56 research outputs found

    Contents of Some Essential Minerals in Forages for Ruminants in Adama, Ethiopia. A Case Study.

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    The contents of phosphorous (P),  calcium (Ca),  sulphur (S), manganese (Mg),  sodium (Na),  potassium (K), iron (Fe), and copper (Cu), in graminaceae and legumes used for ruminant nutrition in the city of Adama, Eth i-opia, were determined. The samples were taken at random, from grazing areas near the city, and in the food market for these animals. The Molibdovanate method was used to determine P ; Ca,Mg and Cu were determined by the atomic adsorption spectroscopic met hod with flame; Na and K were determined by flame photo-metry; and S, by the turbidimetric method. The values were compared with the values reported for  these animal requirements. Deficiencies of Cu, P and Na  were  found in all the samples analyzed. King Grass, wheat and  teff stalks, important sources of nutrients du ring the dry season, were the scarcest. Statistics (P < 0.05) showed that, as a group, graminaceae were more mineral deficient than legumes. A study of certain mineral sources from the area is recommended for use as raw materials for salt production

    Contenidos de algunos minerales de interés en forrajes para la alimentación de rumiantes en la región de Adama, Etiopía. Estudio de caso.

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    Se determinó  el contenido de Fósforo (P), Calcio (Ca), Azufre (S), Magnesio (Mg), Sodio (Na), Potasio (K), Hie-rro (Fe) y Cobre (Cu) en gramíneas y leguminosas utilizadas para la alimentación de rumiantes en la ciudad de Adama, Etiopía. Las muestras fueron tomadas aleatoriamente en áreas de pastoreo cercanas a la ciudad y en el mercado de alimentos para este tipo de animales. Para la determinación de P se utilizó el método del molibdovanadato; el Ca, Mg y Cu se determinaron por espectroscopia de absorción atómica con llama; el Na y el K por fotometría de llama y el S por un método turbidimétrico. Los tenores de los elementos fueron comparados con los valores reportados de r e-querimientos de cada uno de ellos para este tipo de animales. Se encontró deficiencia de Cu, P y Na en todas las muestras analizadas. El king grass y la paja de trigo, que junto a la paja de tef son fuente principal de alimento duran-te la seca fueron los  de  mayor  déficit. Estadísticamente (P < 0,05) se aprecia que, consideradas como grupo,  estas gramíneas son más deficientes en el contenido de los minerales analizados que las leguminosas. Se recomienda estudiar algunas fuentes de minerales de la zona para utilizarlas como materias primas paras la producción de sales.Forage Mineral Content of Interest for Ruminants in Adama, Ethiopia. A Case Study.ABSTRACTThe content of Phosphorous (P), Calcium (Ca), Sulphur (S), Manganese (Mg), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Iron (Fe), and Copper (Cu), in graminaceae and legumes used for ruminant nutrition in the city of A dama, Ethiopia, were determined. The samples were taken at random, from grazing areas near the city, and in the food market for  these a nimals . The Molibdovanate method  was used to determine P, Ca, Mg and Cu  was by the atomic adsorption spec-troscopic  method with flame. Na and K were determined by flame photometry; and S, by the turbidimetric method. The values were compared with the values reported for their requirements for these animals. Deficiency of Cu, P and Na was found in all the samples analyzed.  King  Grass,  wheat and teff stalks, important sources of nutrients during the dry season, were the scarcest.  Statistics (P < 0.05) showed that, as a group,  graminaceae are more mineral deficient than legumes. A study of certain mineral sources from the area is recommended for use as raw material for salt production

    El Marabú (Dichrostachys cinerea) como planta medicinal

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    Antecedentes: Dichrostachys cinerea es considerada por algunos una planta invasora y por otros una planta de gran utilidad. En el espectro de oportunidades que se dan con esta planta, su uso como medicina natural puede ser de interés para los investigadores de las ciencias veterinarias. Objetivo. Dar un resumen que oriente y ayude a investigar el uso alternativo con fines medicinales de la planta. Desarrollo: Existen múltiples evidencias del uso de Dichrostachys cinerea como planta medicinal. Se han usado diferentes partes de la planta y con diferentes tratamientos, tanto en humanos como en animales. En la búsqueda de las razones de los efectos medicinales de la planta han sido utilizadas técnicas tan simples como el tamizaje fitoquímico básico, y también procedimientos analíticos con la utilización de tecnologías mucho más sofisticadas. Se ha estudiado además su uso como alimento animal y algo sobre la influencia de las estaciones en el valor medicinal de la planta. Conclusiones: Dichrostachys cinerea es considerada invasiva por su competencia con otros cultivos, pero ofrece múltiples oportunidades para ser usada como planta medicinal. Queda mucho por hacer en la búsqueda de alternativas de su utilización en la medicina veterinaria y humana. Palabras claves: bioactivos, Fotoquímica, medicina alternativa, metabolitos, plantas medicinales (Fuente: MeSH

    Validation of Ovine Excreta Using in vitro Gas to Assess Feed for Ruminants

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    Ovine excreta as inoculum for biogasification was used to assess in vitro and in sacco nutritive value of tropical pastures for ruminants. Pastures under study were: Paspalum notatum, Cynodon nlemfuensis, Panicum maximum, Sporobolus indicus, and Desmodium sp. Excreta were collected on grassy pastures areas. CO2  systematic injections prevented strict anaerobic microorganisms contact with oxygen. A positive and significant correlation resulted from biogasification using either ovine excreta or ovine ruminal fluid. Determinant coefficient was 0,79. Panicum maxi- mum and Cynodon nlemfuensis reached the highest nutritive value, while Sporobolus indicus showed the lowest one. Key Words: ovine excreta, digestibility, nutritive valu

    Model Comparison to Interpret the Kinetics of in vitroGas Production with Bovine Excreta Used as Inoculum.

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    New models to help interpret the kinetics of in vitrogas production with bovine excreta used as inoculum were suggested. Samples of L. leucocephala, G. sepiumand P. maximum, with different gas production profiles, were used. The samples were submitted to the procedure for gas production and the volumes were determined every 3 h, in the first 30 h; then at 36; 48; 72 and 96 h. Five models were compared (two monophase and three biphase), and the parameters for better adjustment were determined. Mean squared error and the Durbin-Watson test were used as comparison criteria. It was concluded that the monophase models fall short to describe the kinetics of in vitrogas production with bovine excreta; whereas the biphase models with simple exponential components are useful. The biphase equation, where V = 0 for t < L and V = B * (1 – EXP (- C * (t - L))) for t ≥L classified as the most useful work is done with syringes