495 research outputs found

    Motivation for seeking headship in compulsory education centres: A qualitative approach

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    Es un hecho constatado que el liderazgo de los directores de los centros educativos es una de las claves del cambio. Su impacto, bien sea de carácter directo o indirecto, ha sido evidenciado en la mejora de los resultados académicos del alumnado, la contribución al desarrollo profesional del equipo docente y la creación y cultivo de comunidades de aprendizaje. Este estudio pretende reconocer cuáles son los motivos que conducen a los directores a acceder al cargo, así como el carácter de su decisión. Para ello, se ha seleccionado de forma intencionada, y con la ayuda de tres inspectores de la Conselleria de Educación, Ciencia y Deporte, a 100 directores de centros de Educación Infantil y Primaria, y Educación Secundaria de la provincia de Alicante. Para la recogida de datos se diseñó una entrevista con preguntas de carácter abierto. Los datos fueron procesados con el programa de análisis cualitativo AQUAD 7. A partir del mismo, se reconoce que la decisión de acceder al cargo es principalmente de carácter individual y que está condicionada fundamentalmente por motivaciones personales. Sin embargo, tales intenciones responden más a una visión institucional y social, que individualista. En relación al perfil de los directores, se aprecia un cariz más social de la decisión de acceso al cargo en las mujeres y los veteranos docentes. Estos datos nos llevan a la conclusión de que conviene prestar atención a las razones que conducen a los directores a acceder al cargo para, desde su reconocimiento, alentar una decisión que cada día menos docentes están dispuestos a tomar.It is a proven fact that the leadership of headteachers is one of the keys to change. Its impact, whether direct or indirect, has been shown to improve the academic performance of students, to contribute to the professional development of the teaching staff and to develop and cultivate learning communities. This study aims to recognise what motivates headteachers to seek office, and the nature of their decision. In order to study this, 100 headteachers of Infant, Primary and Secondary schools in the province of Alicante were intentionally selected with the help of three inspectors from the Regional Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. An open-question interview was designed for the purpose of data collection. Data were processed using AQUAD 7 qualitative analysis programme. It was recognised that the decision to access the position of headteacher was primarily individual in nature and largely influenced by personal motives. But such intentions were found to be the reflection of an institutional and social perspective, rather than of an individualist one. As far as the headteachers’ profile is concerned, it was identified that the decision by female and veteran teachers to seek office had a more social tenor. The data led to the conclusion that the reasons that drive headteachers to take up the position need to be attended to and recognised in order to encourage a decision that fewer and fewer teachers are willing to make

    Exploring how tutors in higher education perceive their work and what direction they think it should take in the future: A case study

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    University tutoring is a complex area of study involving various factors and agents whose actions are context-dependent. This qualitative study aims to analyse and interpret the experiences of tutors in the course of their work. The participants were 68 tutors, each from one of the seven centres belonging to the University of Alicante (Spain). We carried out conventional and summative content analyses using AQUAD 7 software. The results show that tutors’ feelings are generally positive, though they become disillusioned if students decide to drop tutoring. Nevertheless, the few students that persevere are enough to encourage tutors to reflect on possible improvements to the tutoring programme. Their suggestions reveal their own tutoring style and the need to promote whichever tutoring model best suits the context and the students that construct the tutorial relationship.This research was supported by the Project Networks-I3CE of the Deputy Vice-Chancellors Office of Quality and Educational Innovation of the University of Alicante, under Grant 4538 – An opportunity for the design and development of a TAP (Tutorial Action Plan) with a humanistic character

    La bona docència

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    Lección Inaugural Curso Académico 2008-2009 | Lliçó Inaugural Curs Acadèmic 2008-200

    Factors influencing the choice of a university degree: the case of recreation, parks and tourism administration studies

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    The aim of this research is to analyze students´ expectations that have an influence on choosing Leisure and Recreation as an academic major. According to the analysis of this research on the reasons for choosing Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration studies at a university in the United States, the conclusions reached show that among multiple factors, the expectations of having collaborative and situated learning experiences are one of the main reasons for choosing these studies, as well as the job opportunities that this degree offers. The results of this research evidence the high degree of emotionality affecting this decision. The conclusions of this study may be useful for designing Leisure and Recreation curriculums

    Listening to the Voices of Novice Lecturers in Higher Education: A Qualitative Study

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    The professional development of novice staff at the university still requires considerable improvement. In this research paper, and in an attempt to define a development model in higher education, attention is paid to the perspectives and judgments of novice university staff. The research focuses specifically on the expression of their problems, difficulties, dilemmas, and decisions related to their course plans and classroom contexts. The methodology applied here integrates processes of qualitative interpretation supported by the AQUAD Six data processing program in the presentation of results. These findings make clear the need to integrate novices into the teaching community in order to reduce the fears they experience on starting their academic careers and increase the benefits to the university community as a whole

    The culture of the equality of opportunities in the European university context

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    La nueva función de las universidades, en el complejo y entrelazado contexto social, necesita de un gran compromiso de la comunidad académica con la igualdad de oportunidades de género. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido analizar los pensamientos, creencias y cultura de las académicas en su desarrollo profesional docente e investigador en la Universidad de Alicante. Se ha aplicado una estrategia metodológica basada en la investigación de las narrativas de las participantes para el análisis de información. El tratamiento de los datos se ha articulado con base en el programa informático AQUAD 7. Los resultados nos ofrecen una comprensión mayor de las voces de las académicas, especialmente, de sus preocupaciones, temores y dilemas. Las conclusiones de esta investigación instan a una revisión de las políticas institucionales en el tejido universitario español que promueva oportunidades más efectivas y sostenida participación legítima en la comunidad universitaria.The new role of the universities in a complex and intertwined social context requires a major commitment by the academic community regarding gender equality. The objective of this research is to analyze the thoughts, beliefs and culture of the academic women in their professional teaching and research development at Universidad de Alicante. A methodological strategy was applied in the research of the accounts of the participants for the analysis of information. The management of data was done using AQUAD 7. The results allow greater comprehension of the voices of the academic women, especially, about their concerns, worries and dilemmas. The conclusions of this research motivate a review of the institutional policies, in the context of the Spanish universities, to promote more effective opportunities and continued legitimate participation in the university community.Artículo de investigación que contiene el informe final de los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto La educación superior y oportunidades de género, auspiciada y liderada por la Universidad de Alicante, España

    Inconsistencies in the curriculum design of educational gymnastics: case study

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    This research analyses the limitations of gymnastics teaching in Secondary Schools. Considering that this has a negative effect on the global education of pupils, the study investigates, through the voices of the physical education teachers themselves, how the teaching of gymnastics skills is planned and implemented, and the educational changes and new perspectives needed. The methodology employed is qualitative and AQUAD 6 software has been used to analyse the data. The research results show that there is not sufficient reflection during the process of curriculum planning and design and that deliberative educational thought is not significant. In addition, colleagues of the same centre do not seem to share knowledge. Consequently, processes of change are scarce and do not correspond with the reality of the educational context. Knowing the practice of teachers, when designing the curriculum, could contribute to the implementation of new models of professional development and training

    Socio-emotional competencies of teacher professional development

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    El principal objetivo de las universidades es educar en términos de adquisición de capacidades, habilidades, competencias y valores, con el fin último de promover el empleo. Numerosos autores han llegado a la conclusión de que la inteligencia emocional forma parte de las competencias que requieren las personas para desarrollar con éxito su labor profesional. En este trabajo se realiza una comparación de perfiles de competencias socioemocionales, mediante un análisis multivariado de la varianza, para el cual se dispuso de la opinión de una muestra de 148 maestros en ejercicio y de la medida en dichas competencias de 139 estudiantes de magisterio. Los resultados indicaron que existen diferencias en los perfiles de ambos grupos; siendo esta diferencia significativa para 11 de las 13 variables socioemocionales analizadas. Los estudiantes tienen menos desarrolladas las competencias socioemocionales que requieren según los profesionales. Parece, por tanto, necesario que desde los currícula universitarios se promueva el desarrollo de estas competencias para un desarrollo profesional eficaz.The main purpose of universities is to educate in terms of knowledge, abilities, skills and values adquisition, with the ultimate aim of promoting employment. Many academics have concluded that intelligence is part of the social-emotional skills needed by individuals to successfully develop their professional work. In this article we undertake an analysis of socio-emotional competence profiles by means of the application of a multivariate procedure to a sample of 148 teachers in exercise and to 139 students in teacher training courses.The results of our analysis show notable differences in the profiles of both groups, the difference being highly significant in 11 of the 13 socio-emotional variables analyzed. Students show a minor development of socio-emotional skills required by professionals. As a main conclusion of our analysis we can state that it reveals imperative that the university curricula promotes the development of these skills in order to achieve an effective professional development.Esta investigación ha sido financiada por el Proyecto de I+D PSI2009-12696 de la Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, con el título: Competencias Intelectuales, Personales y Socioemocionales en la Inserción Laboral de los Egresados Universitarios

    Missing Opportunities for Gymnastics Learning: Voices of Secondary Education Physical Education Teachers

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    Esta investigación se centra en analizar las causas de la fragilidad de los aprendizajes gimnásticos en el currículo de Educación Física en Educación Secundaria. Considerando que este hecho incide de forma desfavorable en la educación integral del alumnado, este estudio identifica las problemáticas que condicionan las lagunas en dichos aprendizajes. Para ello, se examinan las experiencias de 50 profesores sobre la formación universitaria recibida en la rama de habilidades gimnásticas y acrobáticas, las dificultades para implementar estos aprendizajes y las propuestas para optimizar su labor profesional. La metodología empleada es cualitativa y se ha utilizado el software AQUAD 6 para el análisis de los datos. Los resultados evidencian que los participantes han tenido un insuficiente conocimiento gimnástico en su formación inicial y una posterior falta de oportunidades de desarrollo profesional. Asimismo, otras dificultades percibidas están motivadas por las disposiciones negativas de los estudiantes hacia la práctica gimnástica. Los planteamientos de mejora de los profesores están enfocados a la resolución de dichas problemáticas. El profesorado demanda una formación universitaria más sólida y un desarrollo profesional específico como medio para resolver las dificultades metodológicas y contextuales percibidas. Conocer sus propuestas puede contribuir a implementar nuevos modelos de formación inicial y continua.This research focuses on the reasons behind the fragility of gymnastics in the Physical Education curriculum in Secondary Schools. As this has a negative effect on the integral education of pupils, our study identifies the problems which lead to gaps in the learning of this subject. We examine the experiences of 50 participant-teachers as regards their university training in the area of gymnastics and acrobatics skills, their difficulties when putting knowledge into practice, and their suggestions for optimizing teaching. The methodology used is qualitative, and AQUAD 6 software has been employed to analyse the data. The results show that gymnastics knowledge acquired by the participants during initial training is inadequate, and that subsequently there is a lack of professional development. In addition, there are further difficulties caused by the negative attitude of pupils towards doing gymnastics. Teachers’ suggestions for improvement focus on solving the aforementioned problems. They demand better university training and specific professional development in order to resolve the methodological and contextual difficulties perceived. Knowledge of their proposals may contribute to the implementation of new models of initial and continuous training

    The School Violence in the Coexistence Programs of the Spanish Educational System

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    One of the great problems of Spanish education is the increase in conflict and violence inside and outside schools. The Spanish educational administration, in order to reduce and eradicate these problems, has implemented coexistence programs in schools, which have not had the expected results. The objective of this study is to analyze and evaluate the integration of school violence in the coexistence programs that are being implemented in Secondary Education schools in Spain. For this, a sample of N = 806 Spanish schools has been taken. The evaluation matrix of coexistence programs was used, validated through expert judgment; the valuations of the selected items have been operationalized with the Osterlind Method (1989). The reliability of the instrument obtained an Alpha of Cronbach of 0.876 of consistency; the statistical analyzes of the data are carried out with the SPSS 23.0 program. For the evaluation of the coexistence programs, the participatory methodology was used (De Miguel, 2009), where 5 experts and 30 student-researchers intervened. The findings show that the coexistence programs, mostly, do not incorporate the prevention or the intervention of the different types of school violence, being only the objectives and the activities related to the behaviors related to the insults, threats, aggressions and vandalism that have presence with acceptable quality criteria, while the objectives and activities linked to the prevention and intervention of bullying, cyberbullying, gender violence, assaults on teachers and staff, child abuse and situations of school violence, which occur outside the school, have very little presence and poor quality criteria