5 research outputs found

    Administration and Configuration of Wireless Network Based on the Mikrotik Platform

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    Import 29/09/2010Cílem mé práce je skriptování a jeho praktická implementace, která řeší problematiku rezervaci a řízení datových toků, bezpečnosti a zálohováni dat v malé síti, která je připojena k Internetu, za pomocí platformy Mikrotik . V teoretické části se seznámíte se analýzou a možnostmi zařízení, jež je ovládáno samostatným operačním systémem Mikrotik RouterOS. Praktická část nám ukáže funkční řízení datových toků, priorizaci datové služby VoIP, kontrola dostupnosti IP adres, která nám poskytne vhodné informace při řešení problému a jeho rychlejší odstranění a zálohy celého systému Mikrotik.The main point of my work is scripting and his practice implementation, which solves problem of reservation, control of data flows, security and backup in a small network, which is connected to the Internet thru the Mikrotik platform. In theoretical part you acquaint with analyses and options of device, which is control single operation system Mikrotik RouterOS. The applied part of bachelor work shows us functional control of data flows, prioritization data service called VoIP, checking availability IP addresses, which offer to us properly information in solving problems and faster removing and backup whole system Mikrotik.Prezenční456 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Single-purpose device for forming shoe lifts

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    Import 20/11/2006Prezenční340 - Katedra výr. strojů a konstruován

    Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis Proves Superiority of Continuous Infusion in PK/PD Target Attainment with Oxacillin in Staphylococcal Infections

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    Considering its very short elimination half-life, the approved oxacillin dosage might not be sufficient to maintain the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) target of time-dependent antibiotics. This study aimed to describe the population pharmacokinetics of oxacillin and to explore the probability of PK/PD target attainment by using various dosing regimens with oxacillin in staphylococcal infections. Both total and unbound oxacillin plasma concentrations retrieved as a part of routine therapeutic drug-monitoring practice were analyzed using nonlinear mixed-effects modeling. Monte Carlo simulations were used to generate the theoretical distribution of unbound oxacillin plasma concentration–time profiles at various dosage regimens. Data from 24 patients treated with oxacillin for staphylococcal infection have been included into the analysis. The volume of distribution of oxacillin in the population was 11.2 L, while the elimination rate constant baseline of 0.73 h−1 increased by 0.3 h−1 with each 1 mL/s/1.73 m2 of the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). The median value of oxacillin binding to plasma proteins was 86%. The superiority of continuous infusion in achieving target PK/PD values was demonstrated and dosing according to eGFR was proposed. Daily oxacillin doses of 9.5 g, 11 g, or 12.5 g administered by continuous infusion have been shown to be optimal for achieving target PK/PD values in patients with moderate, mild, or normal renal function, respectively