli MOAA/S = 5, 4, 3, or 2) 99% of the time. Mean propofol closes in the United States and Belgium were 65.4 ancl 72.1 mg, respectively mean recovery times were 29 and 10 seconds, respectively. Oxygen desaturation occurred in only 6% of subjects. No device-related adverse events occurred. Limitation: Open-label design. Conclusions: Using CAPS, the endoscopist/nurse teams precisely controlled the administration of propofol achieving minimal to moderate sedation in subjects undergoing colonoscopy and EGD procedures. Mean propofol dosage was low and post-procedure recovery times were rapid. The device performed well when operated by the endoscopist/nurse team, with no device-related adverse events

    Search for Low-Scale Technicolor in ATLAS

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    The low scale technicolor is an appealing scenario of strong ewsb. It has a rich phenomenology which can be tested at the LHC. A very characteristic signal would involve the observation of a technipion in resonance with a Standard Model gauge boson. A fast simulation analysis of the process pp→ρT±→πT±Z→bjℓℓp p \to \rho_{T}^{\pm} \to \pi_{T}^{\pm} Z \to bj \ell\ell and pp→aT±→πT±Z→bjℓℓp p \to a_{T}^{\pm} \to \pi_{T}^\pm Z \to bj \ell\ell for three representative sets of masses for the new particles suggests that the technirho and technipion could be observed with ∌15\sim 15 fb−1^{-1}, and that the aTa_{T} could be observed simultaneously with the ρT\rho_{T} and πT\pi_{T} within a year or more of running at the LHC
