439 research outputs found

    Evaluation ex ante des impacts socio-économiques d'un plan de lutte en santé des végétaux

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    Assurer la sécurité sanitaire des productions agricoles est un enjeu stratégique majeur pour préserver la qualité et la compétitivité de l'agriculture française. Tout un panel d'ac-teurs (identifiés lors des Etats généraux du sanitaire) est mobilisé afin de lutter le plus ef-ficacement possible contre le développement de nuisibles en santé des végétaux : établis-sements scientifiques, Direction générale de l'alimentation (DGAL), Fédérations régio-nales de défense contre les organismes nuisibles (FREDON), services déconcentrés, agriculteurs, fonds de mutualisation sanitaire et environnemental (FMSE). Tout plan de lutte contre un nuisible a des conséquences socio-économiques diverses qu'il convient d'évaluer avant sa mise en oeuvre (ex ante) pour anticiper au mieux ses conséquences et faciliter sa mise en place. Basé sur l'exemple d'une crise actuelle d'un nuisible du sol (le méloidogyne), ce projet fournit un outil permettant d'analyser les conséquences écono-miques directes pour tout type de crise dans le domaine, ainsi qu'une analyse type des impacts sociaux, économiques et environnementaux difficilement chiffrables, mais qu'il faut néanmoins prendre en compte. Contexte, objectifs, méthodologie Des outils existants inadaptés Des outils ont déjà été développés pour mener à bien de telles évaluations (comme ceux cités dans la circulaire n°5817/SG portant sur " l'instauration d'études d'impact préalables à l'édiction de textes prescriptifs pour les services " , ou plus spécifique-ment, ceux commandés par la DGAL). On peut leur reprocher d'être trop génériques et inadaptés aux spécificités de la santé des végétaux (dont le fi-nancement fait intervenir un fonds de mutualisa-tion unique en son genre), ou de ne pas être opé-rationnels

    Heat and salinity stress on the African eggplant F1 Djamba, a Kumba cultivar

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    Climate change is expected to increase soil salinity and heat-wave intensity, duration, and frequency. These stresses, often present in combination, threaten food security as most common crops do not tolerate them. The African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum L.) is a nutritious traditional crop found in sub-Saharan Africa and adapted to local environments. Its wider use is, however, hindered by the lack of research on its tolerance. This project aimed to describe the effects of salinity (100 mM NaCl solution) combined with elevated temperatures (27/21°C, 37/31°C, and 42/36°C). High temperatures reduced leaf biomass while cell membrane stability was reduced by salinity. Chlorophyll levels were boosted by salinity only at the start of the stress with only the different temperatures significantly impacted the levels at the end of the experiment. Other fluorescence parameters such as maximum quantum yield and non-photochemical quenching were only affected by the temperature change. Total antioxidants were unchanged by either stress despite a decrease of phenols at the highest temperature. Leaf sodium concentration was highly increased by salinity but phosphorus and calcium were unchanged by this stress. These findings shed new light on the tolerance mechanisms of the African eggplant under salinity and heat. Further research on later developmental stages is needed to understand its potential in the field in areas affected by these abiotic stresses

    Le « sou du pauvre » : les municipalités, l’indigence et l’accès aux soins hospitaliers au début du XXe siècle à Montréal

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    This article is devoted to the history of general hospitals and the “sou du pauvre,” a municipal tax instituted in 1915 to reimburse Montreal hospitals for their expenses associated with caring for the needy. Comparing the Quebec and Ontario hospital systems as well as the legislation that governed their development in both provinces sheds light on the rationale behind the imposition of the “sou du pauvre,” which broke with the authorities’ non-interventionist tradition in regard to the regulation of poverty in Quebec. Studying this important municipal policy, which has undergone no analysis to date, yields some important insights into the history of the regulation of poverty, the medicalization of hospitals, and the formation of the State in early-twentieth century Quebec.Cet article est consacré à l’histoire des hôpitaux généraux et du « sou du pauvre », une taxe municipale implantée en 1915 visant à rembourser les établissements hospitaliers montréalais pour leurs dépenses associées à la prise en charge de l’indigence. En comparant les réseaux hospitaliers québécois et ontariens, de même que la législation ayant encadré leur développement dans les deux provinces, nous éclairerons les raisons qui ont présidé à la mise en place du « sou du pauvre » qui rompait avec la tradition non-interventionniste des pouvoirs publics en matière de régulation de la pauvreté au Québec. L’étude de cette politique municipale importante, qui n’a fait l’objet d’aucune analyse jusqu’à aujourd’hui, nous permet d’apporter des précisions importantes quant à l’histoire de la régulation de la pauvreté, de la naissance de la médicalisation de l’hôpital et du processus de formation de l’État au début du XXe siècle au Québec

    Drought and heatwave affected the African eggplant differently when present in combination than individually

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    Heat waves and drought periods are set to happen more often due to a changing climate, especially in Africa. The African eggplant, Solanum aethiopicum L., is a highly nutritious vegetable crop indigenous to Africa commonly grown by small-holder farmers. It is adapted to harsh environments but empirical data on its tolerance to high temperatures and drought individually or in combination to help farmers is lacking. This project aimed to describe the effects of drought in combination with heat waves on the leafy African eggplant Shum E11 genotype over 26 days of stress. Four-week-old plants were subjected to repetitive heatwave-type stress consisting of eight days of day/night temperatures reaching 32/26°C or 37/31°C compared to 27/21°C, followed by four days of recovery, repeated twice. A drought treatment was applied during the experiment by maintaining the soil water potential at -100 kPa compared with -10 kPa for non-stressed plants. Drought stress had a predominant effect over heat by reducing leaf production and leaf membrane stability and increasing chlorophyll content. Antioxidants and phenols were unaffected by drought or heat stress while mineral elements were impacted differently by each stress and their combination. These results indicate a good tolerance of the E11 genotype to heat stress during the vegetative stage while drought negatively affected plant growth and leaf biochemical compounds. Further research on later developmental stages will complete our understanding of this variety's tolerance to heat and drought and its potential role in fields affected by environmental stresses

    Heat and salinity stress on the African eggplant F1 Djamba, a Kumba cultivar

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    Climate change is expected to increase soil salinity and heat-wave intensity, duration, and frequency. These stresses, often present in combination, threaten food security as most common crops do not tolerate them. The African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum L.) is a nutritious traditional crop found in sub-Saharan Africa and adapted to local environments. Its wider use is, however, hindered by the lack of research on its tolerance. This project aimed to describe the effects of salinity (100 mM NaCl solution) combined with elevated temperatures (27/21°C, 37/31°C, and 42/36°C). High temperatures reduced leaf biomass while cell membrane stability was reduced by salinity. Chlorophyll levels were boosted by salinity only at the start of the stress with only the different temperatures significantly impacted the levels at the end of the experiment. Other fluorescence parameters such as maximum quantum yield and non-photochemical quenching were only affected by the temperature change. Total antioxidants were unchanged by either stress despite a decrease of phenols at the highest temperature. Leaf sodium concentration was highly increased by salinity but phosphorus and calcium were unchanged by this stress. These findings shed new light on the tolerance mechanisms of the African eggplant under salinity and heat. Further research on later developmental stages is needed to understand its potential in the field in areas affected by these abiotic stresses

    L'élevage, un atout pour le développement durable des territoires dans les régions de polyculture-élevage

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    Comment l’élevage peut-il contribuer au développement durable des territoires en région de polyculture-élevage ? A l’inverse, les objectifs de développement rural peuvent-ils conforter la durabilité de l’élevage dans ces situations ? Notre réflexion est fondée sur des recherches interdisciplinaires sur l’agriculture et l’environnement dans différentes régions françaises (Coteaux de Gascogne, Plaine de Niort, Bretagne, Pays de Caux et Lorraine). Nos recherches appréhendent les relations entre transformations des activités agricoles et changements de l’utilisation des terres en lien avec les services écosystémiques. Ces questions exigent d’aborder de multiples dimensions de la gestion de l’espace et des ressources naturelles par l’élevage. Nos résultats illustrent la complexité et l’imbrication des questions de gestion de l’espace, de la parcelle au paysage, soulevées par le développement durable de l’élevage en milieu de polyculture-élevage. Au niveau de l’exploitation, ils éclairent les stratégies décisionnelles des agriculteurs. Au niveau du tissu d’exploitations, ils soulignent l’importance des relations et des échanges entre exploitations. L’expérimentation de systèmes innovants contribue à évaluer la compatibilité des enjeux territoriaux et de durabilité des exploitations. Enfin, nous proposons des pistes de recherche et d’actions pour conforter la contribution de l’élevage au développement durable des territoires ruraux


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    The current regulatory framework for Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) is changing and now requires manufacturers to disclose the environmental performance of their products. This means that manufacturers must perform a life cycle analysis (LCA) on their entire range of products. An LCA is a recognized and standardized methodology for assessing the environmental impact of activities. However, communicating this information to consumers is challenging because it can be complicated.Despite this challenge, there is currently no common standard for communicating environmental information to consumers. The objective of this study is to explore the best practices for conveying environmental information. To achive this, a review of current environmental labeling approaches and recommendations available in the literature is conducted. Additionally, consumer requirements are collected and analyzed through a questionnaire that employs both quantitative and qualitative methods. The information collected is then used to develop the best practices for implementing environmental labeling for EEE

    Testing behavioral interventions to optimize participation in a population-based colorectal cancer screening program in Catalonia

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    The aim of the study was to measure the effect of three cost-neutral behavioral interventions on participation compared to the standard invitation letter in a population-based colorectal cancer screening program in 2014. For that purpose, a four-arm randomized field trial was conducted among 5077 individuals aged 50 to 69 years. Over an 8-week period, each week was randomly allocated to the intervention or the control conditions. Individuals assigned to the intervention conditions additionally received a prompt to write down the date to pick up the screening test in a pharmacy. Two of the three intervention groups also included an additional paragraph in the invitation letter on either: 1) the high proportion of individuals participating regularly (social norms condition) or 2) the importance of regular participation (benefit condition). We measured screening participation before and after receiving a reminder letter six weeks after the screening invitation. An overall 8.0 percentage point increase in CRC screening was achieved as a direct result of receiving a reminder letter; however none of the intervention strategies influenced participation. The only significant difference was found for newly invited individuals. There, participation rates decreased from 34.9% to 24.2% when the invitation mailing mentioned the importance of regular participation (OR: 0.60; 95% CI: 0.38-0.95). While none of the intervention strategies improved participation rates we found that praising the benefit of regular screening may discourage individuals who have never been invited before as the continuous behavior may be perceived as a large request. Nevertheless, the reminder letter boosted participation rates independently of the intervention assigned
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