647 research outputs found

    Ewald methods for inverse power-law interactions in tridimensional and quasi-two dimensional systems

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    In this paper, we derive the Ewald method for inverse power-law interactions in quasi-two dimensional systems. The derivation is done by using two different analytical methods. The first uses the Parry's limit, that considers the Ewald methods for quasi-two dimensional systems as a limit of the Ewald methods for tridimensional systems, the second uses Poisson-Jacobi identities for lattice sums. Taking into account the equivalence of both derivations, we obtain a new analytical Fourier transform intregral involving incomplete gamma function. Energies of the generalized restrictive primitive model of electrolytes (η\eta-RPM) and of the generalized one component plasma model (η\eta-OCP) are given for the tridimensional, quasi-two dimensional and monolayers systems. Few numerical results, using Monte-Carlo simulations, for η\eta-RPM and η\eta-OCP monolayers systems are reported.Comment: to be published in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (19 pages, 2 figures and 3 tables

    Analisis Finansial Dan Pemasaran Keranjang Bambu Di Desa Sigodang, Kecamatan Panei, Kabupaten Simalungun

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    Bamboo was potencial matter as the substitution of wood, especialy in bamboo basket making. Bamboo basket processing was slowly developed by small industries. This cased aims to determine the financial feasibility and marketing of bamboo basket. To determine the financial feasibility analysis through Cost-Revenue Ratio (R / C), Capital Return Time (Payback Period) and Break Even Point (BEP) analysis. To determine marketing margins distribution used snowball sampling method. The results showed that the financial analysis processing bamboo basket was feasible by R / C was more great than 1 (1.62 and 1.63). There are 3 channels of marketing of bamboo baskets, and the most efficient marketing was channel I

    Yukawa potentials in systems with partial periodic boundary conditions II : Lekner sums for quasi-two dimensional systems

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    Yukawa potentials may be long ranged when the Debye screening length is large. In computer simulations, such long ranged potentials have to be taken into account with convenient algorithms to avoid systematic bias in the sampling of the phase space. Recently, we have provided Ewald sums for quasi-two dimensional systems with Yukawa interaction potentials [M. Mazars, {\it J. Chem. Phys.}, {\bf 126}, 056101 (2007) and M. Mazars, {\it Mol. Phys.}, Paper I]. Sometimes, Lekner sums are used as an alternative to Ewald sums for Coulomb systems. In the present work, we derive the Lekner sums for quasi-two dimensional systems with Yukawa interaction potentials and we give some numerical tests for pratical implementations. The main result of this paper is to outline that Lekner sums cannot be considered as an alternative to Ewald sums for Yukawa potentials. As a conclusion to this work : Lekner sums should not be used for quasi-two dimensional systems with Yukawa interaction potentials.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures and 1 tabl

    Economically optimal timing for crop disease control under uncertainty: an options approach

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    Severe large-scale disease and pest infestations in agricultural regions can cause significant economic damage. Understanding if and when disease control measures should be taken in the presence of risk and uncertainty is a key issue. We develop a framework to examine the economically optimal timing of treatment. The decision to treat should only be undertaken when the benefits exceed the costs by a certain amount and not if they are merely equal to or greater than the costs as standard net-present-value (NPV) analysis suggests. This criterion leads to a reduction in fungicide use. We investigate the effect of the model for disease progress on the value required for immediate treatment by comparing two standard models for disease increase (exponential and logistic growth). Analyses show that the threshold value of benefits required for immediate release of treatment varies significantly with the relative duration of the agricultural season, the intrinsic rate of increase of the disease and the level of uncertainty in disease progression. In comparing the performance of the delay strategy introduced here with the conventional NPV approach, we show how the degree of uncertainty affects the benefits of delaying control

    Emergency peripartum hysterectomy in a tertiary hospital in Antananarivo, Madagascar

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    Background: Postpartum hemorrhage is one of the leading causes of maternal death in the entire world. It affects 10% of deliveries. Emergency peripartum hysterectomy (EPH)defined as a lifesaving procedure involving the removal of the uterus to treat severe postpartum hemorrhage is one of the last-resort treatments for severe postpartum hemorrhage in case of failure of other techniques. Through this study, we aimed both to describe the epidemiological profile, to determine the etiologies, and maternal complications of EPH.Methods: It is about a descriptive retrospective study from January 1st, 2016 to January 1st, 2017 at the Befelatanana University Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology. We included all patients who underwent Emergency peripartum hysterectomy after 22 weeks of Amenorrhea (WA) regardless of the delivery route in the centre. We used the R software for the statistical analysis of the results.Results: We had 31 cases of EPH during this period with a prevalence of 0.44%. The average age was 26.38±5.61 years. Mean gestational age was 37±3.59 weeks of amenorrhea. In the 83.87% of cases, the patient received less than four prenatal consultations. Patients were referred in 45.16% of the cases. The delivery route was by cesarean section in 48.39% of cases. Eleven patients (35.48%) received a blood transfusion. Hysterectomy was subtotal in 96.77% of the cases. We had five (16.13%) maternal deaths during the study period. The leading cause of death was hemorrhagic shock (80%). The etiology of hysterectomy was dominated by uterine atony complicated by hemorrhage (48.39%), followed by retroplacental hematoma (25.81%) and uterine rupture (22.58%).Conclusions: EPH still holds its place in the management of postpartum hemorrhage in Madagascar. Maternal mortality remains high. Uterine atony was the most common indication for EPH. The prevention of postpartum hemorrhage by management of the third stage of labour should be carried out by any health actor

    De novo backbone and sequence design of an idealized α/β-barrel protein: evidence of stable tertiary structure

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    We have designed, synthesized, and characterized a 216 amino acid residue sequence encoding a putative idealized α/β-barrel protein. The design was elaborated in two steps. First, the idealized backbone was defined with geometric parameters representing our target fold: a central eight parallel-stranded β-sheet surrounded by eight parallel α-helices, connected together with short structural turns on both sides of the barrel. An automated sequence selection algorithm, based on the dead-end elimination theorem, was used to find the optimal amino acid sequence fitting the target structure. A synthetic gene coding for the designed sequence was constructed and the recombinant artificial protein was expressed in bacteria, purified and characterized. Far-UV CD spectra with prominent bands at 222 nm and 208 nm revealed the presence of α-helix secondary structures (50%) in fairly good agreement with the model. A pronounced absorption band in the near-UV CD region, arising from immobilized aromatic side-chains, showed that the artificial protein is folded in solution. Chemical unfolding monitored by tryptophan fluorescence revealed a conformational stability (ΔGH_2O) of 35 kJ/mol. Thermal unfolding monitored by near-UV CD revealed a cooperative transition with an apparent T_m of 65 °C. Moreover, the artificial protein did not exhibit any affinity for the hydrophobic fluorescent probe 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid (ANS), providing additional evidence that the artificial barrel is not in the molten globule state, contrary to previously designed artificial a/ b-barrels. Finally, ^1H NMR spectra of the folded and unfolded proteins provided evidence for specific interactions in the folded protein. Taken together, the results indicate that the de novo designed α/β-barrel protein adopts a stable three-dimensional structure in solution. These encouraging results show that de novo design of an idealized protein structure of more than 200 amino acid residues is now possible, from construction of a particular backbone conformation to determination of an amino acid sequence with an automated sequence selection algorithm

    Power laws in microrheology experiments on living cells: comparative analysis and modelling

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    We compare and synthesize the results of two microrheological experiments on the cytoskeleton of single cells. In the first one, the creep function J(t) of a cell stretched between two glass plates is measured after applying a constant force step. In the second one, a micrometric bead specifically bound to transmembrane receptors is driven by an oscillating optical trap, and the viscoelastic coefficient Ge(ω)G_e(\omega) is retrieved. Both J(t)J(t) and Ge(ω)G_e(\omega) exhibit power law behavior: J(t)=A(t/t0)αJ(t)= A(t/t_0)^\alpha and Gˉe(ω)=ˉG0(ω/ω0)α\bar G_e(\omega)\bar = G_0 (\omega/\omega_0)^\alpha, with the same exponent α0.2\alpha\approx 0.2. This power law behavior is very robust ; α\alpha is distributed over a narrow range, and shows almost no dependance on the cell type, on the nature of the protein complex which transmits the mechanical stress, nor on the typical length scale of the experiment. On the contrary, the prefactors A0A_0 and G0G_0appear very sensitive to these parameters. Whereas the exponents α\alpha are normally distributed over the cell population, the prefactors A0A_0 and G0G_0 follow a log-normal repartition. These results are compared with other data published in the litterature. We propose a global interpretation, based on a semi-phenomenological model, which involves a broad distribution of relaxation times in the system. The model predicts the power law behavior and the statistical repartition of the mechanical parameters, as experimentally observed for the cells. Moreover, it leads to an estimate of the largest response time in the cytoskeletal network: τm1000\tau_m \approx 1000 s.Comment: 47 pages, 14 figures // v2: PDF file is now Acrobat Reader 4 (and up) compatible // v3: Minor typos corrected - The presentation of the model have been substantially rewritten (p. 17-18), in order to give more details - Enhanced description of protocols // v4: Minor corrections in the text : the immersion angles are estimated and not measured // v5: Minor typos corrected. Two references were clarifie