13 research outputs found

    The value of co-curricularity in entrepreneurial education

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    Ensure the quality of entrepreneurial education (EE) is understood as one of the main objectives and responsibilities of an Entrepreneurial University. When defining EE, there is common to make a subdivision, differentiating curricular EE and co-curricular EE. Much research has been done on curricular activities but many of the aspects that define the nature and dynamics of co-curricular initiatives are still understudied. The present research responds, using a qualitative approach, to the need to deepen the analysis of specific EE co-curricular actions developed by universities, as well as to shed light on the actors involved. The data is generated from in-depth interviews conducted with ecosystem actors involved in co-curricular EE (university, other ecosystem actors and students). Initial results shows that the development of co-curricular activities encourages collaboration among actors, fostering more interconnected ecosystems. Participation in these activities allows students to immerse themselves in the ecosystem, which create value in terms of knowledge development, experiences, social capital and access to resources of various kinds. At the same time, students also confer value to the ecosystem through their participation in such activities. This study presents theoretical contributions to the advancement of knowledge on co-curricular EE, highlighting its relevance as a value-creating element for the ecosystem. Furthermore, it also entails practical implications. The results can assist universities in the planning and management of informal education within the entrepreneurial ecosystem, fostering the development of qualified entrepreneurial human capital.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Entrepreneurship as a multidisciplinary phenomenon: culture and individual perceptions in business creation

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    Purpose: Entrepreneurship is presented as a vehicle for innovation and social development. Given the importance of entrepreneurship, the objective of this study was to analyze the psychological and sociological dimensions by determining the factors that explain individual perceptions and cultural support for entrepreneurship. Design/methodology/approach: Using Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data obtained from the Adult Population Survey (APS) (N = 2,500) in the region of Andalusia (Spain), a quantitative analysis was carried out, specifically a multivariate analysis based on four-stage linear regressions. Findings: The variables examined do not explain the psychological and sociological dimensions to the same extent. The results highlight the existence of cultural homogeneity between provinces, the importance of sociodemographic variables and the influence of the entrepreneurial expectations and experiences of the population, especially in shaping individual perceptions towards entrepreneurship. Research limitations/implications: The replication of the study at the national and international levels is proposed in order to delve deeper into the cultural differences that condition entrepreneurship. Including new variables associated with entrepreneurial human capital could also be of interest. Practical implications: The results can help to improve the design and implementation of policies and programs aimed at fostering entrepreneurship through the promotion of favorable individual perceptions and entrepreneurial culture. Originality/value: The originality of this study is the consideration of individual perceptions and cultural support for entrepreneurship as dependent variables, since they are normally incorporated as explanatory factors. The results contribute to the advancement of knowledge of the entrepreneurial phenomenon through two approaches, psychological and sociological.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Expanding the borders of the University: ecosystem actors' engagement through extracurricular EE.

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    Numerous studies have been conducted focusing on curricular entrepreneurship education. However, there is still much knowledge to be developed on the extracurricular initiatives that students can access and that takes place in the entrepreneurial ecosystems in which universities are immersed. Universities play a fundamental role in the outcomes of entrepreneurship ecosystems for their potential to generate innovative knowledge and provide qualified entrepreneurial human capital. One of the Entrepreneurial University's main objectives is the generation, attraction, and retention of entrepreneurs; being firmly committed to entrepreneurial training. When defining Entrepreneurial Education (EE), there is common to make a subdivision, differentiating curricular EE and extracurricular EE. This second group has room for a wide range of enterprising activities, such as mentorship or incubator programs, hackathons, workshops, or entrepreneurship clubs. This study approaches extracurricular entrepreneurial training from a qualitative and international perspective. This study is still in progress, but the preliminary results and conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of the interviews developed until date. Extracurricular entrepreneurial activities encourages collaboration among actors, fostering more interconnected ecosystems. They also promote a value interchange among students and the entrepreneurial ecosystem that enriches both parties. Moreover, analysing its characteristics permits the classification of the extracurricular initiatives and the identification of critical conditions or actions that foster its success. Extracurricularity at an ecosystemic level is a novel approach in entrepreneurial research. Our findings are of value for educators and university managers who are involved in designing entrepreneurial education initiatives across campus.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Competences and values to understand students' entrepreneurial intentions

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    Entrepreneurship is based on human capital, as the development of entrepreneurial activities comes from people committed to society, change and innovation. The generation of entrepreneurial human capital is one of the roles of the Entrepreneurial University, fostering entrepreneurial competences and values within the organization. This study analyses the influence of those factors, intrinsic and extrinsic to the individual, on the generation of Entrepreneurial Intentions (EI). Based on a sample of 420 university students from various degrees and faculties, the present study develops a structural equation model that explain the influence of values and six key entrepreneurial competences on EI, applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) as a theoretical approach. The first results show that not all entrepreneurial competences have a significant influence on the formation of EI. Moreover, their effect differs for each of the three dimensions of the TPB. On the contrary, values influence EI across all three dimensions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Capital humano y capital social: Estrategias para el fomento del emprendimiento académico

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    La investigación (proyecto de tesis) tiene como objetivo general analizar el modelo de Universidad Emprendedora y el emprendimiento académico a partir de tres aspectos clave: capital humano, capital social y creación de empresas spin-off. Las universidades desempeñan un papel crucial en los ecosistemas de innovación y emprendimiento, dada la importancia de la iniciativa empresarial basada en el conocimiento como catalizadora del desarrollo económico. En este contexto, el término "Universidad Emprendedora" adquiere especial relevancia. Es decir, una Universidad que identifica y aprovecha activamente las oportunidades de mejora y, a través del emprendimiento académico, involucra e interconecta a la comunidad universitaria con los agentes de su entorno, promoviendo el compromiso social y económico y el desarrollo de iniciativas con impacto. Las tres líneas de la tesis justifican la aplicación de un enfoque multidisciplinar que combina metodologías cuantitativas y cualitativas. Los resultados muestran la relevancia del desarrollo competencial y la identificación de perfiles para la formación de capital humano emprendedor, así como la importancia del capital social para la creación de spin-offs. Las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas se relacionan con cada una de las líneas, destacándose la utilidad de los resultados en la definición de programas y políticas de fomento del emprendimiento universitario.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La cultura emprendedora y su medición internacional a través de la metodología GEM

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    El emprendimiento se considera un factor clave para el desarrollo económico y social de los países, ya que promueve la innovación, la productividad, el crecimiento económico y el empleo, potenciando la integración de los individuos y su movilidad social. El fenómeno emprendedor es estudiado primordialmente desde una perspectiva económica, aún así, su relación con otras disciplinas es evidente y la comprensión integral del fenómeno requiere de un enfoque multidisciplinar. En este sentido, la Sociología tiene un rol clave al recoger la importancia de aspectos sociodemográficos, culturales y contextuales en la consideración social del emprendedor y la constitución empresarial. En base a lo anterior, el proyecto Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), referente mundial en la investigación del fenómeno emprendedor, incluye en su metodología la medición de la variable Cultura de apoyo al emprendimiento, a través de un indicador específico – CULSUP. Este recoge la consideración social del emprendimiento como opción profesional deseable, el estatus social y económico asociado y la imagen y difusión de las iniciativas emprendedoras en los medios de comunicación. Así, permite analizar la influencia del aspecto cultural en la actividad y la dinámica emprendedora, favoreciendo el estudio multidisciplinar del fenómeno. La naturaleza del proyecto GEM posibilita además la perspectiva comparada. En este sentido, se analiza la aplicación del indicador cultural en el estudio del emprendimiento a partir de datos GEM mundiales, extrayendo su evolución temporal en los diferentes países participantes. Se concluye la relevancia del factor cultural en el diseño de políticas y medidas que fomenten la práctica emprendedora.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The system effects of linkages on actor disposition and source density: an approach to university-industry linkages.

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    Linkages play a strategic role in improving actor disposition and resource density in university–industry ecosystems. Due to the importance of interconnected ecosystems for the development of engaged universities, applying the service-dominant logic (SDL) perspective, the authors aim at developing theory on linkages that lead to a higher level of actor commitment and in turn result in increased actor disposition and greater resource density.This study was financed by the Ministry of Universities (Government of Spain) (FPU20/07018).Funding for open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Creativity vs Grit: nurturing entrepreneurial potential from the Entrepreneurial University.

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    In recent decades, universities have undergone remarkable development in terms of awareness of the relevance of entrepreneurship. Potential entrepreneurship or entrepreneurial intention (EI) is the first step in the entrepreneurial process, but further research is needed on the antecedents of EI. There is a gap in the literature concerning the antecedents of EI and how they are formed. The present study responds to this need for future research. Under the paradigm of Entrepreneurial University, the present research analyzes the antecedents of students’ entrepreneurial potential from a competency-based approach. With a SEM model the effect of six different competences on EI are measured, considering also the three mediating dimension of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). The results of the present study offer support for using TPB to understand intention formation, as the three dimensions explain EI with the highest level of significance. The results suggest that the entrepreneurial competences should each be specifically treated, as their effects on EI differ both in relation to their total effects and in terms of individual indirect effects. It is worth mentioning that differences between mediators are also noted. In line with the increasing awareness of universities regarding their role as promoters of entrepreneurship and their consequent responsibility in generating entrepreneurial human capital, the results of this study have relevant practical implications. On the one hand, focusing on the educational impact, the results highlighted the relevance of competence training to increase the entrepreneurial potential of students. Moreover, the results provide information on the competences to be developed to promote each TPB dimension. Thus, the results can guide and inspire educators involved in both the design and delivery of entrepreneurship training at the university level or in other educational contexts.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Las startups lideradas por mujeres; sociales, sostenibles y comprometidas

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    El impacto social y medioambiental y la sostenibilidad son cuestiones cada vez más relevantes para el ámbito empresarial y el emprendimiento. En este contexto, la mujer ha presentado históricamente menores tasas emprendedoras y sus iniciativas se han caracterizado por desarrollarse más en el sector servicios. El presente estudio analiza, desde un enfoque de género, la naturaleza social y económica del emprendimiento y su responsabilidad con respecto al desarrollo sostenible y la mejora de la sociedad. Los resultados muestran un mayor impacto social de los proyectos liderados por mujeres, así como su compromiso con un mayor número de retos mundialesUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Análisis de las competencias emprendedoras en la población universitaria

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    El concepto de competencia es multidisciplinar y complejo, existiendo diversas aproximaciones al término que varían según el contexto y la cultura. Ante esta variedad terminológica se considera importante la contextualización conceptual, en este caso en el marco emprendedor. El presente estudio analiza las competencias emprendedoras del alumnado de la Universidad de Málaga a través de una metodología cuantitativa, con el fin de determinar el grado de desarrollo competencial e identificar la existencia de perfiles competenciales. Los resultados muestran que las competencias más desarrolladas son la detección y la evaluación de oportunidades, la creatividad y la perseverancia. Además, se diferencian cuatro grupos de estudiantes según el nivel de desarrollo competencial. Estos resultados son útiles para el diseño de estrategias de fomento de las competencias emprendedoras dirigidas a favorecer la intención y la decisión de creación empresarial del alumnado universitario.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech