19 research outputs found

    MatLab code to run analyses to investigate the effect of intraspecific killing on the evolution of alternative reproductive tactics

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    <p>Killing promotes the coexistence of alternative reproductive tactics in males of the same species. Males of many species adopt either an aggressive ‘fighter’ or a competition-evading ‘sneaker’ tactic to gain access to females to mate. Fighter and sneaker coexistence is promoted by differences in their life histories. Using a theoretical approach, we show that sneakers and fighters can coexist under an even wider range of conditions if fighters kill competitor fighters in conflicts. Here the MatLab code can be downloaded<br></p

    data inbreeding paper Tetranychus urticae

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    This Excel file contains the data of the two-part experiment on inbreeding depression and purging in Tetranychus urticae. The data of the two parts are presented in separate worksheets, labels are provided above the columns with comments explaining the labels

    data context-dependent signalling in an insect

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    Excel file with the data of the total amount of alarm pheromone and the relative amounts of its two compounds (as explained in further detail in the Excel file); there is a separate sheet for each of the five treatments