3,777 research outputs found

    Partitioning predictors in multivariate regression models

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    A Multivariate Regression Model Based on the Optimal Partition of Predictors (MRBOP) useful in applications in the presence of strongly correlated predictors is presented. Such classes of predictors are synthesized by latent factors, which are obtained through an appropriate linear combination of the original variables and are forced to be weakly correlated. Specifically, the proposed model assumes that the latent factors are determined by subsets of predictors characterizing only one latent factor. MRBOP is formalized in a least squares framework optimizing a penalized quadratic objective function through an alternating least-squares (ALS) algorithm. The performance of the methodology is evaluated on simulated and real data sets. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Analisi termodinamica di processi di water-splitting per la produzione di idrogeno mediante l’utilizzo di energia solare

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    SOMMARIO I processi termochimici solari di water-splitting (WSTC) permettono di produrre idrogeno dalla termolisi dell’acqua ad una temperatura accettabile (inferiore a 1500 C), eliminando anche problemi inerenti alla separazione ad alta temperatura della miscela esplosiva O2/H2. La realizzabilità di ogni WSTC dipende in particolar modo da due fattori: ottenimento di rendimenti energetici elevati e fattibilità operativa. Il presente lavoro di tesi, svolto in collaborazione con il Centro Ricerche ENEL di Pisa, si propone di valutare la realizzabilità di dieci processi di WSTC proposti in letteratura e ritenuti particolarmente interessanti. Allo scopo è stata effettuata una dettagliata analisi termodinamica dei cicli investigati. L’analisi termodinamica è stata anche applicata ai processi di termolisi diretta dell’H2O e dell’H2S. Per ogni ciclo, sono stati valutati oltre ai rendimenti exergetici ed energetici, le irreversibilità ideali in ogni fase del ciclo, la potenza solare di ingresso, le perdite per irraggiamento del reattore solare e la composizione all’equilibrio delle specie chimiche all’interno di tale reattore. Per il confronto della fattibilità operativa dei WSTC selezionati, è stato definito un criterio di selezione e implementato attraverso una funzione matematica di desiderabilità (DMF), che assegna un punteggio globale ad ogni processo esaminato

    Adaptive Partitioning for Large-Scale Dynamic Graphs

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    Abstract—In the last years, large-scale graph processing has gained increasing attention, with most recent systems placing particular emphasis on latency. One possible technique to improve runtime performance in a distributed graph processing system is to reduce network communication. The most notable way to achieve this goal is to partition the graph by minimizing the num-ber of edges that connect vertices assigned to different machines, while keeping the load balanced. However, real-world graphs are highly dynamic, with vertices and edges being constantly added and removed. Carefully updating the partitioning of the graph to reflect these changes is necessary to avoid the introduction of an extensive number of cut edges, which would gradually worsen computation performance. In this paper we show that performance degradation in dynamic graph processing systems can be avoided by adapting continuously the graph partitions as the graph changes. We present a novel highly scalable adaptive partitioning strategy, and show a number of refinements that make it work under the constraints of a large-scale distributed system. The partitioning strategy is based on iterative vertex migrations, relying only on local information. We have implemented the technique in a graph processing system, and we show through three real-world scenarios how adapting graph partitioning reduces execution time by over 50 % when compared to commonly used hash-partitioning. I
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