56 research outputs found

    Potential of biomass resources in CZE and costs of its energy utilisation - II

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    V posledních letech se stále více setkáváme s pojmy bioenergie, biomasa nebo biopaliva. Ve spojení s rostoucím tlakem na využívání těchto komodit roste jejich poptávka. Plodiny pěstované za účelem výroby energie mohou být v budoucnu významným obnovitelným zdrojem energie a jsou hlavní náplní předkládané práce. Úvodní kapitola obsahuje rozdělení, charakteristiku, výčet jednotlivých zástupců a způsoby energetického využití plodin. Následuje seznámení s legislativní úpravou nakládání s energetickými plodinami. Trh s tímto biopalivem se teprve rozvíjí, a proto práce předkládá jen rámcový pohled na aktuální stav jeho produkce a využití v České Republice a potenciální vyhlídky do budoucna. Zajímavé jsou také postoje zemědělců a otázka konkurenceschopnosti. Tyto oblasti jsou souhrnně analyzovány v závěrečných kapitolách.In recent years, we are more and more confronted with the concepts of bio-energy, biomass or biofuels. In conjunction with the increasing pressure on the use of these commodities thein demand is increased. Crops for the purpose of energy production may be an important renewable source of energy and are the primary topic of the work submitted. Introductory chapter provides distribution, characteristics, list of representatives of crops and ways of energy utilisation the crops. Is folloved by an introduction to the legislation dealing with energy crops. The market for biofuels is still in its infancy, and therefore the work submitted presents only general view of the current status of the production and use in the Czech Republic and potential prospects. Interesting is also the position of farmers and the issue of competitiveness. These areas are collectively analyzed in the final chapters.

    Models of Value Creation Measurement in Different Manufacturing Industry Sectors in the Czech Republic

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    Purpose of the article: The subject of this article is the construction of a model which is able to measure whether an enterprise is creating or destroying value. In the light of our previous research, we are not seeking to create a universal model, instead we want to create a set of special models that consider the specificities of different sectors. Therefore, we have created three models especially for the food industry, engineering and transportation. Methodology/methods: We used the financial analysis, portfolio analysis and logistic regression. Scientific aim: The aim of the article is to construct value-measuring models in various sectors of the manufacturing industry. We start from the premise that it is very difficult to construct a universal model that is able to measure the value in different sectors equally well. Therefore, using the example of three manufacturing industries (namely the food industry, engineering and transportation), we constructed three models and then compared and discussed the differences observed. Findings: The results confirmed that there are significant differences between the models of value creation within the three sectors which we studied. The main difference in each sector is its capital structure. For each model, we selected a different number of indicators using statistical methods to create the optimal model. Conclusions: The first research limitation is that the focus is only on three sectors. As part of further research, it will be necessary to construct different models in other sectors as well. The second limitation of the research is that it focuses purely on finance, which does not allow many options to identify and discuss the internal and qualitative differences of the enterprises and sectors under examination, which could contribute to increasing the accuracy of the model. The model is constructed from publicly available data, which is both a limitation and an advantage.Purpose of the article: The subject of this article is the construction of a model which is able to measure whether an enterprise is creating or destroying value. In the light of our previous research, we are not seeking to create a universal model, instead we want to create a set of special models that consider the specificities of different sectors. Therefore, we have created three models especially for the food industry, engineering and transportation. Methodology/methods: We used the financial analysis, portfolio analysis and logistic regression. Scientific aim: The aim of the article is to construct value-measuring models in various sectors of the manufacturing industry. We start from the premise that it is very difficult to construct a universal model that is able to measure the value in different sectors equally well. Therefore, using the example of three manufacturing industries (namely the food industry, engineering and transportation), we constructed three models and then compared and discussed the differences observed. Findings: The results confirmed that there are significant differences between the models of value creation within the three sectors which we studied. The main difference in each sector is its capital structure. For each model, we selected a different number of indicators using statistical methods to create the optimal model. Conclusions: The first research limitation is that the focus is only on three sectors. As part of further research, it will be necessary to construct different models in other sectors as well. The second limitation of the research is that it focuses purely on finance, which does not allow many options to identify and discuss the internal and qualitative differences of the enterprises and sectors under examination, which could contribute to increasing the accuracy of the model. The model is constructed from publicly available data, which is both a limitation and an advantage

    The Suggestion of Optimal Supply Process for New Projects

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    Hlavní náplní studie je analýza a návrh optimalizace vnitropodnikového procesu zásobování pro montážní linku ve společnosti Automotive Lighting s.r.o., která se zabývá výrobou předních světlometů pro automobilový průmysl. Kapitola věnovaná zmapování vnitřního materiálového toku zkoumá problematiku jak v rovině prostorového rozmístění logistický ploch tak z hlediska spotřeby a pohybu zásob s vazbou na výrobní proces. Návrhová část aplikuje nástroje moderní logistiky popsané v teoretické části na konkrétní případ. V postupných krocích je potom sestaven komplexní návrh optimalizace zásobovacího procesu.This study is concerned with analysis and proposal of optimization of internal supply process for a specific assembly line in Automotive Lighting s.r.o. company, which deals with production of headlamps for automotive. The second chapter describes internal material flow and analysis problem of the inventory space layout view and the consumption and move of inventory in continuity with production process. Suggestion part of this thesis implements the lean logistics tools, which is described in first theoretic part. In sequential steps is make up the complex proposal of optimal supply process.

    Wind loads of building structures

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou účinků zatížení větrem na stavební konstrukce. V rámci práce je řešeno numerické modelování obtékání tuhých válcových těles při vysokých Reynoldsových číslech. K simulacím byl použit výpočetní software ANSYS CFX. Výstupem práce jsou průběhy Strouhalova čísla a průběhy součinitelů odporu a vztlaku v závislosti na Reynoldsově čísle.The bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of the effects of wind load on building structures. In the context of the work is solved the numerical modeling of flow around the solid cylindrical bodies at high Reynolds numbers. To the simulations has been used computational software ANSYS CFX. The outputs of the work are the values of Strouhal numbers and the values of drag and lift coefficient depending on the Reynolds number.

    Analysis of construction sub-processes for the evaluation of the real performance of tower cranes

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    The productivity of work performed at construction sites is primarily dependent on the effective deployment and use of construction machinery. Nevertheless, manufacturers do not state the actual performance of their machinery because it is difficult to determine due to its dependence on the specific conditions present at each construction site. One of the most important machines used in the construction of buildings is the tower crane, which provides secondary transport of material onsite. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of such machines using a deterministic or stochastic approach, a relatively extensive and exact set of data describing the activities of a given tower crane needs to be prepared. These data describe the real requirements of ongoing construction sub-processes with regard to the utilisation of tower cranes. This contribution concerns the analysis of key construction sub-processes during the building of monolithic reinforced concrete structures in connection with secondary transport at the construction site; in particular, it describes the preparation and processing of this data for the evaluation of real time requirements placed on tower cranes

    Methods of Evaluating of Sensory Assessors – Part 1

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    The precission and repeatability of sensory analysis is infl uenced by a number of physiological, psychological and genetic factors. These can be largely eliminated by appropriate selection of the assessors through their regular evaluation. Therefore, assays have been developed to defi ne the divergence of assessor ratings from the rest of the tasting committee. This makes it possible to recognize the area that needs to be focused on in the training of assessors. The article presents specific examples of calculations to determine the degree of conformity among assessors using the ANOVA method and other statistical methods

    Tick-borne encephalitis virus inhibits rRNA synthesis and host protein production in human cells of neural origin

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    Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), a member of the genus Flavivirus (Flaviviridae), is a causative agent of a severe neuroinfection. Recently, several flaviviruses have been shown to interact with host protein synthesis. In order to determine whether TBEV interacts with this host process in its natural target cells, we analysed de novo protein synthesis in a human cell line derived from cerebellar medulloblastoma (DAOY HTB-186). We observed a significant decrease in the rate of host protein synthesis, including the housekeeping genes HPRT1 and GAPDH and the known interferon-stimulated gene viperin. In addition, TBEV infection resulted in a specific decrease of RNA polymerase I (POLR1) transcripts, 18S and 28S rRNAs and their precursor, 45-47S pre-rRNA, but had no effect on the POLR3 transcribed 5S rRNA levels. To our knowledge, this is the first report of flavivirus-induced decrease of specifically POLR1 rRNA transcripts accompanied by host translational shut-off