515 research outputs found

    Síndrome compartimental crónico de esfuerzo Afectación bilateral del compartimento anteroexterno de la pierna en deportistas

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    Se presenta nuestra experiencia en el manejo de (i casos de síndrome compartimental crónico del esfuerzo por afectación colateral del compartimento anteroexterno del EEII. El diagnóstico se confirmó mediante medición de presiones intracompartimentales con catéter de hendidura, considerando patológico cuando ante clínica compatible la presión basal no se recupera en al menos 15 minutos. Se realizó doble fasciotomía subcutánea en los 6 casos consiguiendo la desaparición de la sintomatología y reincorporación a los entrenamientos en 6 semanas en todos los casos. No se han observado complicaciones ni recidivas tras un seguimiento medio de 2 años (1-3).Our experience on the management of 6 cases with bilateral chronic exertional compartment syndrome of the legs is presented. The diagnosis was confirmed by the measurement of the compartment pressure with slit catheter. Intramuscular pressure was considered abnormal when the basal pressure was not regained 15 minutes after the exercise with consistent symtomatology. Double complete subcutaneous fasciotomy was performed in the 6 patients obtaining complete recovery of the symtoms and improvement of the performance in all of them. Patients started training six weeks after surgery. Neither complication or relapse was found during a mean follow-up of 2 years (1-3)

    Fractura-avulsión de la tuberosidad tibial anterior en adolescentes: a propósito de dos casos. Revisión de la literatura

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    La avulsión de la tuberosidad tibial anterior es una lesión rara que se caracteriza por ocurrir en adolescentes deportistas. Esta lesión ocurre en un período vulnerable de la adolescencia, cuando la fisis sufre cambios fisiológicos que debilitan su resistencia a las fuerzas de tensión. Aportamos dos nuevos casos que fueron tratados con dos métodos distintos de osteosíntesis (tornillos y agujas de Kirschner) y realizamos una completa revisión bibliográfica. La osteosíntesis proporciona una mayor seguridad y menor tiempo de inmovilización, siendo el resultado final la epifisiodesis de dicha tuberosidad. Reseñamos la aparición de calcificaciones asintomáticas en el tendón rotuliano, complicación hasta ahora no descrita.Avulsion of the tibial tubercle is a rare lesion ocurring in sportif adolescents. This injury occurs in a vulnerable period that happen in adolescence when the physis is undergoing phisiologic change s that weaken its resistenc e to tensil loading. We present two ne w case s treated by two different procedures (Kirschner wire s and screws) and we made a complete literature review. We emphasize the finding of asintomatic calcification into patellar tendon that have not been previously described

    Comparación de Resultados del electromiograma y de la saculorradiculografía en el Diagnóstico de las Hernias Discales

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    Los autores presentan un estudio comparativo de E.M.G. y Saculorradiculografía en relación con los hallazgos quirúrgicos de 100 Hernias Discales intervenidas. Para el E.M.G. se ha conseguido una exactitud global del 83% y para la saculorradiculografía del 79%. La saculorradiculografía ha demostrado mayor exactitud para la raiz S1 que paral a L5 (85,7% frente a 70,4%) y el E.M.G. mayor para la L5 que para la S1 (88,6% frente a 78,5%). El E.M.G. tiene una especial utilidad para el diagnóstico y despistaje de neuropatías y para la comprobación de recuperación post-quirúrgica de lesiones sin axonotmesis. La exactitud de los resultados en el E.M.G. están en relación directa con la habilidad del examinador a la hora de conseguir e interpretar los resultados.The authors made a comparative study between the Electromyography (EMG) and the radiculography with the surgical findings in 100 Herniated intervertebral disk (H.I.D.) operated on. With the E.M.G. they had obtained a correct diagnostic in 83% of case s and 79% with the radiculography. The radiculography showed the bigger accurancy in S1 than L5 (85'7% - 70'4%) and E.M.G. showed bigger accurancy B in L5 than S1 (88'6% - 78'5%). The E.M.G. had an special utility in the diagnosis of neuropathie s and the review and follow up after surgical procedure. It's very important the trainning of the E.M.G. examine r to obtain correct information

    Resultados a largo plazo de intervención de Magnuson-Stack modificada para la luxación anterior recidivante de hombro

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    Los autores han realizado una revisión largo plazo versus corto plazo con 29 pacientes tratados mediante la técnica de Magnuson-Stack por luxación anterior recidivante de hombro. Se encontró un empobrecimiento de los resultados globales, observándose empeoramiento de la estabilidad (pasan del 90.47% de resultados excelentes al 58.62%, así como del 9.52 de resultados malos al 31.03%), aumento del arco de movilidad (movilidad excelente del 57.14 al 82.75%), permaneciendo la función prácticamente inalterada.Twenty-nine patients with recurrent shoulder dislocation trailed surgicaly by modified Magnuson-Stack procedure are colected. The authors made a long-term versus short-term review of results. They have found a worsening of results in the total longterm review. They observe a worsening of the stability (90.47% excellent results in short-term but 58.62% in long-term) (9.52% bad results in short-term but 31.03% in long-term). There are an increase of range mobility (57.14% excellent in short-term versus 82.75% in long-term). The function remain unchanged

    Valoración a medio-largo plazo de los cotilos de Mittelmeier

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es valorar clínica y radiológicamente la evolución de 125 cotilos de Mittelmeier implantados en nuestro servicio, con un seguimiento medio de 8 años (5,5-14). En toda la serie se ha utilizado un mismo tipo de cotilos, aunque se han utilizado 2 vástagos, los de segunda y los de tercera generación. El comportamiento ha sido satisfactorio en el 91% de los de tercera generación y el 57% en los de segunda. Se comprobó una inclinación y recubrimientos progresivos y una emigración horizontal y vertical significativas de los cotilos. No se encontró relación entre los resultados clínicos y las alteraciones posicionales. La movilización del cotilo aparece en nuestra serie mucho más frecuentemente que en la mayor parte de la literatura. Las emigraciones horizontal y vertical pueden ser debidas a los diferentes coeficientes de elasticidad de la cerámica y el hueso sin implicar necesariamente malos resultados. Como conclusión, el comportamiento de los cotilos de Mittelmeier ha sido en general satisfactorio a pesar de las emigraciones, que han tenido escasa repercusión clínica.This study was aimed at evaluating clinically and radiologically the results of 125 Mittelmeier cups implanted in our institution, with a mean follow-up of 8 years (5.5-14). The same type of cup was used in the whole series, combined with two types of femoral stem from the 2 nd and 3rd generations. The results were satisfactory in 91 % of cases treated with the 3rd generation and 57% in those cases treated with the 2nd generation of implants. Progressive inclination and coverage were detected with both horizontal and vertical migration of the cups. No relationship was found between clinical results and the displacements observed. In this series, migrations of the cup were more frequent than those published by other authors. Horizontal and vertical migratrion may be due to the difference between the coefficients of elasticity of ceramic and bone. Cup migration did not imply poor results. In conclusion, the overall results obtained with the Mittelmeier cups were satisfactory, in spite of migration. The clinical repercussion of cup migrations was minimal

    Sacrolistesis postraumática sin lesión neurológica

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    Las fracturas transversas de sacro son raras pero aún lo son más aquellas en las que hay un desplazamiento o listeis de una vértebra sacra sobre otra. El sentido de desplazamiento viene condicionado por el mecanismo causante, pudiendo ser en flexión o en extensión. En las verdaderas listesis el sentido del traumatismo es en extensión, llevando a colocarse total o parcialmente la vértebra sacra superior por delante de la inferior. En determinados casos como pueden ser los politraumatizados, el diagnóstico puede ser difícil, por lo que es necesario realizar un estudio radiológico meticuloso. En estas fracturas ocurre frecuentemente una lesión de raíces lumbosacras de mayor o menor gravedad, aunque suele existir algún tipo de recuperación, incluso espontánea, con el transcurso del tiempo. Se presenta el caso de una mujer que presentó una sacrolistesis de S1 sobre S2 por haber sufrido caída de nalgas, sin existir ninguna lesión neurológica.Transverse fractures of the sacrum are rare, but fractures with displacement or listhesis of one sacral vertebra over another are even more infrequent. The direction of the displacement is conditioned by the causing mechanism and may occur in flexion or extension, in true listhesis, trauma occurs in extension, placing the superior sacral vertebra totally or partially in from of the inferior vertebra. In some cases, such as multiple traumas, the diagnosis can be difficult, and a careful radiologic study is required. A more or less severe injury of th lumbosacral roots frequently occurs in these fractures, although a certain degree of recovery takes place, even spontaneously, over time. We present the case of a 69 years old woman suffering from a sacrolisthesis of S1 over S2 after a fall on the buttocks with no neurological lesion

    Lipomatosis epidural lumbosacra idiopática: revisión de la bibliografía y caso clínico

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    La lipomatosis epidural es una afección que aparece generalmente en relación con hipercortisolismos endógenos o exógenos, siendo más raras las formas idiopáticas, de las que se han descrito únicamente 17 casos. Se presenta un nuevo caso con sintomatología compatible con estenosis de canal, y que tras estudios de imagen se demostró que correspondía con una lipomatosis epidural lumbosacra. Se le encomendó al paciente una reducción de peso, con lo que se alivió parcialmente la sintomatología, permaneciendo estable en la actualidad. Se revisa la bibliografía de este raro proceso, exponiendo los distintos hallazgos encontrados. Algunos autores proponen una reducción de peso, lo cual puede aliviar la sintomatología. Para casos rebeldes está indicada la laminectomía asociada al despegamiento de la grasa sin realizar exploración intradural.Epidural lipomatosis is an affection that is usually related to endogenic or exogenous hipercortisolism. Less frequently, it can be idiopathic. To date only 17 cases have been documented. A new case is presented in a patient suffering from symptoms resembling lumbar spinal stenosis. The radiological studies revealed a compression of the dural sac at lumbosacral levéis, caused by tissue similar in density to fat. Weight reduction, was recommended to the patients and a partial relief of symptoms was achieved. The authors reviewed the pathogeny of epidural lipomatosis and its various different treatments. In the idiopathic form, weight reduction is recomended first, reserving surgery for those cases that do not respond to this initial treatment. Surgical treatment should consist of laminectomy and fat debulking, and should not include intradural exploration

    High-temperature anti-Invar behavior of gamma-Fe precipitates in Fe_xCu_(100-x) solid solutions: Ferromagnetic phases

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    High-temperature magnetization and neutron diffraction measurements on metastable Fe_xCu_(100-x) solid solutions have recently shown to imply that γ-Fe precipitates present ferromagnetic anti-Invar behavior. For this reason, we have studied the ferromagnetic phases of γ-Fe in moment-volume parameter space, using the general potential linearized-augmented plane-wave method and the fixed spin moment procedure in order to calculate the corresponding total energy. We find that only two ferromagnetic phases (one related to a low- spin state and the other to a high-spin state) can exist and even coexist in limited volume ranges (3.55-3.59 Å). Hence, our results provide a "revisited" version of the local spin density calculations used in the early article by Moruzzi [Phys. Rev. B 34, 1784 (1986)]. In addition, the fixed spin moment method-using an energy-moment-volume space representation-allows us to conclude that the high-spin state is the ground state of the gamma-Fe precipitates, as the anti-Invar behavior is an intrinsic property of these states. This simple scenario seems to adequately describe the perplexing phenomenology recently observed on Fe_xCu_(100-x) solid solutions

    Efficient multi-fidelity computation of blood coagulation under flow

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    Clot formation is a crucial process that prevents bleeding, but can lead to severe disorders when imbalanced. This process is regulated by the coagulation cascade, a biochemical network that controls the enzyme thrombin, which converts soluble fibrinogen into the fibrin fibers that constitute clots. Coagulation cascade models are typically complex and involve dozens of partial differential equations (PDEs) representing various chemical species’ transport, reaction kinetics, and diffusion. Solving these PDE systems computationally is challenging, due to their large size and multi-scale nature. We propose a multi-fidelity strategy to increase the efficiency of coagulation cascade simulations. Leveraging the slower dynamics of molecular diffusion, we transform the governing PDEs into ordinary differential equations (ODEs) representing the evolution of species concentrations versus blood residence time. We then Taylor-expand the ODE solution around the zero-diffusivity limit to obtain spatiotemporal maps of species concentrations in terms of the statistical moments of residence time, , and provide the governing PDEs for . This strategy replaces a high-fidelity system of N PDEs representing the coagulation cascade of N chemical species by N ODEs and p PDEs governing the residence time statistical moments. The multi-fidelity order (p) allows balancing accuracy and computational cost providing a speedup of over N/p compared to high-fidelity models. Moreover, this cost becomes independent of the number of chemical species in the large computational meshes typical of the arterial and cardiac chamber simulations. Using a coagulation network with N = 9 and an idealized aneurysm geometry with a pulsatile flow as a benchmark, we demonstrate favorable accuracy for low-order models of p = 1 and p = 2. The thrombin concentration in these models departs from the high-fidelity solution by under 20% (p = 1) and 2% (p = 2) after 20 cardiac cycles. These multi-fidelity models could enable new coagulation analyses in complex flow scenarios and extensive reaction networks. Furthermore, it could be generalized to advance our understanding of other reacting systems affected by flow.MGH, MGV and OF have been partially supported by the Spanish Research Agency and the European Regional Development Fund, under grant number PID2019-107279RB-I00. MGH, MGV, PML, JB and OF have been partially supported by the Comunidad de Madrid and the European Regional Development Fund, under grant number Y2018/BIO-4858 PREFI-CM, and by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the European Regional Development Fund, under grant numbers PI15/02211-ISBITAMI and DTS/1900063-ISBIFLOW. AG, EMcV, AK and JCdA have been partially supported by the US National Institutes of Health, under grant 1R01HL160024. JCdA has been partially supported by the US National Insitutes of Health, under grant number 1R01HL158667

    Pulmonary vein flow split effects in patient-specific simulations of left atrial flow

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    Disruptions to left atrial (LA) blood flow, such as those caused by atrial fibrillation (AF), can lead to thrombosis in the left atrial appendage (LAA) and an increased risk of systemic embolism. LA hemodynamics are influenced by various factors, including LA anatomy and function, and pulmonary vein (PV) inflow conditions. In particular, the PV flow split can vary significantly among and within patients depending on multiple factors. In this study, we investigated how changes in PV flow split affect LA flow transport, focusing for the first time on blood stasis in the LAA, using a high-fidelity patient-specific computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. We use an Immersed Boundary Method, simulating the flow in a fixed, uniform Cartesian mesh and imposing the movement of the LA walls with a moving Lagrangian mesh generated from 4D Computerized Tomography images. We analyzed LA anatomies from eight patients with varying atrial function, including three with AF and either a LAA thrombus or a history of Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs). Using four different flow splits (60/40% and 55/45% through right and left PVs, even flow rate, and same velocity through each PV), we found that flow patterns are sensitive to PV flow split variations, particularly in planes parallel to the mitral valve. Changes in PV flow split also had a significant impact on blood stasis and could contribute to increased risk for thrombosis inside the LAA, particularly in patients with AF and previous LAA thrombus or a history of TIAs. Our study highlights the importance of considering patient-specific PV flow split variations when assessing LA hemodynamics and identifying patients at increased risk for thrombosis and stroke. This knowledge is relevant to planning clinical procedures such as AF ablation or the implementation of LAA occluders.This work was partially supported by Comunidad de Madrid (Synergy Grant Y2018/BIO-4858 PREFI-CM), Spanish Research Agency (AEI, grant number PID2019-107279RB-I00), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant numbers PI15/02211-ISBITAMI and DTS/1900063-ISBIFLOW), and by the EU-European Regional Development Fund . Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA