89 research outputs found

    A mean value theorem for tangentially convex functions

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABThe main result is an equality type mean value theorem for tangentially convex functions in terms of tangential subdifferentials, which generalizes the classical one for differentiable functions, as well as Wegge theorem for convex functions. The new mean value theorem is then applied, analogously to what is done in the classical case, to characterize, in the tangentially convex context, Lipschitz functions, increasingness with respect to the ordering induced by a closed convex cone, convexity, and quasiconvexit

    On the Structure of Higher Order Voronoi Cells

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    The classic Voronoi cells can be generalized to a higher-order version by considering the cells of points for which a given kk-element subset of the set of sites consists of the kk closest sites. We study the structure of the kk-order Voronoi cells and illustrate our theoretical findings with a case study of two-dimensional higher-order Voronoi cells for four points.Comment: Minor correction

    Closed convex sets of Motzkin and generalized Minkowski types

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    The aim of this paper is twofold. On one hand the generalized Minkowski sets are defined and characterized. On the other hand, the Motzkin decomposable sets, along with their epigraphic versions are considered and characterized in new ways. Among them, the closed convex sets with one single minimal face, i.e. translated closed convex cones, along with their epigraphic counterparts are particularly studied

    On the infimum of a quasiconvex vector function over an intersection

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    We give sufficient conditions for the infimum of a quasiconvex vector function f over an intersection ⋂i∈IRi to agree with the supremum of the infima of f over the Ri's

    A subdifferential characterization of Motzkin decomposable functions

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    The paper provides a new subdifferential characterization for Motzkin decomposable (convex) functions. This characterization leads to diverse stability properties for such a decomposability for operations like addition and composition

    Improving the efficiency of DC global optimization methods by improving the DC representation of the objective function

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    There are infinitely many ways of representing a d.c. function as a difference of convex functions. In this paper we analyze how the computational efficiency of a d.c. optimization algorithm depends on the representation we choose for the objective function, and we address the problem of characterizing and obtaining a computationally optimal representation. We introduce some theoretical concepts which are necessary for this analysis and report some numerical experiments

    The contribution of K.-H. Elster to generalized conjugation theory and nonconvex duality

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    This article surveys the main contributions of K.-H. Elster to the theory of generalized conjugate functions and its applications to duality in nonconvex optimization

    On Weierstrass extreme value theorem

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    We show that suitable restatements of the classical Weierstrass extreme value theorem give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a global mínimum and of both a global minimum and a global maximum

    Integration of Fenchel subdifferentials revisited

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    We obtain a simple integration formula for the Fenchel subdifferentials on Euclidean spaces and analyze some of its consequences. For functions defined on locally convex spaces, we present a similar result in terms of ε-subdifferentials
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