307 research outputs found

    Selection of Short Sea Shipping transport alternatives in SW Europe

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    A brief abstract is made, explaining how were selected the variables to select the most feasible route in SSS comapred to only road chain; and its balance

    The external costs of speed at sea: An analysis based on selected short sea shipping routes

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    According to the mid-term review of the EUWhite Paper on Transport, Short Sea Shipping (SSS) is expected to grow at a rate of 59%(metric tonnes) between 2000 and 2020. If we consider that the overall expected increase in both freight exchanges and volume is 50%, sea transport is one of themost feasible alternatives to reduce traffic congestion on European roads. Maritime transportation may compete with road transport as far as certain traffics are concerned, but only when assuming external costs. This paper analyzes several intermodal transport chains involving a sea leg by comparing the effect of pollutant emissions from different ship types and road transport in terms of potential external cost savings.The translation of these emissions into environmental costs shows, for certain conditions, savings in the case of sea transport that would justify the use of an environmental bonus to promote the sea option.Postprint (published version

    Freight crossing the Pyrenées. Potential for short sea shipping

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    On the one hand, around 45% of European Union foreign trade is still carried by road and is consequently conditioned by traffic congestion or high fuel consumption, implying disadvantages related to pollution and safety, while on the other hand, 40% is carried by short sea shipping. Short Sea Shipping in European waters has been considered by national and European governments as one of the most feasible ways to alleviate the congestion that gets worse every day on the roads and highways across Europe. This paper poses criteria providing recommendations for the best alternative means of transport for carrying cargo across the Pyrenees

    Enhancement of Maritime Safety and Economic Benefits of Short Sea Shipping Ship Routing

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    The relevance of ship routing system is increasing according to the mitigation of carbon emissions and enhance the maritime safety. New generation of high-resolution meteo-oceanographic predictions provides useful tools for routing of ship. However, scientific efforts have been focused on inter-oceanic routes. This contribution investigates the economic benefits and improvement on maritime safety of ship routing of Short Sea Shipping (SSS) routes. The investigation is supported with the development of a ship routing system based on a path finding algorithm and meteo-oceanographic predications. Results show that the economic benefits using ship routing in SSS is estimated in percentage of the total cost during energetic wave episodes. The work establishes the basis of further developments in optimal route applied in relatively short-distances and its systematic use in the SSS maritime industry. In this work, the optimal ship routing analysis is investigated in a relative short distance maritime route between Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca (Spain). Dijkstra algorithm is implemented in order to obtain the optimal path under an energetic wave event. The methodology is based on the inclusion of the drag resistance due to waves. The results reveal how the wave direction has a relevant role in the optimum path due to the relative direction with the ship and the enhancement of the navigational safety.Postprint (published version

    Analysis of viability to promote a hub Ro/Ro terminal in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) Port

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    The presented paper is going to analyze the opportunity to develop a Ro/Ro hub in the Port of Palma de Mallorca. In order to get introduced in the study, the state of art related to geographical, economic tra c and human; conditions, will be reviewed; together with an in deep analysis of the port future capacities and main shipping lines crossing the western Mediterranean. At a first glance is it easy to understand that the competition with other container hub ports in Mediterranean does not a ord Palma de Mallorca to be positioned in this market. But the chance to become a hub in rolled tra c will be studied. The final results of this paper are going to identify the main particulars to be enforced to attract the main shipping companies that are providing transport services between the North and South coasts of the Mediterranean and the tra c between Italy and Spain.Postprint (published version

    Analysis of viability to promote a hub ro/ro terminal in Palma of Mallorca (Spain) Port

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    The presented paper is going to analyze the opportunity to develop a Ro/Ro hub in the Port of Palma de Mallorca. In order to get introduced in the study, the state of art related to geographical, economic traffic and human; conditions, will be reviewed; together with an in deep analysis of the port future capacities and main shipping lines crossing the western Mediterranean. At a first glance is it easy to understand that the competition with other container hub ports in Mediterranean does not afford Palma de Mallorca to be positioned in this market. But the chance to become a hub in rolled traffic will be studied. The final results of this paper are going to identify the main particulars to be enforced to attract the main shipping companies that are providing transport services between the North and South coasts of the Mediterranean and the traffic between Italy and Spain.Postprint (published version

    The exploration, development and perspective of oil and gas in the Black Sea region

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    The Black Sea region, a large horizon ready to open, ready to explore, ready to show her energy, herpower and opportunities. But how we are preparing for this? It is a high competition between all the“actors” implicated in this field. The industry was informed to this potential resources by a major studyundertaken by Purvin and Gertz in 2011, which predicted the development of a Romanian oshoreindustry and now exist many recently studies that confirmed the “black resources” of the Black Sea. Weall know about the emergence of shale gas in Europe, in the last years, because is increasing evidenceof a more united approach on energy, so the exploration and development of gas reserves in the BlackSea is an optimal alternative to supply gas from the Caspian to south-eastern Europe.But this good alternative implicates problems generated by costs, transportation and security of thevery long pipelines that will pass through several countries till reaching their final destination.I try in this paper to pay attention on the main objective in the Black Sea Region, in this oshorefield, that required the cooperation and sustainability from part of European Union and all its members’state and countries situated in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea or Caspian Sea.Postprint (published version

    Improvement of the energy efficiency of vessels as a measure for the reduction of greenhouses gases emission froem sea shipping

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    As all we know, pollution is a serious actual problem that affects our society. Maritime transport is responsible of part of that pollution and with this purpose; measure to be taken in the logistical and maritime transport field is to reduce ships emissions. Air pollution is not the only problem, but greenhouse gas emissions too, mainly in the case of maritime transport pollutants as NOx and SOx gasses. This article tries to do a quick view on the last measures took by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of shipping. An energy efficiency index for ships was created by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) to improve their energy efficiency and then reduce fuel consumption. This index was developed in voluntary interim guidelines established in last sessions of the MEPC among 2009 and 2010, and can be applied to both new designs and ships in operation. Nowadays is just a voluntary measure that whatever ship-owner could take and verify, but until its approval there is for the moment no sanction if the results are not the expected ones by the guidelines. A description of the above mentioned guidelines will be exposed.Postprint (published version

    Educació i desenvolupament humà sostenible: l'exemple de l'impacte mediambiental en el transport de mercaderies

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    Es descriu una experiència docent relacionada amb l’eficiència del transport de mercaderies i el seu impacte mediambiental a partir de la recerca que han estat desenvolupant els darrers anys.Peer Reviewe