218 research outputs found

    Ajuste escolar, rechazo y violencia en adolescentes.

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    RESUMEN El objetivo general de esta tesis doctoral es analizar las relaciones existentes entre el contexto familiar, el escolar y la autoestima, en la predicción de tres indicadores de ajuste adolescente (ajuste escolar, rechazo escolar entre iguales y violencia/victimización escolar). Las variables consideradas en la investigación son: 1. Variables escolares: violencia escolar, victimización, rechazo entre iguales, actitud hacia la autoridad, actitud hacia la transgresión, actitud hacia la escuela y percepción del alumno por el profesor. 2. Variables familiares: comunicación familiar, apoyo parental y conflicto marital 3. Autoestima: autoestima familiar, autoestima escolar, autoestima social y autoestima emocional Participaron 1068 adolescentes (513 chicos y 555 chicas) de entre 11 y los 16 años (edad media: 13,7), que en el momento de la administración de los instrumentos cursaban estudios de enseñanza media. Colaboraron en el estudio cuatro centros educativos ubicados en la Comunidad Valenciana en función de su disponibilidad. En diversos contactos con el personal educativo y la dirección de los centros se expusieron los objetivos, procedimiento y alcance de la investigación. Tras acordar la participación de los centros, se remitió una carta explicativa de la investigación a los padres que debían expresar por escrito su disconformidad en caso de no desear la participación de su hijo en el estudio. La colaboración de profesores y adolescentes fue, en todos los casos, voluntaria. Los participantes cumplimentaron los instrumentos, de forma anónima, en sus centros educativos durante un período regular de clase. Los resultados mostraron la interrelación entre la autoestima y los contextos familiar y escolar en el análisis de algunos problemas de convivencia escolar como la violencia escolar (bien como agresor bien como víctima) y el rechazo del grupo de iguales, así como del ajuste escolar en adolescentes. En primer lugar, los resultados señalan que los rechazados agresivos y no agresivos presentan un perfil diferente: los rechazados no agresivos son más similares a los alumnos aceptados, mientras que los rechazados agresivos presentan un mayor riesgo de problemas psicosociales, puesto que, en general, estos alumnos presentan más carencias afectivas en su entorno familiar, una autoestima familiar y escolar baja y actitudes más negativas hacia la escuela y los estudios. En segundo lugar, hemos encontrado que la familia influye en el ajuste escolar de los hijos de un modo indirecto, como factores distales, a través de sus vínculos con la autoestima social y la violencia escolar. La utilización de estrategias de resolución de conflictos maritales de carácter violento o basadas en la ruptura en la pareja implica una merma de otros recursos familiares como la comunicación familiar o el apoyo parental que conforman un ambiente familiar negativo. Este estilo disfuncional se encuentra estrechamente vinculado con una mayor expresión de conductas violentas en los hijos y una baja autoestima social, factores proximales que predicen un ajuste escolar deficiente. Además, los resultados revelan que las relaciones familiares se asocian directamente con la conducta violenta y contribuyen a la valoración positiva de la escuela. De modo que los adolescentes violentos parecen presentar problemas en múltiples contextos. __________________________________________________________________________________________________The main aim of the thesis is to analyze relationships among family context, school context, and self-esteem in the prediction of three indicators of adolescents adjustment Variables in the study were: 1. School variables: school violence, victimization, peer rejection, attitude towards authority, attitude towards transgression, attitude towards school, and teachers perception of student. 2. Family variables: family communication, parental support, and marital conflict. 3. Self-esteem: family, academic self-esteem, social, and emotional self-esteem. Participants were 1068 Spanish adolescents (513 boys and 555 girls), ages ranged from 11 to 16 years old (mean age 13.7), and attending secondary education in four school of the Valencian Community. Following initial contact with head teachers of the schools, all teacher staff was informed of the objectives, procedure and relevance of the study. Also, a letter describing the study was sent to the parents who had to indicate in writing if they did not wish their child to participate in the study. Participants anonymously filled out the scales during a regular class. Results showed the relationship between family and school environments and the two kinds of problems at school considered, namely school violence (from the perspective of the aggressor and the victim) and peer rejection. This relationship has also been pointed out for the case of school adjustment. Firstly, aggressive rejected showed a more general negative profile based on a negative family environment, a low family and school self-esteem and a negative attitude towards school and studies. Secondly, family variables influence childrens school adjustment in an indirect way, through their effect on social self-esteem and school violence. Marital strategies for managing conflicts based on violence or breaking-off involve less family resources (family communication and parental support). This dysfunctional frame is closely linked to violence at school and to social self-esteem, which are considered as a proximal factor when predicting school adjustment. Furthermore, results revealed that family relationships shows a direct association with violent behaviour and, contribute to a positive perception of school. Along this line, violent adolescents informed of having more problems at the family and school settings

    Conflicto marital, apoyo parental y ajuste escolar en adolescentes

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    [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] el presente estudio se analiza la influencia del conflicto marital (ruptura de la relación y violencia como estrategias de resolución de conflictos) y del apoyo parental en el ajuste escolar a través de sus relaciones con la autoestima social y la violencia escolar en adolescentes. Los participantes en el estudio fueron 733 adolescentes de cuatro centros educativos de la Comunidad Valenciana, con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y 16 años. Para los análisis se llevó a cabo un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados mostraron que el conflicto marital y el apoyo parental se relacionan indirectamente con el ajuste escolar a través de la autoestima social y la violencia escolar. En particular, el apoyo del padre y la madre se relacionan con la autoestima social, mientras que el apoyo de la madre y el conflicto marital se relacionan con la violencia escolar. Finalmente, se discuten los resultados y sus posibles implicaciones.This study analyses the influence of marital conflict (breaking-up and violence as conflict resolution strategies) and parental support on school adjustment by considering their relationship to social self-esteem and school-based violence among adolescents. Participants were 733 adolescents from four schools in the region of Valencia, their ages ranging from 11 to 16 years old. Data were analysed by means of a structural equation model. The results showed that marital conflict and parental support (father and mother) are indirectly related to school adjustment through their relationship t o social self-esteem and school-based violence. In particular, support from both parents was related to social self-esteem, whereas maternal support and marital conflict were related to school-based violence. The findings and their possible implications are discussed

    The role of parental communication and emotional intelligence in child-to-parent violence.

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    In recent years, cases of child-to-parent violence (CPV) have increased significantly, prompting greater scientific interest in clarifying its causes. The aim of this research was to study the relationship between styles of family communication (open, offensive and avoidant), emotional intelligence or EI (attention, repair and perceived emotional clarity) and CPV, taking into account the gender of the aggressors. The participants of the study were 1200 adolescents (46.86% boys) between the ages of 12 and 18 enrolled at secondary schools in the Autonomous Communities of Andalusia and Valencia (M = 13.88, SD = 1.32). A Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA, 3 × 2) was performed with CPV and gender as independent variables and family communication styles and EI as dependent variables. The results showed that the adolescents with low CPV obtained lower scores for offensive and avoidant family communication and higher scores for both positive family communication and emotional repair. The girls scored higher than the boys in both offensive communication and perceived emotional attention. The results highlight the importance of encouraging positive communication, as well as the need to strengthen perceived emotional repair to prevent future cases of CPV

    Child-to-parent violence, peer victimization and cybervictimization in spanish adolescents.

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between child-to-parent violence (CPV) (high, moderate and low), peer victimization (PV) (relational and overt, both physical and verbal) and cybervictimization (CV) (relational and overt), taking into account the role of sex. 1304 adolescents (53.14% girls) between the ages of 11 and 18 enrolled at secondary schools in the Autonomous Communities of Valencia, Aragón and Andalusia participated in the study. Adolescents with high CPV scores obtained higher scores for all types of PV and CV compared to the other CPV groups. Boys scored higher than girls in overt physical PV and in overt CV and girls obtained higher scores in relational PV. A statistically significant interaction effect was observed; boys with high CPV scores reported greater overt CV. The results suggest the importance of CPV in relation to specific forms of PV and CV and highlight the need to take into account the different processes of family socialization between boys and girls to reduce the likelihood of adolescents being victimized

    Parenting dimensions and adolescent peer aggression: a gendered analysis.

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    Thepresent studyhadtwomaingoals. The firstwas to analyze thedifferences between parenting dimensions¿strictness/imposition and involvement/acceptance¿in adolescents' engagement in peer aggression as aggressors, victims, aggressive victims, and non-involved. The second goal was to examine diferences between parenting dimensions and peer-aggression roles by gender of both parents and adolescents. Participants were 779 adolescents (49.16% boys and 50.84% girls), aged between 12 and 16 years old (M = 14.21; SD = 1.35), enrolled in schools in Andalusia (Spain). Findings showed significant diferences in parenting dimensions depending on gender of both adolescents (boy or girl) and parents (mother and father). For sons, non-involved adolescents scored higher in mother and father involvement than aggressors and aggressive victims. For daughters, non-involved scored higher in mother involvement than aggressors. Furthermore, girl aggressors and aggressive victims reported higher levels of mother imposition than non-involved. Results and their implications for sustainable development in adolescence are discussed

    The mediating role of classroom climate on school violence.

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    Mediation analysis has been confirmed as a very useful statistical tool in the social sciences, especially in school-related studies. This type of analysis was used in the present study to examine the mediating role of classroom climate (measured with the classroom environmental scale), categorized into three dimensions, namely involvement, affiliation, and teacher support, on the relationship between peer victimization and peer aggression. The participants consisted of 2011 adolescents (50.67% boys and 49.32% girls), aged between 12 and 18 years old (M = 14.17; SD = 1.47), enrolled in schools in Andalusia (Spain). Findings revealed a significant direct relationship of all the dimensions. They also revealed that teacher support was the only dimension that mediates in the relationship between peer violence and peer aggression. The results and their implications for improving classroom climate and school violence are discussed

    Psychometric properties of the CYBVICS cyber-victimization scale and its relationship with psychosocial variables.

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    The main goal of the present study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the revised version of the Adolescent Cyber-Victimization Scale (CYBVICS). This scale is composed of 18 items that assess direct and indirect cyber-victimization. Two subsamples participated in the present study. Sample 1 included 1318 adolescents (47.4% boys) from 12 to 16 years old (M = 13.89, SD = 1.32). Sample 2 was composed of 1188 adolescents (51.5% girls) from 12 to 16 years old (M = 14.19, SD = 1.80). First, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted on sample 1. Results yielded a bifactor structure: direct cyber-victimization and indirect cyber-victimization. To confirm the structure of the CYBVICS, we selected sample 2 to perform confirmatory factor analysis and test its convergent validity with theoretically related measures. The results supported the reliability and validity of the two-factor model. In addition, measurement invariance was established. Related to convergent validity, positive correlations between cyber-victimization and peer victimization, depressive symptoms, and offensive communication with the mother and the father were found. Moreover, negative correlations were found between cyber-victimization and open communication with the mother and the father and family self-esteem. View Full-Tex

    Parental Socialization, School Adjustment and Cyber-Aggression among Adolescents

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    The objective of the present study is to analyse the relationships between parental socialization styles—indulgent, authoritarian, authoritative and negligent, school adjustment (social integration, academic competence and family involvement) and cyber-aggression (direct and indirect) in adolescents. Participating in this study were 1304 Spanish students of both sexes (53.1% girls), aged between 12 and 18 years (M = 13.87, SD = 1.33). Multivariate analyses of variance were performed. The results showed significant relationships between parental socialization styles, school adjustment and cyber-aggression. It was observed that adolescents from indulgent and authoritative families showed greater academic competence and greater family involvement. Additionally, the children from authoritarian families displayed greater involvement in direct and indirect cyber-aggression behaviours. The results obtained and their implications are discussed in the final section

    Estudio comparativo de la recuperación postparto en base a los Patrones de Marjory Gordon

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    Objective: Analyse if there is any difference in recovery rate according to their puerperium stage depending on perineal lesion.Material and method: Prospective longitudinal descriptive quantitative study, following the Marjory Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns. Data collection will be performed in three phases (immediate, clinical and remote puerperium), through semi-structured interview completed in first instance in a face-to-face interview and phone call interview at 10 and 30 days, respectively. Results: In Spain there is an episiotomy, induction and assisted delivery rate much higher than recommended. Episiotomy technique lead to significant tear (16,7%) in this study. During immediate puerperium, women who were practiced an episiotomy shown mobility difficulties (p=0,0005), elimination (p=0,0007), baby care (p=0,015), rest (p=0,15) and perceived pain (p=0,005), whereas in the clinical puerperium are affected only mobility (p=0,05), elimination (p=0,042) and perceived pain (p=0,006). After 30 days, remote puerperium, there is not statistical significant differences in both groups. More research is needed to confirm these facts as well as provide new knowledge.Conclusions: Episiotomy produce more negative effects than spontaneous tears at the immediate and clinical puerperium of women. Pain produced by this technique as a short, medium and long term limit many daily activities of women.Objetivo: Analizar si existen diferencias en el nivel de recuperación en las distintas fases del puerperio según el tipo de lesión perineal.Material y método: Estudio cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo longitudinal prospectivo, siguiendo los Patrones Funcionales de Salud de Marjory Gordon. La recogida de datos se realiza en tres fases (puerperio inmediato, clínico y tardío), empleando entrevistas semiestructuradas que se completan en un primer momento en una entrevista personal y vía telefónica a los 10 y a los 30 días, respectivamente.Resultados: En España existe un índice de episiotomías, inducciones y partos instrumentales muy superior al recomendado. La técnica de la episiotomía produjo desgarros importantes (16,7%) en este estudio. Durante el puerperio inmediato, las mujeres con episiotomía tienen dificultades en la movilidad (p=0,0005), la eliminación (p=0,007), cuidado del bebé (p=0,015), descanso (p=0,15) y dolor percibido (p=0,005), mientras que en el puerperio clínico están afectados sólo la movilidad (p=0,05), la eliminación (p=0,042) y el dolor percibido (p=0,006). A los 30 días, en el puerperio tardío, no existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos grupos. Se necesitan más estudios que reafirmen estos hechos y aporten nuevos conocimientos.Conclusiones: La episiotomía produce más efectos negativos que los desgarros espontáneos en el puerperio inmediato y clínico en la mujer. El dolor que genera esta técnica a corto, medio y largo plazo es el que limita muchas de las actividades cotidianas de estas mujeres

    Family Communication Problems, Psychosocial Adjustment and Cyberbullying

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    The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between family communication problems and cyberbullying, through psychosocial adjustment—psychological distress, attitude towards institutional authority, and problematic use of social networking sites—in adolescents. Random sampling by conglomerates was performed. A total of 8115 adolescents participated in the study (51.5% boys, 49.5% girls), and were aged between 11 and 16 years old (M = 13.34, SD = 1.04) and enrolled in the State of Nuevo León (Mexico). A structural equations model was developed using the Structural Equation Modeling Software (EQS). The results showed that problematic family communication is directly associated with cyberbullying, and also indirectly through the relationships of psychological distress and attitude towards transgression of social norms with the problematic use of social networking sites. The multi-group analyses also revealed gender differences in these relationships. Finally, the obtained results were discussed and their practical implications were shown