3,025 research outputs found

    Homological stability for oriented configuration spaces

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    We prove homological stability for sequences of "oriented configuration spaces" as the number of points in the configuration goes to infinity. These are spaces of configurations of n points in a connected manifold M of dimension at least 2 which 'admits a boundary', with labels in a path-connected space X, and with an orientation: an ordering of the points up to even permutations. They are double covers of the corresponding unordered configuration spaces, where the points do not have this orientation. To prove our result we adapt methods from a paper of Randal-Williams, which proves homological stability in the unordered case. Interestingly the oriented configuration spaces stabilise more slowly than the unordered ones: the stability slope we obtain is one-third, compared to one-half in the unordered case (these are the best possible slopes in their respective cases). This result can also be interpreted as homological stability for unordered configuration spaces with certain twisted coefficients.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor changes, final version - to appear in Trans. Amer. Math. So

    MAAR conference in Hungary

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    A new system of indicators for European development policy?

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    The first version of a European spatial development perspective (ESDP) approved by the informal conference of ministers for regional policy and planning in June 1997 includes a proposal for a new "system of indicators". The purpose of this system of indicators is to form the basis for a typology of European regions and for a set of scenarios on the future development of the European space. The need to improve the present standards of spatial analysis within the European Union is clearly demonstrated by the ESDP. Nevertheless, the indicators proposed in the document (geographical location, economic potential, social and spatial integration, land use intensity among others) represent only vague descriptions of spatial characteristics somehow relevant for regional development. Important questions still remain: How could these characteristics be defined in a feasible operational way? Which regional level is most appropriate for this kind of analysis? Is it at all possible to provide the required data for these spatial units? In general, European regional policy as actually applied in the context of the Structural Funds indicates quite different trends: the delineation of promotion areas, especially objective 2 areas and objective 5b areas, is partly based on qualitative criteria; as a consequence, the process of application for regional aid is open to interpretation of these criteria by national and regional governments. According to the principle of subsidiarity, this could be regarded as a positive factor of decision making. On the other hand, the number of promotion areas and programmes seems to expand beyond the EU's possibility to finance them. Therefore the reform of the Structural Funds will have to define new criteria capable of evaluating the need for EU assistance among European regions on a common basis, which must at the same time be able to reflect specific regional characteristics and development potential. The paper gives an overview of the need for and the framework of a new system of indicators.

    Les piĂšges de la reconstitution des topographies d’érosion initiales fondĂ©e sur les vestiges des maars et diatrĂšmes volcaniques

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    Erosion estimates based on geometrical dimension measurements of eroded maar/diatreme volcanoes are useful methods to determine syn-volcanic surface level and syn-volcanic bedrock stratigraphy. However, such considerations on volcanic architecture should only be employed as a first-order approach to determine the state of erosion. We demonstrate, on both young and eroded maar/diatreme volcanoes, that establishing the volcanic facies architecture gives vital information on the environment in which the volcano erupted. In ‘soft’ rocks, maar volcanoes are broad and underlain by ‘champagne glass’-shaped diatremes. In contrast, the crater wall of maar volcanoes that erupted through ‘hard rocks’ will be steep, filled with lacustrine volcaniclastic deposits and underlain by deep diatremes

    Electrocution of raptors at power lines in Central Kazakhstan

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    Along three transects of medium voltage power lines in the steppe of Central Kazakhstan, surveys for bird casualties were carried out in summer 2006 in order to estimate the quantitative and qualitative impact of power lines on bird mortality in this area. In total, 409 dead birds of 34 different species were found. Raptors represented 44 % of the total (179 individuals, 10 species). Most of them died due to electrocution. The proportion of raptors strongly varied between early and late summer, the increase in August suggests that especially young birds are prone to electrocution. The density of raptor casualties varied from 0.1 to 7.6 birds per line km and month. Adverse effects of power lines on bird life could be avoided by changing the pole construction (use of suspended insulators) or protective measures (e. g. caps).Zur Bestimmung des qualitativen und quantitativen Ausmaßes des Stromtodes von Vögeln in Zentralkasachstan wurden im Sommer 2006 TransektzĂ€hlungen entlang von drei Mittelspannungsleitungen in dieser Region durchgefĂŒhrt. Insgesamt wurden 409 tote Vögel (34 verschiedene Arten) gefunden, davon 44 % Greifvögel (179 Individuen, 10 Arten). Der Großteil starb durch Elektrokution. Der Anteil der Greifvögel variierte stark zwischen FrĂŒh- und SpĂ€tsommer. Der Anstieg im August lĂ€sst vermuten, dass Jungvögel besonders gefĂ€hrdet sind. Die Greifvogeldichte betrug zwischen 0,1 und 7.6 Vögel pro Transekt-km und Monat. Durch verĂ€nderte Mastenkonstruktion (hĂ€ngende Isolatoren) oder Schutzmaßnahmen (isolierende Hauben) kann viel zum Vogelschutz beigetragen werden
