72 research outputs found

    A formal approach to vague expressions with indexicals

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    In this paper, we offer a formal approach to the scantily investigated problem of vague expressions with indexicals, in particular including the spatial indexical `here' and the temporal indexical `now'. We present two versions of an adaptive fuzzy logic extended with an indexical, formally expressed by a modifier as a function that applies to predicative formulas. In the first version, such an operator is applied to non-vague predicates. The modified formulas may have a fuzzy truth value and fit into a Sorites paradox. We use adaptive fuzzy logics as a reasoning tool to address such a paradox. The modifier enables us to offer an adequate explication of the dynamic reasoning process. In the second version, a different result is obtained for an indexical applied to a formula with a possibly vague predicate, where the resulting modified formula has a crisp value and does not add up to a Sorites paradox

    A user-dependent approach to the perception of high-level semantics of music

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    The effects of control versus autonomy in hypermedia learning environments

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    Gorissen, C. J. J., Kester, L., Brand-Gruwel, S., & Martens, R. L. (2010, 13-16 May). The effects of control versus autonomy in hypermedia learning environments. Poster presented at the 4th International Self-Determination Theory Conference, Ghent, Belgium: Kennisnet.This study concerns the effect of autonomy when studying learning material on students’ motivation, perceived mental effort and learning results, taken into account students’ prior domain knowledge, learning ability and attitude towards learning. The objective of this study is to find a balance between the implications, for the design of educational instruction, of Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) and Self Determination Theory (SDT) with regard to the amount of control that is optimal for learning.Kennisne

    До історії становлення прогнозо-аналітичних досліджень науково-технологічного розвитку в Центрі досліджень науково-технічного потенціалу та історії науки ім. Г.М. Доброва НАН України

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    Висвітлено внесок Г.М.Доброва у становлення прогнозно-аналітичних досліджень перспектив розвитку науки і технологій в Україні та роботу, яка виконується в Центрі досліджень науково-технічного потенціалу та історії науки ім. Г.М.Доброва НАН України з такого прогнозування в сучасний період.Освещены вклад Г.М.Доброва в становление прогнозно-аналитических исследований перспектив развития науки и технологий в Украине и работа, выполненная в Центре исследований научно-технического потенциала и истории науки им.Г.М.Доброва НАН Украины по такому прогнозированию в современный период.The contribution by D.M.Dobrov in establishment of prognosticating and analytical studies of science and technologies in Ukraine is shown, along with relevant works performed in G.M.Dobrov Center for Science and Technology Potential and Science History Studies of the NAS of Ukraine in the current period

    Resultaten na operatieve behandeling van luchtzuigen bij het paard: een retrospectieve studie (1990-2000)

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    From 1990 till 2000 thirty windsucking horses were admitted for surgical intervention at the department of Surgery and Anesthesiology of Domestic Animals of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Ghent. Twenty-one horse owners answered the follow-up questionary. The etiology of this stereotypy and possible treatments are discussed. The results after surgery (modified operation of Forssell) were good in 71.4% of the cases, with little postoperative complications. There was no predisposition for a certain age or sex although thoroughbreds were more often referred for surgical treatment