4 research outputs found


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    The performance of teachers who are still not in accordance with their abilitiestoday is a problem in the management of education. There are several factorsthat can affect the performance of the teacher, including individualcharacteristics and teacher competence, but these two factors also still haveshortcomings in their management. For this reason, the purpose of this study isto examine the influence of individual characteristics and teacher competencieson teacher performance at the teachers of SMK Negeri 1 Siantar, SimalungunRegency, totaling 24 people. This study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis with the use of validity and reliability tests where the results are valid andreliable. For the normality test that the data has a normal distribution, then forthe simple regression equation and multiple regression that the results of thecorrelation coefficient of individual characteristics and teacher competence onteacher performance are positive. For the partial test that individualcharacteristics have a positive and significant effect on teacher performance, forthe partial test of the teacher competency variable on teacher performance it haspositive and significant results. The results for the simultaneous test are knowntogether that individual characteristics and teacher competencies have a positiveand significant effect on teacher performance, this shows that when individualcharacteristics and teacher competencies are good, teacher performance willalso be good


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    Tujuan dari pelatihan ini untuk menambah wawasan kepada anggota LKP Tami Boga dalam pemahaman tentang pentingnya pengelolaan inovasi terhadap produk.  Dengan penerapan inovasi terhadap produk diharapkan untuk ke depannya anggota LKP Tami Boga ketika sudah selesai dalam menjalani pelatihan di LKP Tami Boga akan mampu menghasilkan produk-produk yang memiliki daya saing di lingkungan usaha yang akan dibangun ke depannya. Karena saat ini untuk mendukung ekonomi keluarga dapat berasal dari terciptanya industri rumah tangga yang kreatif dan mampu mendukung perekonomian keluarga maupun pemerintah


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the work environment on the performance of the employees of the Public Administration Section of the Pematangsiantar City Regional Secretariat, totaling 28 employees. For the results of the validity analysis, it was found that the results were valid and for reliability the results were reliable. For the results of normality, it is concluded that the data is normally distributed, with a coefficient of determination of 36% while the rest is influenced by other factors and the correlation value of the variables is included in the strong category. The regression equation shows positive equation results and the hypothesis results provide an answer that partially, the work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, because the work environment is the most important factor in achieving employee performance

    Pengalaman Kerja dan Etos Kerja serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Kinerja Anggota Kelompok Tani Setia Tani Hutan Pariksabungan

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    Good human resources today are the benchmark for the success of an organization, and this can be supported by the work experience and work ethic of the members of the organization. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of work experience and work ethic on the performance of members of the Pariksabungan Forest Farmers Loyal Farmer Group working in Pinus Hills Simarjarunjung in Pariksabungan Village, Dolok Pardamena District, Simalungun Regency, which has 35 members. For the items of the research instrument, the results are obtained that can be declared valid and also reliable. The results of the regression were found to result that work experience and work ethic have a positive direction towards member performance. For hypothesis test results it was found that work experience has a positive and significant influence on member performance, similarly the influence of work ethic also has a positive and significant influence on member performance. When members of the organization have a more dominant work experience and are supported by a good work ethic, it will produce good performance which will directly support organizational performance