108 research outputs found

    Coastal vulnerability in the Mediterranean sector between Fnideq and M'diq (North of Morocco)

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    This study assessed coastal vulnerability to erosion processes along a 24-km-long littoral with different levels of human occupation. An aerial photogram-metric flight and a Quickbird satellite image were used for mapping land uses and reconstructing coastal evolution from 1986 to 2003. Maximum erosion (-2.48 myr-1) was recorded south of Marina Kabila port and maximum accretion (+2.25 myr-1) south of Marina Smir port. Erosion/accretion rates have been divided into five categories and land uses have been mapped and divided into three categories. Coastal vulnerability has been assessed by combining coastal trend with land-use categories: 10% of the littoral recorded >very high> vulner-ability, 29% recorded >high> vulnerability, and 61% of the investigated littoral presented >null> and >low> vulnerability. The >Imminent Collapse Zone>, i.e. the littoral zone threatened by imminent erosion, presented mean values of 10.34 m, with maximum and minimum values of 15.3 and 7.6 m, respectively. Several human structures and activities are located within the imminent collapse zone and consequently will be threatened by severe erosion in near future.This work is a contribution to the Morocco PROTARS III D16/07 Research Project, the French-Moroccan MA/06/159 Volubilis Program and the Andalusia research Group RNM-328.Peer Reviewe

    Geospatial characterization of archaeological sites in La Serena Region (Badajoz) by direct methods (DGPS): capturing and analyzing data

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    Trabajo presentado a la 38th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), celebrada en Granada (España) en abril de 2010.In this paper we assess the capacity of survey-grade GPS equipments to provide high resolution DEMs for archaeological analysis. Strengths and weaknesses of these methods are pointed out, and the importance of careful planning of capture and further analysis of information is stressed. Several archaeological sites from La Serena Region (Badajoz, Spain) are taken as case studies. We show the workflow from the acquisition of data in the field to the validation of surface models obtained with different interpolation methods. A key point is that the choice of one of the available options in GIS packages must be based on a rigorous estimation of error rather than on the search of a realistic or aesthetic appearance.Peer Reviewe

    How efficiently did they walk? An essay on the characterisation of traditional routes by Least Cost Path analysis and non-dimensional variables

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    Trabajo presentado al International Workshop on Landscape and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology: Debating Spatial Archaeology, celebrado en Santander (España) del 8 al 9 de junio de 2012.This paper advances some preliminary results of the project The formation of a passage landscape (PRI09C058) funded by Extremadura’s Regional Government trough the European Social Fund.Peer Reviewe

    Disparate connectivity for structural and functional networks is revealed when physical location of the connected nodes is considered

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    Macroscopic brain networks have been widely described with the manifold of metrics available using graph theory. However, most analyses do not incorporate information about the physical position of network nodes. Here, we provide a multimodal macroscopic network characterization while considering the physical positions of nodes. To do so, we examined anatomical and functional macroscopic brain networks in a sample of twenty healthy subjects. Anatomical networks are obtained with a graph based tractography algorithm from diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images (DW-MRI). Anatomical con- nections identified via DW-MRI provided probabilistic constraints for determining the connectedness of 90 dif- ferent brain areas. Functional networks are derived from temporal linear correlations between blood-oxygenation level-dependent signals derived from the same brain areas. Rentian Scaling analysis, a technique adapted from very- large-scale integration circuits analyses, shows that func- tional networks are more random and less optimized than the anatomical networks. We also provide a new metric that allows quantifying the global connectivity arrange- ments for both structural and functional networks. While the functional networks show a higher contribution of inter-hemispheric connections, the anatomical networks highest connections are identified in a dorsal?ventral arrangement. These results indicate that anatomical and functional networks present different connectivity organi- zations that can only be identified when the physical locations of the nodes are included in the analysis

    Quantifying change in an agrarian landscape. Application of multicriteria models in the archaeological study of Medellin (Badajoz, Spain) and its territory

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    Póster presentado a la Conferencia EuroGEOSS: "Advancing the Vision for GEOSS", celebrada en Madrid (España) del 25 al 27 de enero de 2012.“The evolution of an agrarian landscape: the territory of Medellin from protohistoric to medieval times” is a project funded by the Autonomous Government of Extremadura through its III Development and Research Regional Plan.Peer Reviewe

    Poblamiento prehistórico en el valle del Tajo (área de Alconétar): técnicas de análisis geo-espacial y primeros resultados

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    Trabajo presentado al VI Encuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Peninsular, celebrado en Villafranca de los Barros (Badajoz) del 4 al 6 de octubre de 2012.-- et al.[ES]: El estudio integral del paisaje del área de Alconétar (Cáceres) ha permitido obtener nuevos datos sobre la dinámica de ocupación durante la Prehistoria reciente de sector. Prospecciones y sondeos realizados en tres sectores aledaños a las márgenes del Tajo han servido para trazar una imagen integral de la evolución del paisaje, en el que se incluye el poblamiento, manifestaciones megalíticas y arte rupestre. Dentro del proyecto, las técnicas de análisis geo-espacial y la fotografía aérea han jugado un papel muy relevante a la hora de analizar la información arqueológica.[EN]: The landscape analysis of Alconetar’s area (Cáceres province, Spain) has allowed us to obtain new data about the settlement dynamics during Late Prehistory in this region. The recently conducted surveys and test pits have been useful to trace explain the landscape evolution in three different areas close to Tagus River margins, which include settlements, megalithic burials and rock-art. In this framework, the techniques of spatial analysis and aerial photograph have played a significant role in order to interpret the archaeological record.Este trabajo recoge de forma sintética la información presentada en dos posters durante el Encuentro, ambos dentro del marco del proyecto “La formación de un paisaje de paso: el Vado de Alconétar” (PRI09C058). Los trabajos que se desarrollan actualmente se financian gracias al proyecto: “Técnicas de prospección arqueológicas aplicadas al estudio del Neolítico en el área centro-occidental de la Península Ibérica”. (HAR2011-29907-C03-02).Peer Reviewe

    Analizando el paisaje urbano de Contributa Iulia (Los Cercos, Medina de las Torres, Badajoz), a partir de fotografía aérea de baja altitud

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    Trabajo presentado al VI Encuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Peninsular, celebrado en Villafranca de los Barros (Badajoz) del 4 al 6 de octubre de 2012.[ES]: En esta contribución se describe el proceso de captura y análisis de fotografías aéreas tomadas a baja altitud en el entorno de Contributa Iulia. El trabajo de campo ha permitido la obtención de un importante caudal de datos (crop-marks) acerca de la forma y distribución del entramado urbano de la ciudad y su entorno. Esto plantea la oportunidad de optimizar la explotación de dicha información, en dos frentes de trabajo estrechamente relacionados. En primer lugar, se han producido modelos digitales de superficie y ortoimágenes, que han servido para generar una cartografía de los principales indicios arqueológicos visibles. En segundo lugar se han expandido las posibilidades de identificación de estructuras enterradas. Se muestra la integración de todos estos resultados en un entorno de trabajo SIG que facilitará el desarrollo de ulteriores tareas como la prospección superficial y geofísica. Finalmente se ofrecen unas valoraciones sobre el potencial científico de este tipo de información.[EN]: In this paper we describe the process of capture and analysis of low altitude aerial images of the site of Contributa Iulia. Specific conditions when these images were taken has led to obtaining a significant amount of data (mainly crop-marks) on the shape and internal structure of the layout of the Roman city and its surroundings. We will explain our strategy to optimize the exploitation of these data in two main lines. First, we have produced several digital surface models and orthoimages that will allow mapping of the visible archaeological marks. Second, we have expanded the possibilities of identifying buried remains. We will show how these results are integrated in a GIS environment, providing selective criteria for the development of geophysical and surface survey. Finally we will raise some questions about the scientific potential of aerial images in our study area.Peer Reviewe

    Anatomo-functional organization in brain networks

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    There are several studies focused on comparing rsFC networks with their structural substrate \cite{hagmann2008, honey2010}. However an accurate description of how anatomo-­functional connections are organized, both at physical and topological levels, is still to be defined. Here we present an approach to quantify the anatomo-functional organization and discuss its consistency

    Los paisajes agrarios de la romanización en el Suroeste peninsular: balance de los últimos trabajos desarrollados desde el Instituto de Arqueología

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    Trabajo presentado al VI Encuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Peninsular, celebrado en Villafranca de los Barros (Badajoz) del 4 al 6 de octubre de 2012.[ES]: El propósito de este trabajo es ofrecer una visión de síntesis sobre la labor que ha supuesto en los últimos años desde el Instituto de Arqueología la investigación sobre el fenómeno de los recintos ciclópeos de La Serena (Badajoz) y el impacto de la conquista romana en las formas de ordenación de los espacios agrarios del Suroeste peninsular. Se realiza una breve revisión de las claves de este problema histórico y de los antecedentes del trabajo presente. A continuación se exponen las diferentes líneas metodológicas desarrolladas, ofreciendo una síntesis de los conocimientos obtenidos. Finalmente se proponen algunos temas prioritarios para el desarrollo futuro de la investigación.[EN]: The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the recent activity in the Merida Institute of Archaeology regarding the study of the so called “cyclopean enclosures” of the Serena Region (Badajoz) and the impact of the Roman conquest in the agrarian landscapes of the Peninsular South-West. We make a brief review of some clues of this historical process and provide some background to understand more recent research. We will show the methodological threads we have developed, and a concise account of their main results. Finally, we suggest some key issues for future research.Los resultados mostrados en este trabajo han sido posibles gracias al soporte del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación a través de los proyectos del Plan Nacional “Paisaje, territorio y cambio social en el suroeste peninsular: De la protohistoria al mundo romano (HAR 20081973)” cuyo investigador responsable es Victorino Mayoral Herrera, y “Entre el Atlántico y el Mediterráneo: contraste de dinámicas en la evolución histórica del paisaje en el occidente peninsular a través de la Arqueología” (HAR 2009-10666) cuyo investigador responsable es Sebastián Celestino Pérez.Peer Reviewe