5 research outputs found

    Menurunkan Kecemasan Sosial Melalui Pemaknaan Kisah Hidup

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    Negative self beliefs during social interaction and previous unpleasant social experiences increase level of social anxiety. This condition also leads person to form narrative tone about helplessness. This research aim is to apply Narrative Therapy for exploring experiences and other life stories from a highly anxious person to decrease his/her level of anxiety. The research participant (subject Y, female, 21 years old) fits the participant's inclusive criteria, using Skala Kecemasan Sosial-Revisi (SKS-R). Y joins 8 sessions of individual therapy setting. SKS-R is given before and after therapy, and also in the follow up sessions. SKS-R score shows decrease in Y's level of social anxiety from 226 (very high anxiety) to 112 (very low anxiety) and the low scores remain stable in two follow up sessions. Meanwhile, her safety behaviors frequency, which is observed using Observasi Perilaku Aman (OPA), shows unstable score per session. Narrative analysis on conversation transcript and Diari Pelaporan Diri (DPD) show narrative tone transformation. Before therapy, it is dominated by helplessness. After therapy, it is changed to empowerment and self esteem to fight against anxiety. Negative imagery of ā€œMiss Panicā€ and ā€œMiss Sensitiveā€ is deleted. The conclusion is Narrative Therapy can decrease Y's level of social anxiety. Further research can support Narrative Therapy reliability in different setting. Keywords: narrative therapy, social anxiety, narrative analysi

    Dinamika Konsep Diri Pada Remaja Perempuan Pembaca Teenlit

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    This study aimed to understand the dynamics of self-concept among teenage girls who read teenlit. The subjects of this study were three high school students who had actively read teenlit for at least two years. In addition, the data were obtained also from five informants who often interacted and could provide an overview about the subjects. This study used a qualitative method with phenomenological approach. Data were collected through in-depth interview on subjects and informants, observation during interview and use of teenlit as written document. The findings indicated that characters in teenlit influenced the girls' self-concept through the mechanism of social comparison and modeling. By observing various characters found in the teenlits they read, they tended to pay attention to a teenlit's characters that are superior to themselves. Therefore, such comparison led them to have negative self-concept. However, if they had made critical self-appraisal based on a motive of self-improvement while comparing themselves with the characters, they would have had positive self-concept. It can be concluded that a character that is considered better may become a model for the formation of an ideal self-concept. Through modeling, youth also form an actual self-concept of which is previously less aware. Keywords: modeling, self-concept, social comparison, teenli

    Penerapan Program 'Kereta Anak Tertib' Di Taman Kanak-Kanak

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    Perilaku disruptif berdampak negatif terhadap keterlibatan anak dalam kegiatan belajar dan interaksi sosial. Dampak negatif ini dikhawatirkan akan semakin besar jika perilaku disruptif di masa kanak-kanak tidak mendapatkan penanganan secara tepat. Teknik keperilakuan terbukti efektif pada kasus perilaku disruptif. Oleh sebab itu diterapkan dalam penelitian ini sebagai bentuk tritmen yang disebut program 'Kereta Anak Tertib', mengkombinasikan ketepatan penyampaian perintah dan ekonomi token terhadap anak. Penelitian eksperimen kasus tunggal ini menggunakan penerapan dan penarikan program dari kegiatan kelas (ABAB). Data kuantitatif dianalisis secara visual (visual inspection) dan mengggunakan uji Friedman, sedangkan data kualitatif dipaparkan secara deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa program 'Kereta Anak Tertib' dapat menurunkan perilaku disruptif anak Taman Kanak-kanak