220 research outputs found

    Consortial purchasing in Croatia : current situation and perspective

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    U radu se daje kratak pregled povijesti razvoja knjižničnih konzorcija, te se problematizira konzorcijska nabava stranih znanstvenih časopisa i baza podataka u Republici Hrvatskoj od početaka do danas. Prikazana su dva prijedloga konzorcija kojima se osigurava provođenje nacionalne znanstvene politike, a također i transparentno i učinkovito koriÅ”tenje proračunskih sredstava.The paper gives a brief overview of the history of the library consortia, and discusses the consortial acquisition of foreign scientific journals and databases in the Republic of Croatia from the beginning until today. Two proposals of the consortium are described to ensure the implementation of national science policy, and also to provide transparent and efficient use of budgetary resource

    Procedural generation of road networks for large virtual environments

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    Much work has been done in recent years involving the generation of virtual landscapes, namely for applications in video games and movies. Some recent video games feature worlds upwards of 400 mi2, and they continue to expand. Manual design of these landscapes can be extremely time consuming. However, recent approaches have shown that reasonable scenes could potentially be generated procedurally with little to no input from a human designer. Many of the individual pieces necessary for generating a large, complex terrain populated with cities have been investigated, but efforts to piece them together have been minimal so far. A system is presented to build a reasonable hierarchical road network when provided with positional and size information about cities as well as a map of the terrain. Experiments are included to compare this system to existing real world road networks in the United States


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    Časopis Arhivski vjesnik je najeminentniji i najrelevantniji časopis u znanstvenom području, te jedan jedini na polju arhivistike. Kao takav značajan je predstavnik relativno mlade znanstvene discipline u sferi informacijskih znanosti. Ovim stručnim uratkom nastojalo se napraviti svojevrsni preliminarni uvid u njegov rad. Sukladno tome, u obzir su uzete samo osnovne kategorije bibliometrijske analize: ukupan broj objavljenih radova, kategorizacija radova, broj autora/ustanova, te zastupljenost po temama/rubrikama Å”to svakako ostavlja mjesta daljnjim, detaljnijim i složenijim aspektima istraživanja.Arhivski vjesnik is the most eminent and the most relevant scientific journal as well as the only one in the field of archival science. The aim of this paper was to make a preliminary insight into the publishing of the journal, as a significant representative of the young scientific discipline of information sciences. Considering these facts, only the basic categories in the bibliometric analysis were taken into account: total number of published articles, categorization of articles, number of authors/institutions, and number of papers in the journal topic sections, leaving place for further detailed and more complex research
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