2,165 research outputs found

    Reacting and Recycling

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    To a certain extent what this research is proposing is a return to local principles or to regionalism, which is able to employ place-specific tools and craftsmanship (local arts and their virtues) promoting and being innovative with traditional elements which belong to a particular place, and using tectonic and stereotomic logic. You can observe this, in the face of a destructive natural event. An immediate architectural reaction is produced in cooperation with the rest of the not affected territory. The cooperation of certain non-governmental organizations with other groups in the same collaborative cycle improves the recycling of ideas and city planning forms. These organizations cooperate in the development and implementation of cities and settlements that need a fast reaction when facing an unexpected disaster

    Metodología para deducir relaciones de linaje en el Catastro de España

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    En España, los datos catastrales de acceso público, obtenidos a través de la Sede Electrónica del Catastro (SEC), no incluyen información sobre la genealogía o las relaciones de linaje existente entre las parcelas, de forma que la gestión de la información histórica es muy limitada. Este artículo presenta un método para obtener las relaciones de linaje más frecuentes entre las parcelas (agregación y segregación) y propone un prototipo de estructura relacional para el almacenamiento y la gestión histórica de los datos catastrales de acceso público. El proceso de análisis para deducir el linaje se basa en superposiciones espacio-temporales junto con secuencias de sentencias SQL. El método proporciona un 70% de relaciones de agregación y segregación correctas; el resto presentan errores debidos, en general, a anomalías presentes en los propios datos catastrales

    The application of spatial analysis to cadastral zoning of urban areas: an example in the city of Madrid.

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    Spatial Analysis has been used since the 1990s for hedonic cadastral models of urban areas in large cities. This research aims to apply spatial analysis to zoning a district in Madrid located in the central part of the city in order to estimate urban housing prices. In doing so, the necessary data have been gathered ? both vector and raster- as found on the official government website and private company websites. This was done firstly to analyse the characteristics and then for the objectives of the study because it is rather helpful to use these types of analyses based on vector and raster data along with interpolation methods that obtain regular structures and attempt to avoid the subjective component inherent to traditional procedures. The essence of the work consisted of studying the minimum parameters that influence housing appraisals to resolve the problem. Normally, cadastral appraisal work fulfils the Official Technical Regulations in each country considering a greater number of parameters and corrective coefficients. The importance of this work consisted of lowering and prioritising the number of basic parameters necessary to set urban housing prices. The conclusions section confirms a high likelihood of successfully reducing the number of parameters to achieve an appraisal value that is similar to the one obtained using official methods

    Vulnerabilidad sísmica en Puerto Príncipe, Haití. Escala Macrosísmica Haitiana.

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    Haití, es un país claramente prioritario como receptor de cooperación para el desarrollo. Tras el terremoto del 12 de enero de 2010, se ha desarrollado un Proyecto de Cooperación Interuniversitaria entre la Universidad del Estado de Haití y la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, financiado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo.El proyecto consiste en la formación y capacitación de los técnicos Haitianos para reconstruir su país. Se está trabajando en la creación de una escala macrosísmica Haitiana, partiendo como base de la Escala Macrosísmica Europea 1998. En este sentido, se hace un análisis exhaustivo de toda la documentación técnica y científica existente hasta la fecha sobre tipos de edificios, clases de vulnerabilidad y grados de daños dependiendo del tipo de edificio. Como caso de estudio se aplica en la ciudad de Puerto Príncipe.En primer lugar se ha clasificado el parque inmobiliario de Puerto Príncipe en diferentes tipologías constructivas, tras un trabajo de campo y teniendo en cuenta las guías de auto-construcción y reparación de edificios publicadas por el Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Transporte y Comunicaciones de Haití. (MTPTC).En el estudio de la vulnerabilidad, además del tipo de estructura de los edificios, se tiene en cuenta la habitabilidad básica que debe tener todo asentamiento humano, analizando no sólo el edificio, sino todo el entorno externo de espacios públicos, infraestructuras, dotaciones y servicios que, en conjunto,conforman el núcleo de cada población y permiten el funcionamiento eficiente del sistema de asentamientos del territorio habitado; pues, en última instancia, dicho territorio construido es el que mejor acota los riesgos ante la vulnerabilidad material y más garantiza la vida saludable de las personas. Los parámetros estudiados son: urbanísticos (anchos de vías, dimensiones de manzanas, trazado, infraestructuras,...), geológicos (estudios del efecto local e identificación de las fallas activas respecto a la edificación) y topográficos (implantación del edificio en zonas llanas, en laderas...). En último lugar, con todos estos datos y los daños registrados en el terremoto de enero de 2010, se hace una escala de intensidades macrosísmica y un plano de ordenación de la vulnerabilidad en Puerto Príncipe, que sirva de base a las autoridades haitianas para la planificación urbanística y la reconstrucción, mitigando de esta manera el riesgo símico. SUMMARY Haiti is a clear priority country as a recipient of development cooperation. After the earthquake of January 12, 2010, an Inter-University Cooperation Project has been developed between the State University of Haiti and the Polytechnic University of Madrid, funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development.The project consists of training and qualifying Haitian technicians to rebuild their country. We are currently working on the creation of a Haitian Macroseismic Scale,based on the European Macroseismic Scale 1998.For the accomplishment of this goal, a comprehensive (deep) analysis is being held, going through all the scientific and technical documentation to date, related to building types, kinds of vulnerability and degrees/ levels of damage depending on the type of building. As a case study, this has been applied to the city of Port-au-Prince.First of all, we have classified the housing typology of Port-au-Prince in different construction types, after carrying on field work in this area and keeping in mind the guidelines for self-construction and repairment of buildings published by the Ministry of Work, Transport and Communications of Haiti. (MTPTC).Regarding the study of vulnerability, besides the type of structure of the buildings, we take into account the basic habitability every human settlement should have, analyzing not only the building, but all the external environment of public spaces,infrastructures, amenities and services, which, as a whole, shape the core of each population and allow the efficient functioning of the settlement system on the inhabited territory. It is this territory,ultimately, the one that better narrows the risks when facing material vulnerability and that better ensures a healthy life for people. The studied parameters are: urban (lane width, block dimensions, layout, infrastructure...), geological (studies focusing on local effects and identification of the active faults in relation to the building) and topographical (implementation of the building on flat areas, slopes...)Finally, with all this data (information) and the registered damages related to the earthquake occurred in 2010, we create a Macroseismic Intensity Scale and a Management Plan of the vulnerability in Port-au-Prince. They will serve as a guideline for Haitians authorities in the urban planning and reconstruction, thus reducing seismic risk

    Moldels for reproducing the damage scenario of the Lorca earthquake

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    A damage scenario modelling is developed and compared with the damage distribution observed after the 2011 Lorca earthquake. The strong ground motion models considered include five modern ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) amply used worldwide. Capacity and fragility curves from the Risk-UE project are utilized to model building vulnerability and expected damage. Damage estimates resulting from different combinations of GMPE and capacity/fragility curves are compared with the actual damage scenario, establishing the combination that best explains the observed damage distribution. In addition, some recommendations are proposed, including correction factors in fragility curves in order to reproduce in a better way the observed damage in masonry and reinforce concrete buildings. The lessons learned would contribute to improve the simulation of expected damages due to future earthquakes in Lorca or other regions in Spain with similar characteristics regarding attenuation and vulnerability

    Análisis espacial del coeficiente de corrección por accesibilidad en las valoraciones urbanísticas en España

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    Desde el SXVIII ha sido ampliamente estudiada por los analistas la relación de la localización con el valor económico del suelo. El análisis teórico de la economía territorial se ha apoyado en la idea del territorio como un espacio de intercambio, en el que la distribución de los precios del suelo está basada en gran medida en las rentas de accesibilidad. La importancia de este trabajo reside en el estudio analítico del factor corrector por accesibilidad a núcleos de población (u1) según regula en la legislación española el Real Decreto 1492/2011, de 24 de octubre, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de valoraciones de la Ley de Suelo. Se ha utilizado el análisis espacial para realizar el modelo, creando un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) que permite recopilar, organizar, administrar, analizar, compartir y distribuir información geográfica. Se han identificado, clasificado y visualizado 1.836 puntos distribuidos por toda España, calculando su población a 4 Km y a 40 Km para calcular posteriormente el valor del factor de corrección u1. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido un análisis de la distribución espacial del plusvalor de posición que confirma los vínculos existentes entre los desequilibrios regionales y el nivel de desarrollo económico alcanzado. Los desequilibrios poblacionales surgidos como consecuencia de los movimientos migratorios hacia los grandes centros urbanos se han reflejado en la hipertrofia de los valores territoriales, concentrados en el entorno de las capitales de las Comunidades Autónomas más populosas y económicamente activas

    Geostatistical Study of the Rural Property Market Applicable to the Region of Murcia (Spain)

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    Spatial Analysis has been used since the early 1990’s for rural cadastral models. Nowadays, it is necessary to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Cartography as well as dedicated software in order to solve problems in Cadastral Models. Among these models, the selection and prioritization of the parameters affecting the rural property valuation assets, as well as the zoning optimization (homogeneous sectors) within a community, are one of the biggest concerns for Cadastral Agencies. This research is focused on rural property in the Region of Murcia, in accordance with data recorded from 2007 to 2009. The techniques used for the spatial zoning were carried out by means of IDW (Inverse Distance Weighting) and kriging interpolators as they are the most widely used in spatial variation analysis studies. Although both interpolators produced similar results, IDW was better for predicting variation in “Unit Prices”. Afterwards, a statistical study was later completed using ANOVA, Chi-Squared and Correspondence Analysis procedures. The research results demonstrate the consistency of the parameters that have been used in the Cadastral Agencies, and the degree of involvement of these parameters in assessing the results of unit prices for different areas. These results are secured by the verification techniques applied

    A first approach to earthquake damage estimation in Haiti: advices to minimize the seismic risk

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    This study is in the frame of the cooperative line that several Spanish Universities and other foreign partners started with the Haitian government in 2010. According to our studies (Benito et al. in An evaluation of seismic hazard in La Hispaniola, after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, 33rd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Moscow, Russia, 2012) and recent scientific literature, the earthquake hazard in Haiti remains high (Calais et al. in Nat Geosci 3:794–799, 2010). In view of this, we wonder whether the country is currently ready to face another earthquake. In this sense, we estimated several damage scenarios in Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien associated to realistic possible major earthquakes. Our findings show that almost 50 % of the building stock of both cities would result uninhabitable due to structural damage. Around 80 % of the buildings in both cities have reinforced concrete structure with concrete block infill; however, the presence of masonry buildings becomes significant (between 25 and 45 % of the reinforced concrete buildings) in rural areas and informal settlements on the outskirts, where the estimated damage is higher. The influence of the soil effect on the damage spatial distribution is evident in both cities. We have found that the percentage of uninhabitable buildings in soft soil areas may be double the percentage obtained in nearby districts located in hard soil. These results reveal that a new seismic catastrophe of similar or even greater consequences than the 2010 Haiti earthquake might happen if the earthquake resilience is not improved in the country. Nowadays, the design of prevention actions and mitigation policies is the best instrument the society has to face seismic risk. In this sense, the results of this research might contribute to define measures oriented to earthquake risk reduction in Haiti, which should be a real priority for national and international institutions.This work was developed thanks to the financial support of the Technical University of Madrid, through the series of projects SISMO-HAITI

    Caracterización de la vulnerabilidad paisajística de un entorno natural. Aplicación en el Valle del Ambroz, municipio de Hervás

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    Current studies of landscape vulnerability estimate the quality and fragility of the landscape using spatial analysis tools for evaluation and metric analysis, characterizing ecological aspects, aesthetic and assessing the vegetation as a crucial element of the landscape. In this way, this article presents a landscape characterization methodology, analyzing both, natural and non-natural elements, and assessing them through two numeric scales, a suitability scale and a maintenance scale, identifying which elements fragment more or less the landscape and the natural environment and which areas of the natural environment should be remodeled regarding landscape. The results of this type of research can be used in different levels of governance: First, municipalities are able to identify the most conflictive elements present in the area under study; and second, from the identification of those more or less vulnerable areas, Autonomous Communities can use this information to draw up Management Plans for Natural Resources.Los estudios actuales de evaluación paisajística estiman la calidad y fragilidad del paisaje, empleando herramientas de análisis espacial para su valoración, caracterizando aspectos tanto ecológicos como estéticos y valorando óptimamente la vegetación como elemento crucial del paisaje. En esta línea, la presente investigación desarrolla una metodología de caracterización paisajística, diferenciando los elementos naturales y no naturales que lo conforman y valorándolos a través de dos escalas numéricas, una escala de adecuación y una escala de conservación, identificando qué elementos vulneran más o menos al paisaje y qué zonas del entorno natural deben ser remodeladas paisajísticamente. El resultado de este tipo de investigaciones puede ser utilizado por diferentes niveles de gestión pública: en primer lugar, los ayuntamientos pueden identificar cuáles son los elementos más conflictivos que presenta el área de estudio y, en segundo lugar, las comunidades autónomas podrían incluir esta información en los Planes de Ordenación de los Recursos Naturales