37 research outputs found

    The security of the citizen's ports

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    Impact of logistics and shipping in the sustainable development of societies

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    Definitely, although not very obvious, shipping affects the daily lives of the majority of the world population. The socio-economic implications of logistics undoubtedly affect the social development of cities. With the implementation of sustainability in the supply chain, and not only think of a commercial profit but in an overall benefit in mind the impact it is having on the ecosystem. Solutions, research and discussion topics to open an academic contribution is interesting, that would open up discussions.Postprint (published version

    Propuesta para mejorar la eficacia de la implementación del código de protección de buques e instalaciones portuarias en las instalaciones portuarias

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    La aplicación del Código ISPS (en español PBIP) y sus subsecuentes iniciativas han obligado a los puertos a convertirse en Puertos Seguros, lo que ocasiona un cambio radical en las políticas de los puertos para algunos, o un ajuste en protección. La Organización Marítima Internacional ha determinado dentro de los puertos las áreas consideradas como vulnerables; estas áreas reciben el nombre de Interfase. Áreas portuarias dedicadas al uso ciudadano: turismo, recreación e incluso al ocio, han quedado fuera de la Interfase por lo que surge la duda ¿están desprotegidas?¿No representan ningún riesgo para la seguridad de la vida humana de las personas que ahí se encuentran? En cuanto a la estructura, la tesis consta de cuatro capítulos; inicialmente se analiza el marco jurídico existente, los convenios internacionales y las normativas europeas concernientes a la protección del sistema portuario y marítimo, seguidamente se estudia y analiza el modelo conocido como "Relación Puerto-Ciudad", con un estudio de casos existentes, en tercer lugar se definen los criterios y parámetros a seguir para la elaboración de la encuesta, y finalmente, una vez analizados los datos obtenidos por parte de los encuestados, se procede a extraer las conclusiones, recomendaciones y propuestas. La metodología utilizada, siguiendo la normativa, luego de analizar la legislación, así como la bibliografía existente, y visitas realizadas a diferentes puertos, se ha procedido a realizar una encuesta a expertos con el objetivo de medir el grado de cumplimiento del código e identificar la vulnerabilidad de los espacios de uso ciudadano para poder definir una propuesta de mejora basada en todos los aspectos comentados. Una vez seleccionado el grupo de expertos que cumplieran con los requisitos establecidos en la presente tesis, se les consultó con una encuesta de 45 preguntas. Es justo destacar que la receptividad por parte de los expertos fue muy alta, alcanzando un porcentaje de respuestas de un 70 % de la muestra encuestada. Dichas respuestas fueron posteriormente sometidas a un proceso analítico y estadístico que permitió extraer la información enviada por los expertos y realizar las estadísticas necesarias que permitieron evaluar de forma real, el estado actual de la protección Portuaria en varios países y sobre todo, el estado de protección de los puertos ciudadanos, para poder elaborar una propuesta. Los principales puntos a considerar dentro de dicha propuesta incluyen, entre otros: Extender la definición del PPP relativa a la Interfaz a la Interfaz ciudad-puerto; proponer crear una comisión de estudio entre las Autoridades Portuarias y Marítimas con las empresas Urbanizadoras de los Puertos y las autoridades de las ciudades portuarias, para armonizar todas las medidas de seguridad que consideren pertinentes; así como incluir en el programa de auditorías voluntarias promovido por la OMI en 2002 el sistema de gestión de la seguridad y protección integral de los puertos teniendo en cuenta los espacios de uso público: La factibilidad de convivencia del desarrollo de los Puertos Ciudadanos y las tendencias y exigencias de Seguridad y Protección. La idea sería que esta propuesta, deba adherirse a los Planes de Protección de Puerto, por ser los de mayor facilidad en su modificación e implementación, y además por ser el último eslabón de la cadena de la seguridad ya de cara a los usuarios de los puertos, lo cual permite que dichos ajustes repercutan directamente en el logro de una mayor seguridad para los Puertos Ciudadanos. Como valor añadido a la presente tesis y como resultado de la iniciativa del autor de seguir profundizando en este tema, gracias a los intensos esfuerzos realizados para contactar y estrechar lazos con los diferentes expertos portuarios, se ha concretado la creación de RIDEPORT (Red Internacional de Expertos en Puertos y Costas) con presencia de momento en 6 países, de la cual el autor de esta tesis, ha sido designado como Presidente Fundador.Postprint (published version

    Information sharing performance management: a semantic interoperability assessment in the maritime surveillance domain

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    Information Sharing (IS) is essential for organizations to obtain information in a cost-effective way. If the existing information is not shared among the organizations that hold it, the alternative is to develop the necessary capabilities to acquire, store, process and manage it, which will lead to duplicated costs, especially unwanted if governmental organizations are concerned. The European Commission has elected IS among public administrations as a priority, has launched several IS initiatives, such as the EUCISE2020 project within the roadmap for developing the maritime Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE), and has defined the levels of interoperability essential for IS, which entail Semantic Interoperability (SI). An open question is how can IS performance be managed? Specifically, how can IS as-is, and to-be states and targets be defined, and how can organizations progress be monitored and controlled? In this paper, we propose 11 indicators for assessing SI that contribute to answering these questions. They have been demonstrated and evaluated with the data collected through a questionnaire, based on the CISE information model proposed during the CoopP project, which was answered by five public authorities that require maritime surveillance information and are committed to share information with each other.Postprint (published version

    Analysis of imo 2020 and the adaptation of shipowners operating in Spain

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    Shipping sector has always been pointed as one of the most contaminant ways of transport and this can be debated extensively. Ships emit emissions that contribute to air pollution worldwide and IMO is concerned about the problems of shipping emissions and its hard working to make this sector cleaner and more environmentally friendly. To achieve this goal, the specialized UN agency is engaged in new regulations. One of the most important ones, which is the backbone of this study, is the new global sulphur limit for maritime shipping that entered into force last 1st of January 2020. Its main objective is the reduction of vessel’s emissions, especially SOX ones. Nowadays, all ships need to use bunkers with a sulphur content that does not exceed 0.5% m/m The entry into force of the new global sulphur limit for maritime shipping imposed by the International Maritime Organization, last 1st of January 2020, has supposed a huge change for all shipowners and for the whole sector. Several solutions to cope with this appeared on shipowners tables, who faced an important challenge choosing the one that suits them the most. This paper focuses on making a general overview about the existing academic research done on this topic. Its main objective consists in making a research to see how shipowners operating in Spanish ports have adapted their fleets and to obtain their feedback after these months since the implementation of the new sulphur limit.Peer Reviewe

    The impact of covid-19 on shipping industry studying economic factors

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact of COVID-19 on shipping industry using a multiple-regression econometric model based on Ordinary Least Squares. The model has considered Valencia Containerised Freight Index as the dependent variable. Several exogenous variables will be included in the model to estimate their partial effect, ceteris paribus on the endogenous one, such as economic and maritime casuistry. Coronavirus, known as a global pandemic, had a strong impact on world economies during 2020. As a result, this paper is focused on analysing COVID-19 impact on shipping industry. Therefore, it is going to be studied economic effects of pandemic for shipping companies in order to show how they managed this new scenario. On the other hand, human factor from maritime perspective will be mentioned in order to consider central effects on seafarers and how they felt during pandemic on board. As maritime transport represents 90% of global trade, this research wants to analyse why freight prices were constantly growing during months. Using quarterly cross- sectional database, we study three possible regressions, achieving an increase on goodness-of-fit statistic in each one. Despite of having a limited database, Spanish imports, Spanish E-commerce growth and Gross weight of goods handled in main Spanish ports have turned highly significant to explain rises on Valencian freight prices.Peer Reviewe

    DLT-based sustainable business models for the shipping industry

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    This paper explores how distributed ledger technology (DLT), aka blockchain, might function as the technological basis for sustainable business models (SBM) in the shipping industry. More specifically, it examines the role that DLT can have in generating circular economies for information resources as well as inter-firm collaboration inside shipping.Postprint (author's final draft

    Technological drivers of seaports' business model innovation: An exploratory case study on the port of Barcelona

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    The role of seaports has evolved from being simple sea/land interfaces to becoming increasingly value-adding entities in global supply chains. A port that is today at the forefront of this trend is characterized as a fifth generation (5G) port, a “smart port” or, more recently, a Port 4.0. These characterisations, introduced by Maritime Studies literature, are closely equivalent to the business model concept developed by the Strategic Management literature in the last decades. This research paper inquires on the influence that Industry 4.0 technologies might have on the adoption of more sophisticated business models by seaports, and the mechanisms through which this influence is driven: in particular the role that technology push and market pull mechanisms might play. To this end, it develops a conceptual model that aims to provide an explanation of the relationship between the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies and the evolution of seaports’ business models. This model is then evaluated against an exploratory case study on the port of Barcelona. Finally, the paper explores what would “smartness” mean in a seaport context.Postprint (published version

    Blockchain-based innovation in post-COVID-19 trade finance

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    While trade finance has been recognized as a key enabler in international trade, there is a persistent gap between supply and demand. This gap threatens to widen after the shocks suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic, which increased risks percep- tion and decreased credit appetite. As a parallel phenomenon, distributed ledger technology (DLT), aka blockchain, has given birth to the decentralised finance (DeFi) paradigm, promising to revolutionize banking and the whole financial sector. This paper enquires whether a DeFi-based business model could address the trade finance gap problematic under the context and challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in relation to SMEs located in developing and least developed countries. To this end, it designs and presents a DeFi trade finance business model, showing how it could address the reasons behind the trade finance gap, while developing at the same time a broader meaning of the DeFi concept itselfPostprint (published version