1,365 research outputs found

    Ajuste de Reguladores de Velocidad de Grupos Hidroeléctricos en Redes Aisladas: Consideración de la Compresibilidad del Agua y de la Tubería Forzada.

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    El control de las centrales hidroeléctricas ha venido siendo motivo continuo de estudio. Más aún en el caso de centrales que proporcionan la energía a Islas donde se intenta sustituir la generación térmica por la convivencia de los parques eólicos y una central hidroeléctrica, puesto que el control es fundamental para el correcto funcionamiento del sistema. Varios son los trabajos que se han desarrollado en esta materia hasta la fecha pero no se han prodigado en analizar la influencia que la longitud de las conducciones forzadas tiene en el ajuste del controlador. El objetivo principal de este estudio es desarrollar unas recomendaciones relativas al ajuste de los reguladores de velocidad de los grupos hidroeléctricos en sistemas aislados con conducciones de gran longitud, aportando así valores alternativos a los propuestos por otros autores; entre otras razones porque éstos estudiaban centrales cuyas conducciones no exigían el análisis de la elasticidad de la conducción y del fluido. Dichas recomendaciones están basadas en la oportuna ubicación de los polos que representan la respuesta dinámica de los principales componentes de la central. Así, encontramos los valores de las ganancias del controlador PI que mejoran la respuesta de la central dado que la longitud de la tubería forzada es lo suficientemente grande como para que sea preciso incluir su efecto en el ajuste. Para tener en cuenta la compresibilidad del agua y de la tubería se ha empleado el modelo de parámetros concentrados. Dicho modelo se simplifica y se linealiza para su estudio, mientras que el ajuste propuesto es aplicado al modelo no lineal original

    Nuevo Modelo de Distribución de Corriente Contínua en Baja Tensión en Smart Buildings

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    En este trabajo se revisan una serie de conceptos, todos ellos relacionados con las microrredes de baja tensión de tipo de en corriente continua. Se exponen varias de las características propias de estas microrredes, diferentes tipos de cargas que alimentarían la microrred y posibles formas de conectar ésta al suministro. Se realiza un estudio de los niveles de potencia demandada más comunes, así como de las pérdidas en la red y las formas de evitar éstas, y cómo se generaría la corriente de la red de continua. Además, se exponen varios casos de estudios ya operativos sobre el modelo de continua

    An adaptive control scheme for variable speed wind turbines providing frequency regulation in isolated power systems with thermal generation

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    The lack of synchronous inertia, associated with the relevant penetration of variable speed wind turbines (VSWTs) into isolated power systems, has increased their vulnerability to strong frequency deviations. In fact, the activation of load shedding schemes is a common practice when an incident occurs, i.e., the outage of a conventional unit. Under this framework, wind power plants should actively contribute to frequency stability and grid reliability. However, the contribution of VSWTs to frequency regulation involves several drawbacks related to their efficiency and equipment wear due to electrical power requirements, rotational speed changes, and subsequently, shaft torque oscillations. As a result, wind energy producers are not usually willing to offer such frequency regulation. In this paper, a new control technique is proposed to optimize the frequency response of wind power plants after a power imbalanced situation. The proposed frequency controller depends on different power system parameters through a linear regression to determine the contribution of wind power plants for each imbalance condition. As a consequence, VSWTs frequency contribution is estimated to minimize their mechanical and electrical efforts, thus reducing their equipment wear. A group of sixty supply-side and imbalance scenarios are simulated and analyzed. Results of the case study are compared to previous proposals. The proposed adaptive control reduces the máximum torque and rotational speed variations while at the same time maintaining similar values of the load shedding program. Extensive results and discussion are included in the paper.This work was partially supported by ‘Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte’ of Spain (ref. FPU16/04282) and by ‘Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad’, under the project “Value of pumped-hydro energy storage in isolated power systems with high wind power penetration” of the National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013–2016, grant number ENE2016-77951-R

    Frequency control support of a wind-solar isolated system by a hydropower plant with long tail-race tunnel

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    Pumped storage hydro plants (PSHP) can provide adequate energy storage and frequency regulation capacities in isolated power systems having significant renewable energy resources. Due to its high wind and solar potential, several plans have been developed for La Palma Island in the Canary archipelago, aimed at increasing the penetration of these energy sources. In this paper, the performance of the frequency control of La Palma power system is assessed, when the demand is supplied by the available wind and solar generation with the support of a PSHP which has been predesigned for this purpose. The frequency regulation is provided exclusively by the PSHP. Due to topographic and environmental constraints, this plant has a long tail-race tunnel without a surge tank. In this configuration, the effects of pressure waves cannot be neglected and, therefore, usual recommendations for PID governor tuning provide poor performance. A PI governor tuning criterion is proposed for the hydro plant and compared with other criteria according to several performance indices. Several scenarios considering solar and wind energy penetration have been simulated to check the plant response using the proposed criterion. This tuning of the PI governor maintains La Palma system frequency within grid code requirements

    Contribution to Load-Frequency Regulation of a Hydropower Plant with Long Tail-Race Tunnel

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    In this paper, a hydroelectric power plant with long tail-race tunnel has been modelled for assessing its contribution to secondary regulation reserve. Cavitation problems, caused by the discharge conduit length, are expected downstream the turbine where low pressure appears during regulation manoeuvres. Therefore, governor's gains should be selected taking into account these phenomena. On the other hand, regulation services bidden by the plant operator should fulfil TSO (Transmission System Operator) quality requirements. A methodology for tuning governor PI gains is proposed and applied to a Hydro power plant in pre-design phase in northwest area of Spain. The PI gains adjustment proposed provides a proper plant response, according to some established indexes, while avoiding cavitation phenomena

    Power-frequency control of hydropower plants with long penstocks in isolated systems with wind generation

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    In this paper the power-frequency control of hydropower plants with long penstocks is addressed. In such configuration the effects of pressure waves cannot be neglected and therefore commonly used criteria for adjustment of PID governors would not be appropriate. A second-order Π model of the turbine-penstock based on a lumped parameter approach is considered. A correction factor is introduced in order to approximate the model frequency response to the continuous case in the frequency interval of interest. Using this model, several criteria are analysed for adjusting the PI governor of a hydropower plant operating in an isolated system. Practical criteria for adjusting the PI governor are given. The results are applied to a real case of a small island where the objective is to achieve a generation 100% renewable (wind and hydro). Frequency control is supposed to be provided exclusively by the hydropower plant. It is verified that the usual criterion for tuning the PI controller of isolated hydro plants gives poor results. However, with the new proposed adjustment, the time response is considerably improve

    Simulation model of a variable-speed pumped-storage power plant in unstable operating conditions in pumping mode

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    This paper presents a dynamic simulation model of a laboratory-scale pumped-storage power plant (PSPP) operating in pumping mode with variable speed. The model considers the dynamic behavior of the conduits by means of an elastic water column approach, and synthetically generates both pressure and torque pulsations that reproduce the operation of the hydraulic machine in its instability region. The pressure and torque pulsations are generated each from a different set of sinusoidal functions. These functions were calibrated from the results of a CFD model, which was in turn validated from experimental data. Simulation model results match the numerical results of the CFD model with reasonable accuracy. The pump-turbine model (the functions used to generate pressure and torque pulsations inclusive) was up-scaled by hydraulic similarity according to the design parameters of a real PSPP and included in a dynamic simulation model of the said PSPP. Preliminary conclusions on the impact of unstable operation conditions on the penstock fatigue were obtained by means of a Monte Carlo simulation-based fatigue analysis

    Stability Analysis of a Run-of-River Diversion Hydropower Plant With Surge Tank And Spillway in the Head Pond

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    Run-of-river hydropower plants usually lack significant storage capacity; therefore, the more adequate control strategy would consist of keeping a constant water level at the intake pond in order to harness the maximum amount of energy from the river flow or to reduce the surface flooded in the head pond. In this paper, a standard PI control system of a run-of-river diversion hydropower plant with surge tank and a spillway in the head pond that evacuates part of the river flow plant is studied. A stability analysis based on the Routh-Hurwitz criterion is carried out and a practical criterion for tuning the gains of the PI controller is proposed. Conclusions about the head pond and surge tank areas are drawn from the stability analysis. Finally, this criterion is applied to a real hydropower plant in design state; the importance of considering the spillway dimensions and turbine characteristic curves for adequate tuning of the controller gains is highlighte

    Lo que vemos a través del microscopio : Ciencia y comunidad

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    Introducción: La Caries Dental, es una enfermedad que no posee cura, y si no es tratada, puede avanza hacia a una lesión pulpar. La población adolescente concurrente al club Deportivo la Plata, planteó la necesidad de comprender, cómo una patología propia de la Cavidad Bucal, podía afectar no solo el rendimiento deportivo, sino también la Salud Integral. La Asignatura Histología y Embriología, en respuesta, generó y puso en marcha un proyecto de extensión llamado: “Con el Ojo en el Microscopio”. Lo interesante en la propuesta se concibió a partir de la realización de talleres interactivos, utilizando la Microscopia Óptica como herramienta de atracción. En esta segunda etapa del proyecto sumamos un nuevo club y mas categorías en rango etario mayor .Objetivos: -Prevenir enfermedades bucodentales a partir de la promoción de la Salud, utilizando el Microscopio Óptico como herramienta atrayente para generar atención y curiosidad en niños y adolescentes de la Comunidad.- Promover la instalación de hábitos preventivos. Metodología: Dividimos el proyecto en 3 etapas para una mejor distribución de las tareas. 1ra etapa: capacitación del equipo y armado de los talleres. Se realizaron las muestras de diente por desgasta. En la 2da Etapa se realizo la intervención en terreno donde a través de talleres en los Clubes se educo a la población infanto-juvenil sobre las partes de una pieza dentaria y su conexión con el resto del organismo. Aquí se Utilizaron los preparados Histológicos y el Microscopio Óptico. En la 3ra etapa se planteaba la recopilación de datos y realización de un informe final. Resultados: los talleres realizados se vieron interrumpidos por el Aislamiento Preventivo Obligatorio debido a la Pandemia de Covid-19 que se instalo en la Sociedad. Por eso reprogramamos las actividades en este marco hacia el refuerzo de acciones preventivas destinadas a evitar la propagación de este Virus. Se compraron elementos de higiene y cuidado personal que les fueron acercados a los clubes destinatarios del proyecto. Conclusión: el equipo extensionista reformula su firme compromiso por el trabajo socio-comunitaria generando acciones que se enfoquen en las necesidades actuales entendiendo la importancia de generar agentes multiplicadores de Salud que propaguen el mensaje preventivo. El virus Covid-19 tiene como vía de ingreso la cavidad bucal. De ahí la importancia del cuidado de la misma y de la concientización de la población por parte de docentes y estudiantes idóneos en el tema.Facultad de Odontologí