85 research outputs found

    Modélisation de l'évolution spatiale et temporelle de l'épaisseur optique des aérosols à l'échelle régionale

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    Monitoring of aerosol optical depth (AOD) is of particular importance due to the significant role of aerosols in the atmospheric radiative budget. AOD is a key parameter in studies related to global climatology, atmospheric pollutants, forest fires, and for performing atmospheric corrections on remotely sensed imagery of surface scenes. We attempt to fill gaps in spatio-temporal AOD measurements using a new methodology that links AOD measurements and particulate matter Transport Model (TM) using a data assimilation approach. This new modelling package (AODSEM for A[barbelow]erosol O[barbelow]ptical D[barbelow]epth S[barbelow]patiotemporal E[barbelow]volution M[barbelow]odel) uses a size and aerosol type segregated semi-Lagrangian-Eulerian trajectory algorithm driven by analysed meteorological data. Its novelty resides in the fact that the model evolution is tied to available AOD measurements and all physical processes have been optimized to track this important but crude parameter. We present in this paper a sensitiviity study to AODSEM's important parameters or processes (spatial and temporal resolution, hygroscopic effects, spin-up time, precipitations, size distribution). We also present the first validation results for this new model applied to North America during June 1997 and august 1998. The results show the potential of this approach especially when used with remotely sensed AOD. Residuals between AODSEM analysis and measurements are smaller than typical errors associated to remotely sensed AOD. AODSEM also give better results than classical interpolation schemes. This result is especially evident when the available number of AOD measurements is small. Our results shows that AODSEM can be efficient to correct for error induced by simplifications in the physical parametrization and by error in emission inventories. Our results also shows that in the context of low polluted zone and period, AODSEM can be used to provide AOD spatio-temporal forecasts. In that case, correlation between AODSEM and independent AERONET data can reach r = 0,86 with a mean residual of [left angle bracket][delta]T[subscript a] [right angle bracket] = 0,02 and [sigma] = 0,04. For a specific pollution event, AOD forecast can also be achieved when an episodic emission inventory is available"--Résumé abrégé par UMI

    Remote sensing of aerosols at night with the CoSQM sky brightness data

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    Aerosol optical depth is an important indicator of aerosol particle properties and their associated radiative impacts. AOD determination is very important to achieve relevant climate modelling. Most remote sensing techniques to retrieve aerosol optical depth are applicable to daytime given the high level of light available. The night represents half of the time but in such conditions only a few remote sensing methods are available. Among these approaches, the most reliable are moon photometers and star photometers. In this paper, we attempt to fill gaps in the aerosol detection performed with the aforementioned techniques using night sky brightness measurements during moonless nights with the novel CoSQM, a portable, low-cost and open-source multispectral photometer. In this paper, we present an innovative method for estimating the aerosol optical depth using an empirical relationship between the zenith night sky brightness measured at night with the CoSQM and the aerosol optical depth retrieved during daytime from the AErosol Robotic NETwork

    Magnitude to luminance conversions and visual brightness of the night sky

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    The visual brightness of the night sky is not a single-valued function of its brightness in other photometric bands, because the transformations between photometric systems depend on the spectral power distribution of the skyglow. We analyze the transformation between the night sky brightness in the Johnson-Cousins V band (mV, measured in magnitudes per square arcsecond, mpsas) and its visual luminance (L, in SI units cd m^(-2) ) for observers with photopic and scotopic adaptation, in terms of the spectral power distribution of the incident light. We calculate the zero-point luminances for a set of skyglow spectra recorded at different places in the world, including strongly light-polluted locations and sites with nearly pristine natural dark skies. The photopic skyglow luminance corresponding to m_(v)=0.00 mpsas is found to vary between 1.11-1.34 x 10^(5) cd m^(-2) if m_(v) is reported in the absolute (AB) magnitude scale, and between 1.18-1.43 x 10^(5) cd m^(-2) if a Vega scale for m_(v) is used instead. The photopic luminance for m_(v)=22.0 mpsas is correspondingly comprised between 176 and 213 µcd m^(-2) (AB), or 187 and 227 µcd m^(-2) (Vega). These constants tend to decrease for increasing correlated color temperatures (CCT). The photopic zero-point luminances are generally higher than the ones expected for blackbody radiation of comparable CCT. The scotopic-to-photopic luminance ratio (S/P) for our spectral dataset varies from 0.8 to 2.5. Under scotopic adaptation the dependence of the zero-point luminances with the CCT, and their values relative to blackbody radiation, are reversed with respect to photopic ones

    Evaluating human photoreceptoral inputs from night-time lights using RGB imaging photometry

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    Night-time lights interact with human physiology through different pathways starting at the retinal layers of the eye; from the signals provided by the rods; the S-, L- and M-cones; and the intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGC). These individual photic channels combine in complex ways to modulate important physiological processes, among them the daily entrainment of the neural master oscillator that regulates circadian rhythms. Evaluating the relative excitation of each type of photoreceptor generally requires full knowledge of the spectral power distribution of the incoming light, information that is not easily available in many practical applications. One such instance is wide area sensing of public outdoor lighting; present-day radiometers onboard Earth-orbiting platforms with sufficient nighttime sensitivity are generally panchromatic and lack the required spectral discrimination capacity. In this paper, we show that RGB imagery acquired with off-the-shelf digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLR) can be a useful tool to evaluate, with reasonable accuracy and high angular resolution, the photoreceptoral inputs associated with a wide range of lamp technologies. The method is based on linear regressions of these inputs against optimum combinations of the associated R, G, and B signals, built for a large set of artificial light sources by means of synthetic photometry. Given the widespread use of RGB imaging devices, this approach is expected to facilitate the monitoring of the physiological effects of light pollution, from ground and space alike, using standard imaging technology

    Post-treatment MRI aspects of photodynamic therapy for prostate cancer

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    OBJECTIVES: Photodynamic therapy is a new focal therapy for prostate cancer. METHODS: In this technique, a photosensitising agent is introduced intravenously, then activated by local laser illumination to induce tumour necrosis. Treatment efficacy is assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We illustrate specific post-treatment MRI aspects at early and late follow-up with pathological correlations. TEACHING POINTS: Dynamic phototherapy is a new and promising focal therapy for prostate cancer. One-week MRI shows increased volume of the treated lobe and large, homogeneous necrosis area. Six-month MRI shows significant changes of the prostate shape and signal. Six-month MRI becomes "base line" appearance for further follow-up or monitoring

    Biased agonists of the kappa opioid receptor suppress pain and itch without causing sedation or dysphoria

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    Agonists targeting the kappa opioid receptor (KOR) have been promising therapeutic candidates because of their efficacy for treating intractable itch and relieving pain. Unlike typical opioid narcotics, KOR agonists do not produce euphoria or lead to respiratory suppression or overdose. However, they do produce dysphoria and sedation, side effects that have precluded their clinical development as therapeutics. KOR signaling can be fine-tuned to preferentially activate certain pathways over others, such that agonists can bias signaling so that the receptor signals through G proteins rather than other effectors such as βarrestin2. We evaluated a newly developed G protein signaling–biased KOR agonist in preclinical models of pain, pruritis, sedation, dopamine regulation, and dysphoria. We found that triazole 1.1 retained the antinociceptive and antipruritic efficacies of a conventional KOR agonist, yet it did not induce sedation or reductions in dopamine release in mice, nor did it produce dysphoria as determined by intracranial self-stimulation in rats. These data demonstrated that biased agonists may be used to segregate physiological responses downstream of the receptor. Moreover, the findings suggest that biased KOR agonists may present a means to treat pain and intractable itch without the side effects of dysphoria and sedation and with reduced abuse potential