15 research outputs found
The problem of postural defects in children and adolescents and the role of school teachers and counselors in their prevention
Artykuł recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleWady postawy ciała zarówno u dzieci jak i młodzieży stanowią istotny problem zdrowotny, a zarazem wyzwanie dla podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej oraz środowiska nauczania i wychowania. Kluczową rolę w diagnozowaniu wad postawy ciała odgrywa pielęgniarka szkolna. Celem opracowania jest ocena częstości występowania wad postawy
u dzieci i młodzieży oraz ukazanie roli pracowników środowiska nauczania i wychowania
w ich zapobieganiu. Wyniki badań przesiewowych uczniów wskazują na liczne nieprawidłowości w zakresie układu kostno-stawowego, a tym samym częste występowanie wad postawy ciała. Wdrożenie i realizacja gimnastyki korekcyjnej wydaje się być zatem kluczowym działaniem kompensująco-naprawczym, umożliwiającym zahamowanie progresji zmian. Istnieją jednak pewne utrudnienia, zmniejszające szansę na odpowiednio wczesne wdrożenie takich działań. Brak bilansu zdrowia uczniów w ostatniej klasie szkoły gimnazjalnej opóźnia wykrycie wady i może skutkować jej utrwaleniem. Może to prowadzić do deformacji, a w efekcie kosztów związanych z późniejszym leczeniem i rehabilitacją. Dokonywany w tym czasie przez ucznia wybór szkoły ponadgimnazjalnej w dużej mierze rzutuje na przyszłość młodego człowieka, bowiem występujące wady stanowią przeciwwskazanie do wykonywania niektórych zawodów, o czym młody człowiek dowiaduje się już po podjęciu decyzji o wyborze szkoły.The body posture defects, both in children and adolescents are an important problem of public health and also a challenge for primary care and teaching environment. A school nurse plays the key role in the diagnosis of body posture defects. The aim of the study is to assess the frequency of postural defects in children and adolescents and the role of the school environment in their prevention. The results of screening tests in students indicate numerous irregularities in the osteoarticular system, and thus the occurrence of defects of body posture. Implementation and exercising of corrective gymnastics seems to be a key compensating and repairing activity, enabling the inhibition of changes progression. However, there are certain obstacles, reducing the chance for early implementation of these activities. The lack of medical examination of students in last grades of primary school and high school may delay the detection of body defects and may result in permanent abnormalities. This can lead to deformation and, consequently, high costs of treatment and rehabilitation. The proper choice of secondary school has a significant influence on the future of a young person, as the occurring body defects prevent from performing certain professions, however, the young person becomes aware of such contraindications once the decision about the school has already been made
Associations between the dopamine D4 receptor gene polymorphisms and personality traits in elite athletes
Personality traits and temperament may affect sports performance. Previous studies suggest that dopamine may play an important role in behavior regulation and physical exercise performance. The aim of this study is to determine associations between dopamine D4 receptor gene (DRD4 Ex3) polymorphisms and personality traits (such as neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeability and conscientiousness) in elite combat athletes. A total of 302 physically active, unrelated, self-reported Caucasian participants were recruited for this study. The participants consisted of 200 elite male combat athletes and 102 healthy male participants (control group). For personality trait measurements, the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory (NEO-FFI) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory questionnaires were used. For the genetic assays, blood was collected and all samples were genotyped using the real-time PCR method. A 2 x 3 factorial ANOVA revealed statistically significant differences on the Openness NEO Five Factor Inventory scale for both examined factors, i.e. sport status and genetics DTD4 Ex3. Combat athletes achieved higher scores on the Conscientiousness NEO-FFI scale when compared to controls (7.18 vs 5.98). On the other hand, combat athletes scored lower on the Openness scale in comparison with control group (4.42 vs. 4.63). Subjects with the DRD4 Ex3 s/s genotype had lower results on the openness scale in comparison with participants with the DRD4 Ex3 s/1 genotype (4.01 vs. 4.57) and higher DRD4 Ex3 1/1 genotype (4,01 vs. 3,50). In conclusion, we found an association between the dopamine D4 receptor gene in variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphisms and athletic status for two NEO-FFI factors: Openness and Conscientiousness. The DRD4 exon 3 polymorphism may be associated with the selected personality traits in combat athletes, thereby modulating athletes’ predisposition to participate in high risk sports
Educational Security in Poland – Legal Aspects
Coraz bardziej pożądanym dobrem w obecnych czasach staje się bezpieczeństwo indywidualne oraz zbiorowe. Fundamentalną powinnością państwa jest zapewnienie tego bezpieczeństwa. Świadomość społeczna oraz indywidualna w tym obszarze jest coraz większa, a świat oczekuje systemowych rozwiązań. O bezpieczeństwie można mówić na wiele sposobów: jako bezpieczeństwo zbiorowe, indywidualne, państwowe, narodowe, finansowe, energetyczne itp. Nawet ponadnarodowe instytucje poświęcają wiele uwagi bezpieczeństwu. Skala zagrożeń oraz rozmiar zatroskania tymi zagrożeniami każą rozpoczynać edukację w tym zakresie jak najwcześniej; uświadamiać młodych ludzi o zagrożeniach oraz uczyć ich jak radzić sobie w sytuacjach niebezpiecznych już od najmłodszych lat. Omawiane postępowanie jest słuszne oraz racjonalne zarówno z etycznego, jak również pedagogicznego punktu widzenia. Przynosi również wymierne efekty społeczne i wydaje się powszechnie akceptowaną, trwałą tendencją. Wychodząc naprzeciw społecznym potrzebom oraz nieuchronnym zmianom w tej kwestii, kolejna reforma edukacyjna wprowadziła edukację dla bezpieczeństwa do obowiązkowego kanonu nauczania na III etapie edukacyjnym (Dz. U. z 15.01.2009 r., Nr 4, poz. 17). Gimnazjalista w metodycznie spójny oraz uporządkowany sposób będzie się uczył, jak budować elementarne bezpieczeństwo: swoje, swoich bliskich, kolegów oraz innych – potencjalnych ofiar zagrożeń i zdarzeń kryzysowych. Prawdopodobnie nie jest to ostatnie słowo zinstytucjonalizowanych zabiegów państwa polskiego o wysoki poziom przygotowania młodego człowieka – oraz obywatela – do szczęśliwego, dojrzałego, a także bezpiecznego życia. Pewne przesłanki znajdują się także na niższych szczeblach edukacji. Są one realizowane przez osoby o różnym przygotowaniu w tej dziedzinie, jeszcze rozproszone, istotne jednak, iż się pojawiają. Tak zaczyna się każda poważna zmiana jakościowa (Słoma, 2009, s. 3). Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie zasad prawnych bezpieczeństwa edukacyjnego w Polsce. Zawarto takżeregulacje związane z edukacją jako procesem zdobywania wiedzy na temat bezpieczeństwa. Individual and collective security are becoming more and more sought after in this day and age. The fundamental duty of the state is to ensure this security. Social and individual awareness in this area is increasing and the world expects systemic solutions. Safety can be said in many ways: as collective security, individual, national, national, financial, energy, etc. Even transnational institutions pay much attention to security. The scale of threats and the extent to which they are threatened by these threats require that education be started as early as possible; educate young people about hazards and teach them how to deal with dangerous situations from an early age. The proceedings are just and reasonable, both from an ethical as well as pedagogical point of view. It also brings tangible social effects and seems to be a generally accepted, lasting trend. In response to social needs and the inevitable changes in this issue, another educational reform introduced safety education into the compulsorycanon of education in the third stage of education1. Middle school students in a methodically consistent and orderly way will learn how to build elementary security: their, their loved ones, colleagues and others – potential victims of hazards and crises. Probably not the last word of the institutionalized Polish state of affairs for the high level of preparation of a young man – and a citizen – for a happy, mature and safe life. Certain premises are also found at the lower levels of education. They are implemented by people with different backgrounds in the field, yet scattered, but important that they appear. So every serious qualitative change begins. The aim of this study was to present legal principles of educational safety in Poland. There are also regulations related to education as a process of gaining knowledge about safety
Gait Parameters of Elite Kickboxing Athletes
Background: Correct movement techniques are crucial for enhancing athletic performance and minimizing the risk of injury. This is particularly true for kickboxing, in which a variety of forms of locomotion are employed. Despite its importance, gait and movement analysis in this sport is under-researched. The primary objective of this study is to understand gait patterns and limb symmetry between the dominant and non-dominant legs among professional kickboxers and to explore their correlation with the level of technical and tactical preparation. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted involving 20 elite kickboxers. Data collection employed the 3D Force Treadmill for gait parameters, as well as simulated sparring sessions to evaluate technical–tactical indices. Various gait parameters were analyzed, including the center of pressure (COP), gait phase, spatial and time parameters, as well as reaction force. Results: No significant bilateral differences were found in the majority of gait variables. Exceptions were in the medio-lateral component of the COP and force, where more deviation was observed in the non-dominant foot. The only noted significant correlation was between lateral symmetry and attack activity. Conclusions: This study allows us to indicate that kickboxers’ training promotes symmetrical gait patterns. Targeted training interventions could further optimize these patterns. The significant relationship between lateral symmetry and attack activity suggests areas for future research and potential performance improvement. The results of this study contribute to athletes’ self-monitoring and coaching strategies
Occurrence of alcohol addiction in the adult population living in rural areas
Risky alcohol consumption is one of the main threats to the health of both individuals and society as a whole. These threats affect, among others, health, safety and financial situation. Their scale and intensity cause the issue of alcohol consumption to become a significant challenge for public health.
The aim of the study was assessment of the occurrence of the problem of alcohol consumption among residents of rural areas in Western Pomerania and the Lubuskie Province of Western Poland.
Material and methods
The study was conducted on 350 residents of rural areas – 236 females (66.4%) and 114 males (32.6%), median age – 42 y. (range – 20–76 years). The tools used included MAST and AUDIT questionnaires, Health Behaviour Inventory (HBI), Social Activity Questionnaire (SA), and original questions.
In the studied group the problem with proper alcohol consumption occurred. High convergence was observed between results obtained by individual respondents with both tools (r=0.868 with p<0.001). Median on the AUDIT scale indicated the possibility of alcoholism occurrence in the studied group, whereas the MAST test indicated the necessity to conduct an in-depth alcohol diagnosis. Factors that differentiated the points scored by respondents in AUDIT test included gender – more women drank alcohol in a risky way (Z=-2.54, p=0.011), education, health behaviours, professional passivity, and using various forms of support. In the AUDIT test, the alcoholism threat was over 7 times higher in people without permanent employment (vs. employed people), OR=7.41 (95% CI-4.56–12.04), and in MAST test it was over 4 times higher
in these individuals: OR =4.45 (95% CI–2.64–7.49).
Results indicate the need to intensify the work of regional facilities for solving alcohol problems, as well as educational campaigns in schools and health care facilities
Evaluation of Anterior-Posterior Spine Curvatures and Incidence of Sagittal Defects in Children and Adolescents Practicing Traditional Karate
Background and Study Aim. To evaluate anterior-posterior spine curvatures and incidence of sagittal defects in children and adolescents practicing traditional Karate. Material and Methods. 152 people aged 6-16 yrs, mean age 10.5±3.03. The study group (SG), subjects attending traditional Karate classes for min one year, 60 minutes twice a week (76 people). The control group (CG) randomly selected on 1:1 basis to match SG. The anterior-posterior curvatures were measured with a gravitational inclinometer. Sauder’s norms were used to assess postural defects. Body mass, height, and BMI were measured. Mann-Whitney U-test/Student’s t-test for independent variables, χ2 test, and Cramer V test were used in statistical analysis. Results. Significant differences were observed between the groups in lumbosacral inclination ALPHA1 p<0.001; karateka had significantly lower ALPHA 1 and greater thoracic inclination (GAMMA TH/L) p=0.23. In study group, lumbosacral angle flattening (ALPHA 2) (81.6%) was greater than in CG (56.6%). ALPHA 2 (43.4%) was more frequently within the norm in CG. Increased ALPHA 2 was reported only among SG (2.6%). Differences were statistically significant (χ2 (2) = 15.23 p<0.001) and of moderate power (Cramer V=0.31). Regarding thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups. Conclusions. Traditional Karate affects pelvic tilt leading to posterior tilt; it correlates with somatic parameters: height, mass, and BMI in terms of spine curvatures. The size of the lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis in karatekas is comparable to that of those not practicing sport. Frequent incidence of reduced pelvic tilt in karatekas requires implementing exercises activating anterior tilt during training session
Differences in Body Balance According to Body Mass Classification among Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Athletes
Background: Body weight is an important aspect in the development of components of physical fitness that can affect athletic performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in body balance of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) athletes according to body mass classification: underweight/normal weight (UW/NW); overweight/obese (OW/OB). Material and Methods: The study was conducted among 69 BJJ athletes (age 23.26 ± 3.53) and 93 non-practicing adults (age 21.73 ± 2.32). This study was based on a quantitative assessment of body balance on the Zebris PDM platform during two tests, i.e., with eyes open and closed. Results: The total path of the center of pressure (COP TTL) was significantly higher in participants with UW/NW compared to those with OW/OB, both in participants from the study group and control group (p < 0.001). COP TTL was significantly lower in UW/NW BJJ athletes than in participants in the control group with the same BMI category (987.4 mm vs. 1238.5 mm and 1080.59 mm vs. 1280.70 mm, respectively) (p < 0.001). Conclusions. BJJ training is associated with a better balance in terms of COP TTL in the case of people with normal or underweight. The presence of excess body weight has a positive effect on lower COP TTL values in both practicing and non-practicing people
Association between Polymorphism rs1799732 of DRD2 Dopamine Receptor Gene and Personality Traits among MMA Athletes
Four factors—namely, harm avoidance, novelty seeking, reward addiction and persistence—represent the nature of temperament that is not genetically determined in itself. It was shown in earlier studies that a strong propensity to look for novelty or a tendency to engage in risky behavior is correlated with genetic variants in the area of the genes encoding dopamine receptors. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between personality traits and genetic variants in the area of the DRD2 dopamine receptor gene in MMA athletes. The participants consisted of 85 mixed martial arts (MMA) athletes and 284 healthy, non-MMA male participants. Their personality traits were measured using the Revised Temperament and Character Inventory. Blood was collected for genetic assays and all samples were genotyped using the real-time PCR method. We observed a statistically significant effect of a complex factor of the DRD2 rs1799732 genotype on MMA participants’ control and reward dependence. Engaging in high-risk sport may be associated with several personality characteristics. The DRD2 rs1799732 polymorphism may be associated with reduced harm avoidance in martial arts athletes, thereby modulating athletes’ predisposition to participate in high-risk sport
Methylation in the Promoter Region of the Dopamine Transporter DAT1 Gene in People Addicted to Nicotine
The dopaminergic system is a crucial element of the addiction processes. The dopamine transporter modulates the dynamics and levels of released dopamine in the synaptic cleft. Therefore, regulation of dopamine transporter (DAT1) gene expression is critical for maintaining homeostasis in the dopaminergic system. The aim of our study is evaluation of the methylation status of 33 CpG islands located in the DAT1 gene promoter region related to nicotine dependency. We investigated 142 nicotine-dependent subjects and 238 controls. Our results show that as many as 14 of the 33 CpG islands tested had statistically significantly higher methylation in the nicotine-dependent group compared to the control group. After applying Bonferroni correction, the total number of methylation sites was also significantly higher in the dependent subjects group. The analysis of the methylation status of particular CpG sites revealed a new direction of research regarding the biological aspects of nicotine addiction
Effect of high-intensity strength and endurance training in the form of small circuits on changes in lipid levels in men aged 35-40 years
Background: Blood lipid profiles consist of total cholesterol (TC) and its fractions, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL), and triglycerides (TG). For several decades, studies have examined the effects of various factors on lipid status and its association with the risk of developing arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. The beneficial effects of increased physical activity on cardiovascular health have been demonstrated by appropriate modulation of lipid profiles. For individuals with low physical activity, the literature recommends engaging in various forms of training that can improve physical fitness and resting lipid status. The aim of the study was to examine whether a specific original training program improves lipid profiles to the levels recommended for the male population. Methods: The study involved two equal (n = 15) groups of men (experimental and control groups, aged 35–40 years). The experimental group performed 60-min training sessions for 8 weeks (3 times a week) including a set of strength and endurance exercises. Before and after the training program, blood was drawn from both groups for serum determination of TC, HDL, LDL non-HDL, and TG, and a battery of four field physical performance tests was administered. Results: Statistically significant decreases (TC by 19.3%, TG by 23.7%, LDL by 15%), a non-significant decrease (10% for non-HDL), and no change for HDL were found in the experimental group. Control group showed a statistically significant decrease, by 7.4% for TC. The results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed training in improving health indices. Conclusions: The 8-week training program met the health-related fitness paradigm recommended for physical activity in men aged 35–40 years. After the completion of the program, all the participants expressed their satisfaction from participating in a health-promoting experiment