22 research outputs found

    Salud y medio ambiente

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    Erradicación microbasurales y difusión de cultura de entornoFloraciones algales nocivas (FAN): ¿Cómo se vigilan y controlan las intoxicaciones en Chile?Medioambiente y salud en el pregrado: desafío pendienteNiveles de dioxinas y furanos en leche matern

    LA U INVESTIGA: Revista Científica. Facultad Ciencias de la Salud. Volumen 3. Número 2

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    En el presente volumen se distinguen varios ámbitos de la investigación en salud desde artículos asociados a la promoción de salud, prevención de enfermedades, así como investigaciones de casos clínicos que evidencia la experiencia del equipo de salud en patologías específicas. Hay que resaltar que muchos de los artículos presentados en el volumen actual corresponden a los resultados de investigaciones ejecutadas en la academia, propias de la Universidad Técnica del Norte y de otras.1._ Melanoma antebraquial derecho metastásico a pa¬red abdominal y pelvis presentación de un caso clínico. 2._ Carcinoma papilar de localizacion extratiroidea. 3._ Tumores del golfo de la yugular 4._ Estudio comparativo del desarrollo psicomotor en niños/as de 1 a 3 años del Centro Infantil del Buen Vivir “CENTRO PUCARA” y “GOTITAS DE AMOR” del cantón Antonio Ante de la provincia de Imbabura. 5._ Adaptaciones de las técnicas comunicacionales al proceso terapéutico de salud mental infantil. 6._ La dinámica de la investigación científica en la formación de los profesionales de enfermería: una aproximación al problema de investigación. 7._ Las agresiones en las parejas de enamorados en la adolescencia y el equilibrio emocional. 8._ Rasgos de personalidad y su influencia en la calidad de vida en los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa” Las Américas” 9._ Estudio de la postura corporal y su relación con la obesidad y sobrepeso en niños de 6 a 12 años del cantón Antonio Ante de la provincia de Imbabura. 10._ Caracterización de cuidadores informales de personas con discapacidad de la provincia de Im¬babura. 11._ Intervención educativa sobre embarazo en la adolescencia en estudiantes del tercer año de bachillerato de la unidad educativa “Madre Tere¬sa Bacq” Imbabura-Ecuador. 12._ Acceso a la atención de consulta externa de los usuarios del centro de llamadas, que asisten al subcentro de salud San Antonio, Tanguarin Iba¬rra, ecuador 2016. 13._ Prevalencia de disfunción familiar en la parro¬quia urbana de Urcuquí

    Limited Understanding of Individual Retirement Accounts among Chileans

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    Chileans with more knowledge about the pension system more actively contribute to and manage their individual retirement accounts. This positive association between system knowledge and retirement saving remains even after controlling for di§erences in other relevant attributes, such as Önancial planning horizon, retirement plan, and risk preference. Furthermore, the members who have the most discretion with their accounts, such as the self-employed, are often the least knowledgeable about the pension system. In general, Chileans report a limited understanding of their retirement account system, and this lack of knowledge appears to impede active decision-making in the system

    Corporate tax minimization and the effectiveness of investment tax incentives

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    Clarifying the relationship between corporate tax minimization and the incentive to invest is particularly important because of the size of corporate tax minimization or avoidance and the recurrent use of tax incentives as attempts to spur business investment. In particular, successful tax avoidance may undermine the effectiveness of tax incentives designed to encourage investment. In this paper, we empirically estimate the effect of an investment tax incentive known as the bonus depreciation that was passed in 2002, and extended in 2003 using firm level data. We find a small effect of bonus depreciation on investment and evidence that tax minimization opportunities have mitigated its effectiveness

    Remittances and Poverty in Migrants’ Home Areas: Evidence from the Philippines

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    In many developing countries, remittance receipts from overseas are important supplements to household income. How do these remittance flows affect poverty and inequality in migrants’ home areas? To answer this question, we take advantage of exogenous shocks to the remittance receipts of Philippine households. Filipino migrants work in a variety of foreign countries, and experienced sudden changes in exchange rates due to the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Appreciation of a migrant’s currency against the Philippine peso leads to increases in household remittance receipts, and reductions in poverty in migrants’ origin households. We find evidence of spillovers to households without migrant members, focusing on cross-regional variation in the mean exchange rate shock experienced by the region’s migrants. In regions with more favorable mean exchange rate shocks, aggregate poverty rates decline even in households without migrant members. However, we find no strong evidence of effects on region-level inequality.En muchos países en desarrollo, las remesas recibidas del extranjero son importantes suplementos para el ingreso del hogar. ¿Cómo afectan estos flujos de remesas la pobreza y desigualdad en las áreas de origen de los migrantes? Para responder esta pregunta, utilizamos un shock exógeno que afectó las remesas recibidas por hogares Filipinos. Los migrantes Filipinos trabajan en una variedad de países extranjeros, y experimentaron cambios inesperados en el tipo de cambio, debido a la crisis asiática de 1997. La apreciación de la moneda del migrante relativo al peso filipino implica un aumento de las remesas recibidas y una reducción en la pobreza de los hogares de origen de los emigrantes. Encontramos evidencia de efectos en hogares sin emigrantes al utilizar la variación a nivel regional del promedio del shock de tipo de cambio experimentado por los migrantes de cada región. En regiones con promedios de shock de tipo de cambios más favorables, la pobreza se reduce incluso en hogares sin migrantes. Sin embargo, no encontramos evidencia robusta de efectos en los niveles de desigualdad a nivel regional

    Efecto de una mayor cobertura de salas cuna en la participación laboral femenina: evidencia de Chile

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    La provisión publica de salas cunas en Chile aumento en un 70% entre el 2005 y 2006. Esta variación exógena en la disponibilidad de cuidado infantil a nivel comunal es utilizada en este estudio para estimar su efecto en la participación laboral femenina (PLF). A pesar de esta fuerte expansión se encuentra que la provisión de salas cunas no ha tenido efecto en la PLF. Razones culturales e institucionales pueden explicar este resultado: la visión tradicional del rol de la mujer en el cuidado de los niños, baja cobertura de las salas cunas (al 2006), jornada de atención de salas cunas y proceso de postulación a ellas entre otros

    Voluntary savings, financial behavior and pension finance literacy: evidence from Chile

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    Chileans have limited knowledge of the pension system, its rules and the consequences involved in their personal decisions within it. Using a variation in the household composition- having a pensioner in the household- as an instrument, we show that Chileans with more knowledge about the pension system are more likely to have additional financial savings, but not within the voluntary pension saving plans offered by the pension system. We find that getting one additional answer right in the pension literacy survey (out of six) generates approximately a 50% additional chance that the individual will save at least in one of the surveyed periods, and a 25% percent additional chance that the individual will save in both surveyed periods. We also test for evidence that pension literacy affects worker choices regarding their pension savings (what we call financial gymnastics). We find that more literate workers are more likely to engage in pension fund type switching and that independent workers are more likely to voluntarily enter the pension system as affiliates if they have more pension finance literacy. Getting one additional answer right in the pension literacy survey (out of six) increases in 20% the probability of pension fund type switching and in 30% the probability of voluntary affiliation to the pension system of self- employed workers

    Voluntary savings, financial behavior and pension finance literacy: evidence from Chile

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    Chileans have limited knowledge of the pension system, its rules and the consequences involved in their personal decisions within it. Using a variation in the household composition- having a pensioner in the household- as an instrument, we show that Chileans with more knowledge about the pension system are more likely to have additional financial savings, but not within the voluntary pension saving plans offered by the pension system. We find that getting one additional answer right in the pension literacy survey (out of six) generates approximately a 50% additional chance that the individual will save at least in one of the surveyed periods, and a 25% percent additional chance that the individual will save in both surveyed periods. We also test for evidence that pension literacy affects worker choices regarding their pension savings (what we call financial gymnastics). We find that more literate workers are more likely to engage in pension fund type switching and that independent workers are more likely to voluntarily enter the pension system as affiliates if they have more pension finance literacy. Getting one additional answer right in the pension literacy survey (out of six) increases in 20% the probability of pension fund type switching and in 30% the probability of voluntary affiliation to the pension system of self- employed workers

    Disability employment quotas: Effects of laws and nudges

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    We study the effects of a new 1% employment quota enacted in Chile in 2018 using anonymized administrative data on monthly employer-employee linkages and disability certification records. Our firm-level difference-in-difference results show a 15-20% increase in the number of people with disabilities working in eligible firms after the quota. About a third of the employment effects occur through the relabeling of existing workers as workers with disabilities, and the remainder through new hires. There are no negative effects found for the firms or other workers. We also conducted an experiment in quota-eligible firms to study if firms can be nudged to employ people with disabilities (PwD) by sending letters containing different information. We find that the pure information treatment increased the number of PwD working in the firms and that most of this impact is explained by an increase in the reclassification of incumbent workers. While not transformational for the labor market, inclusion of PwD, quotas and nudges do have an effect

    The impact of subsidy delivery method on savings behavior: Experimental evidence

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    We examine the impact of offering conditional cash transfer (CCT) beneficiaries the choice to receive cash transfers in bank accounts instead of cash. We investigate the effects on savings behavior and downstream outcomes such as assets and trust. We find, on average, no significant impact on overall savings or downstream outcomes. However, among individuals with nonpositive balances prior to the offering, we observe an increase in balances in savings accounts and in the transactional accounts in which the subsidies were initially deposited. These findings underscore the potential of using bank accounts to encourage savings, particularly for individuals with limited prior savings