5,242 research outputs found

    Drastic disorded-induced reduction of signal amplification in scale-free networks

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    Understanding information transmission across a network is a fundamental task for controlling and manipulating both biological and man-made information processing systems. Here, we show how topological resonant-like amplification effects in scale-free networks of signaling devices are drastically reduced when phase disorder in the external signals is considered. This is demonstrated theoretically by means of a star-like network of overdamped bistable systems, and confirmed numerically by simulations of scale-free networks of such systems. The taming effect of the phase disorder is found to be sensitive to the amplification's strength, while the topology-induced amplification mechanism is robust against this kind of quenched disorder in the sense that it does not significantly change the values of the coupling strength where amplification is maximum in its absence.Comment: 5 pages, 4 (double) figure

    Which quantum states are dual to classical spacetimes?

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    It is commonly accepted that states in a conformal field theory correspond to classical spacetimes with Anti-de-Sitter asymptotics. In this work we give a prescription for the CFT states with a dual classical spacetime and, using basic holographic rules, show that they are holographically connected to coherent states in the large-N limit, or by considering linearized perturbations. We also point out implications in the spacetime emergence mechanism, for instance, the (entangled) state dual to the black hole should be properly described as a quantum superposition of products of these states. This also complements the quantum interpretation of the Hawking-Page transition.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Impact of Gamma Radiation on Dynamic RDSON Characteristics in AlGaN/GaN Power HEMTs

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    GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) are promising next-generation devices in the power electronics field which can coexist with silicon semiconductors, mainly in some radiation-intensive environments, such as power space converters, where high frequencies and voltages are also needed. Its wide band gap (WBG), large breakdown electric field, and thermal stability improve actual silicon performances. However, at the moment, GaN HEMT technology suffers from some reliability issues, one of the more relevant of which is the dynamic on-state resistance (RON_dyn) regarding power switching converter applications. In this study, we focused on the drain-to-source on-resistance (RDSON) characteristics under 60Co gamma radiation of two different commercial power GaN HEMT structures. Different bias conditions were applied to both structures during irradiation and some static measurements, such as threshold voltage and leakage currents, were performed. Additionally, dynamic resistance was measured to obtain practical information about device trapping under radiation during switching mode, and how trapping in the device is affected by gamma radiation. The experimental results showed a high dependence on the HEMT structure and the bias condition applied during irradiation. Specifically, a free current collapse structure showed great stability until 3.7 Mrad(Si), unlike the other structure tested, which showed high degradation of the parameters measured. The changes were demonstrated to be due to trapping effects generated or enhanced by gamma radiation. These new results obtained about RON_dyn will help elucidate trap behaviors in switching transistors

    Homogenization of a Dirichlet semilinear elliptic problem with a strong singularity at u=0u=0 in a domain with many small holes

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    We perform the homogenization of the semilinear elliptic problem \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} u^\varepsilon \geq 0 & \mbox{in} \; \Omega^\varepsilon,\\ \displaystyle - div \,A(x) D u^\varepsilon = F(x,u^\varepsilon) & \mbox{in} \; \Omega^\varepsilon,\\ u^\varepsilon = 0 & \mbox{on} \; \partial \Omega^\varepsilon.\\ \end{cases} \end{equation*} In this problem F(x,s)F(x,s) is a Carath\'eodory function such that 0≤F(x,s)≤h(x)/Γ(s)0 \leq F(x,s) \leq h(x)/\Gamma(s) a.e. x∈Ωx\in\Omega for every s>0s > 0, with hh in some Lr(Ω)L^r(\Omega) and Γ\Gamma a C1([0,+∞[)C^1([0, +\infty[) function such that Γ(0)=0\Gamma(0) = 0 and Γ′(s)>0\Gamma'(s) > 0 for every s>0s > 0. On the other hand the open sets Ωε\Omega^\varepsilon are obtained by removing many small holes from a fixed open set Ω\Omega in such a way that a "strange term" μu0\mu u^0 appears in the limit equation in the case where the function F(x,s)F(x,s) depends only on xx. We already treated this problem in the case of a "mild singularity", namely in the case where the function F(x,s)F(x,s) satisfies 0≤F(x,s)≤h(x)(1s+1)0 \leq F(x,s) \leq h(x) (\frac 1s + 1). In this case the solution uεu^\varepsilon to the problem belongs to H01(Ωε)H^1_0 (\Omega^\varepsilon) and its definition is a "natural" and rather usual one. In the general case where F(x,s)F(x,s) exhibits a "strong singularity" at u=0u = 0, which is the purpose of the present paper, the solution uεu^\varepsilon to the problem only belongs to Hloc1(Ωε)H_{\tiny loc}^1(\Omega^\varepsilon) but in general does not belongs to H01(Ωε)H^1_0 (\Omega^\varepsilon) any more, even if uεu^\varepsilon vanishes on ∂Ωε\partial\Omega^\varepsilon in some sense. Therefore we introduced a new notion of solution (in the spirit of the solutions defined by transposition) for problems with a strong singularity. This definition allowed us to obtain existence, stability and uniqueness results

    A semilinear elliptic equation with a mild singularity at u=0u=0: existence and homogenization

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    In this paper we consider semilinear elliptic equations with singularities, whose prototype is the following \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} \displaystyle - div \,A(x) D u = f(x)g(u)+l(x)& \mbox{in} \; \Omega,\\ u = 0 & \mbox{on} \; \partial \Omega,\\ \end{cases} \end{equation*} where Ω\Omega is an open bounded set of RN, N≥1\mathbb{R}^N,\, N\geq 1, A∈L∞(Ω)N×NA\in L^\infty(\Omega)^{N\times N} is a coercive matrix, g:[0,+∞)→[0,+∞]g:[0,+\infty)\rightarrow [0,+\infty] is continuous, and 0≤g(s)≤1sγ+10\leq g(s)\leq {{1}\over{s^\gamma}}+1 ∀s>0\forall s>0, with 0<γ≤10<\gamma\leq 1 and f,l∈Lr(Ω)f,l \in L^r(\Omega), r=2NN+2r={{2N}\over{N+2}} if N≥3N\geq 3, r>1r>1 if N=2N=2, r=1r=1 if N=1N=1, f(x),l(x)≥0f(x), l(x)\geq 0 a.e. x∈Ωx \in \Omega. We prove the existence of at least one nonnegative solution and a stability result; moreover uniqueness is also proved if g(s)g(s) is nonincreasing or "almost nonincreasing". Finally, we study the homogenization of these equations posed in a sequence of domains Ωϵ\Omega^\epsilon obtained by removing many small holes from a fixed domain Ω\Omega

    How do market imperfections affect working capital management?

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    This paper examines whether Working Capital Management (WCM) is sensitive to market imperfections such as asymmetric information, agency conflicts or financial distress. We find that firms have a target investment in working capital and that they take decisions in order to achieve this. In addition, the results appear to support the hypothesis that the working capital competes with investment in fixed assets for the funds of the firms when they have financial constraints. Finally, we also find that WCM depends on bargaining power and other financial factors such as the availability of internal finance, cost of financing and access to capital markets. Este artículo analiza si la gestión del capital circulante está afectada por las imperfecciones de mercado tales como la asimetría informativa, los conflictos de agencia o las dificultades financieras. Los resultados muestran que las empresas tienen un nivel de inversión en capital circulante objetivo y toman decisiones con el fin de alcanzarlo. Además, los resultados parecen apoyar la hipótesis de que el capital circulante compite con los activos fijos por los fondos de las empresas cuando éstas tienen restricciones financieras. Finalmente, la gestión del capital circulante depende del poder de negociación y otros factores financieros tales como la disponibilidad de financiación interna, el coste de financiación y el acceso a los mercados de capitales.ciclo de efectivo, gestión del capital circulante, imperfecciones de mercado, datos de panel net trade cycle, working capital management, market imperfections, panel data

    Determinants of working capital management

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    This paper analyzes the determinants of working capital management (WCM) for a sample of Spanish firms during the period 1997-2004. We find that firms have a target investment in working capital and that they take decisions in order to achieve this. The results appear to support the hypothesis that the working capital competes with investment in fixed assets for the funds of the firms when they have financial constraints. Finally, we also find that WCM depends on bargaining power and other financial factors such as the availability of internal finance, cost of financing and financial constraints.Research Agency of the Spanish Government ECO2008-06179/ECO
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