4,118 research outputs found

    The evolution of AAOE observed constituents with the polar vortex

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    One of the difficulties in determining constituent trends from the ER-2 flight data is the large amount of day to day variability generated by the motion of the polar vortex. To reduce this variability, the observations have been transformed into the conservative (Lagrangian) reference frames consisting of the coordinate pairs, potential temperature (PT) and potential vorticity (PV), or PT and N2O. The requirement of only two independent coordinates rests on the assumption that constituent distributions and their chemical processes are nearly zonal in that coordinate system. Flight data is used everywhere for these transformation except for potential vorticity. Potential vorticity is determined from level flight segments, and NMC PV values during flight dives and takeoffs are combined with flight data in a smooth fashion

    Sub-Arcsecond Imaging of 3C123:108-GHz Continuum Observations of the Radio Hotspots

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    We present the results of sub-arcsecond 108 GHz continuum interferometric observations toward the radio luminous galaxy 3C123. Using multi-array observations, we utilize the high u,v dynamic range of the BIMA millimeter array to sample fully spatial scales ranging from 0.5" to 50". This allows us to make one-to-one comparisons of millimeter-wavelength emission in the radio lobes and hotspots to VLA centimeter observations at 1.4, 4.9, 8.4, and 15 GHz. At 108 GHz, the bright, eastern double hotspot in the southern lobe is resolved. This is only the second time that a multiple hotspot region has been resolved in the millimeter regime. We model the synchrotron spectra of the hotspots and radio lobes using simple broken power-law models with high energy cutoffs, and discuss the hotspot spectra and their implications for models of multiple hotspot formation.Comment: 16 pages, 3 Figures, ApJ Accepte

    The Peaceful Atom Comes to Campus

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    Youthful idealism, institutional ambition, and Cold War sensibilities all helped shape the Michigan Memorial–Phoenix Project, the University of Michigan’s tribute to fallen World War II soldiers.</jats:p

    Deep to shallow-marine sedimentology and impact of volcanism within the Middle Triassic Palaeo-Tethyan Semantan Basin, Singapore

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    The Middle Triassic Pulau Ayer Chawan Formation is a predominantly deep-marine, occasionally shallow-marine sedimentary succession, deposited in the Singapore sector of the Palaeo-Tethyan Semantan Basin. The formation provides an important record of the dynamic interplay between a siliciclastic sedimentary system and the products of an adjacent active volcanic arc. It is characterised by six sub-environments, including: deep-marine turbidite fan, deep-marine background sedimentation, subaqueous debris cone, shallow-marine, volcanically-sourced turbidite fan, and hyaloclastite mound or ridge. Turbidite fan deposits preserve the input of both siliciclastic and volcaniclastic sediments from the shelf, transported into the deep-marine environment by a suite of subaqueous sediment gravity flow processes, including: turbidity currents; mixed flow types (hybrid event beds); concentrated and hyper concentrated sediment gravity flows, and debris flows. Thick heterolithic successions of debrites were likely sourced through regular collapse of an unstable shelf. The presence of hybrid event beds, encountered within the deep-marine turbidite fans, supports a slope that was out-of-grade, and may have been actively retreating towards the hinterland. Together, these factors suggest regional-scale uplift of the eastern margins of the Semantan Basin during Triassic times, most likely facilitated through volcanic activity in the adjacent Palaeo-Tethys Sukhothai Arc. Evidence for contemporaneous, arc-related magmatism includes ubiquitous volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks within formation, including pyroclastic density current deposits and perhaps more-strikingly through the hyaloclastites of the Nanyang Member. The hyaloclastites formed through quenching of magmas delivered into the deep-marine setting from a series of sub-sea vents or mounds

    Correlation of an epigenetic mitotic clock with cancer risk.

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    BACKGROUND: Variation in cancer risk among somatic tissues has been attributed to variations in the underlying rate of stem cell division. For a given tissue type, variable cancer risk between individuals is thought to be influenced by extrinsic factors which modulate this rate of stem cell division. To date, no molecular mitotic clock has been developed to approximate the number of stem cell divisions in a tissue of an individual and which is correlated with cancer risk. RESULTS: Here, we integrate mathematical modeling with prior biological knowledge to construct a DNA methylation-based age-correlative model which approximates a mitotic clock in both normal and cancer tissue. By focusing on promoter CpG sites that localize to Polycomb group target genes that are unmethylated in 11 different fetal tissue types, we show that increases in DNA methylation at these sites defines a tick rate which correlates with the estimated rate of stem cell division in normal tissues. Using matched DNA methylation and RNA-seq data, we further show that it correlates with an expression-based mitotic index in cancer tissue. We demonstrate that this mitotic-like clock is universally accelerated in cancer, including pre-cancerous lesions, and that it is also accelerated in normal epithelial cells exposed to a major carcinogen. CONCLUSIONS: Unlike other epigenetic and mutational clocks or the telomere clock, the epigenetic clock proposed here provides a concrete example of a mitotic-like clock which is universally accelerated in cancer and precancerous lesions

    A Monte Carlo simulation of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory proportional counters

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    The third phase of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) experiment added an array of 3He proportional counters to the detector. The purpose of this Neutral Current Detection (NCD) array was to observe neutrons resulting from neutral-current solar neutrino-deuteron interactions. We have developed a detailed simulation of the current pulses from the NCD array proportional counters, from the primary neutron capture on 3He through the NCD array signal-processing electronics. This NCD array Monte Carlo simulation was used to model the alpha-decay background in SNO's third-phase 8B solar-neutrino measurement.Comment: 38 pages; submitted to the New Journal of Physic

    Paleozoic to Cenozoic sedimentary bedrock geology and lithostratigraphy of Singapore

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    A new lithostratigraphical framework for Singapore is proposed, based on the analysis of c. 20,000 m of core recovered from 121 c. 205 m deep boreholes and augmented with 218 field localities from across Singapore. The new framework describes a succession dating from the Carboniferous to the Quaternary. New U-Pb detrital zircon dates and fossil analysis were used to constrain the ages of key sedimentary units. The oldest known sedimentary rocks in Singapore are found to be the deformed Carboniferous (Mississippian) Sajahat Formation. These are succeeded by the newly erected, Middle and Upper Triassic, marine to continental Jurong Group and Sentosa Group successions that accumulated in the southern part of the Semantan Basin. The Jurong Group comprises four formations: the Tuas Formation, the Pulau Ayer Chawan Formation, the Pandan Formation and the Boon Lay Formation. The Sentosa Group contains two formations: the Tanjong Rimau Formation and the Fort Siloso Formation. In Singapore, the depositional record during this time is related to late Permian to Triassic arc magmatism in the southern part of the forearc basin to the Sukhothai Arc. The Jurong and Sentosa groups were deformed and weakly metamorphosed during the final stages of the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic orogenic event, deformation that led to the formation of the syn-orogenic conglomerates of the Buona Vista Formation. Following this, two distinct Lower Cretaceous sedimentary successions overstepped the Jurong and Sentosa group strata, including the Kusu Formation and the Bukit Batok Formation, both deposited in the southern part of the Tembeling Basin. A series of Neogene to Quaternary formations overly the Mesozoic and Palaeozoic stratigraphy, including the Fort Canning Formation, Bedok Formation and the Kallang Group

    Participatory Mapping to Address Neighborhood Level Data Deficiencies for food Security Assessment in Southeastern Virginia, USA

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    Background: Food is not equitably available. Deficiencies and generalizations limit national datasets, food security assessments, and interventions. Additional neighborhood level studies are needed to develop a scalable and transferable process to complement national and internationally comparative data sets with timely, granular, nuanced data. Participatory geographic information systems (PGIS) offer a means to address these issues by digitizing local knowledge. Methods: The objectives of this study were two-fold: (i) identify granular locations missing from food source and risk datasets and (ii) examine the relation between the spatial, socio-economic, and agency contributors to food security. Twenty-nine subject matter experts from three cities in Southeastern Virginia with backgrounds in food distribution, nutrition management, human services, and associated research engaged in a participatory mapping process. Results: Results show that publicly available and other national datasets are not inclusive of non-traditional food sources or updated frequently enough to reflect changes associated with closures, expansion, or new programs. Almost 6 percent of food sources were missing from publicly available and national datasets. Food pantries, community gardens and fridges, farmers markets, child and adult care programs, and meals served in community centers and homeless shelters were not well represented. Over 24 km2 of participant identified need was outside United States Department of Agriculture low income, low access areas. Economic, physical, and social barriers to food security were interconnected with transportation limitations. Recommendations address an international call from development agencies, countries, and world regions for intervention methods that include systemic and generational issues with poverty, incorporate non-traditional spaces into food distribution systems, incentivize or regulate healthy food options in stores, improve educational opportunities, increase data sharing. Conclusions: Leveraging city and regional agency as appropriate to capitalize upon synergistic activities was seen as critical to achieve these goals, particularly for non-traditional partnership building. To address neighborhood scale food security needs in Southeastern Virginia, data collection and assessment should address both environment and utilization issues from consumer and producer perspectives including availability, proximity, accessibility, awareness, affordability, cooking capacity, and preference. The PGIS process utilized to facilitate information sharing about neighborhood level contributors to food insecurity and translate those contributors to intervention strategies through discussion with local subject matter experts and contextualization within larger scale food systems dynamics is transferable
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