1,125 research outputs found

    The entangling side of the Unruh-Hawking effect

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    We show that the Unruh effect can create net quantum entanglement between inertial and accelerated observers depending on the choice of the inertial state. This striking result banishes the extended belief that the Unruh effect can only destroy entanglement and furthermore provides a new and unexpected source for finding experimental evidence of the Unruh and Hawking effects.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Added Journal referenc

    Sarcomas de partes blandas. Análisis de 42 casos

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    El objetivo de este estudio es valorar el pronóstico a largo plazo de una serie de pacientes tratados en nuestro hospital en relación con diversos factores clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos que podrían condicionarlo. Se revisaron 123 pacientes tratado por tumores malignos de partes blandas entre los años 1979 y 1999, de estos solo 42 cumplieron las características para incluirles en nuestro estudio. Se valoró su evolución teniendo en cuenta las variables pronosticas identificadas en trabajos previamente publicados y nuestra propia experiencia y se realizó el estudio estadístico de las mismas. En el análisis estadístico del estudio se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 8.0WIN y se realizó el análisis de supervivencia mediante el método de Kaplan-Meier. El tiempo de supervivencia total descrito según este método para el total de los casos estudiados presenta una mediana de 33 meses con un error estándar de 8 y un intervalo de confianza del 95% de (17,49), el tiempo libre de enfermedad presenta una mediana de 9 meses con un error estándar de 2 y un intervalo de confianza del 95% de (6,12) y el tiempo de aparición de metástasis presenta una mediana de 26 meses con un error estándar de 5 y un intervalo de confianza del 95% de (17,35). A su vez se realizó el análisis bivariante de las múltiples variables pronosticas. El gran número de variables y la dispersión de la muestra hacen aconsejable estudios multicéntricos prospectivos más numerosos para obtener conclusiones definitivas sobre este tipo de tumores.The aim of this study is to evaluate the long-term prognosis of a series of patients treated in our hospital with regard to various clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic factors. A total of 123 patients who had been treated for malignant soft tissue tumours between 1979 and 1999 were reviewed. Of these, only 42 fulfilled the requirements to be included in our study. The outcome was evaluated taking into account prognostic variables identified in previously published studies and our own experience, and a statistical study of these factors as carried out with the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis method. The total survival time for all the cases studied was 33+8 (median + SE) months with a 95% confidence interval of 17.49 months. The time free of illness was 9+2 (median + SE) months with a 95% confidence interval of 6.12 months. The time-period until metastasis appeared was 26+5 (median + SE) months with a 95% confidence interval of 17.35 months. At the same time, the bivariant analysis of the many prognostic variables was performed. The high number of variables and the dispersion of the sample group suggest that it would be advisable to carry out more prospective, multicentric studies to reach definitive conclusions about this type of tumour

    A survey of domestic wells and pit latrines in rural settlements of Mali: Implications of on-site sanitation on the quality of water supplies

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    On-site sanitation is generally advocated as a means to eradicate the health hazards associated with open defecation. While this has provided a welcome upgrade to the livelihoods of millions of people in low-income countries, improved sanitation facilities are increasingly becoming a threat to domestic groundwater-based supplies. Within this context, a survey of pit latrines, domestic wells and improved water sources was carried out in a large rural village of southern Mali. All households were surveyed for water, sanitation and hygiene habits. Domestic wells and improved water sources were georeferenced and sampled for water quality (pH, electric conductivity, temperature, turbidity, total dissolved solids, thermotolerant coliforms, chloride and nitrate) and groundwater level, while all latrines were inspected and georeferenced. A GIS database was then used to evaluate the proportion of water points within the influence area of latrines, as well as to underpin multiple regression models to establish the determinants for fecal contamination in drinking supplies. Moreover, an appraisal of domestic water treatment practices was carried out. This revealed that nearly two-thirds of the population uses bleach to purify drinking supplies, but also that domestic-scale treatment as currently implemented by the population is far from effective. It is thus concluded that existing habits could be enhanced as a means to make water supplies safer. Furthermore, population, well and latrine density were all identified as statistically significant predictors for fecal pollution at different spatial scales. These findings are policy-relevant in the context of groundwater-dependent human settlements, since many countries in the developing world currently pursue the objective of eliminating open defecation

    Active fault databases and seismic hazard calculations: a compromise between science and practice. Review of case studies from Spain

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    Since the Quaternary Active Faults Database of Iberia (QAFI) was released in February 2012 a number of studies aimed at producing seismic hazard assessments have made use of it. We will present a summary of the shortcomings and advantages that were faced when QAFI was considered in different seismic hazard studies. These include the production of the new official seismic hazard map of Spain, performed in the view of the foreseen adoption of Eurocode-8 throughout 2017. The QAFI database was considered as a complementary source of information for designing the seismogenic source-zone models used in the calculations, and particularly for the estimation of maximum magnitude distribution in each zone, as well as for assigning the predominant rupture mechanism based on style of faulting. We will also review the different results obtained by other studies that considered QAFI faults as independent seismogenic-sources in opposition to source-zones, revealing, on one hand, the crucial importance of data-reliability and, on the other, the very much influence that ground motion attenuation models have on the actual impact of fault-sources on hazard results. Finally, we will present briefly the updated version of the database (QAFI v.3, 2015), which includes an original scheme for evaluating the reliability of fault seismic parameters specifically devised to facilitate decision-making to seismic hazard practitioners

    The application of distributed optical fiber sensors (BOTDA) to sinkhole monitoring. Review and the case of a damaging sinkhole in the Ebro Valley evaporite karst (NE Spain)

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    Distributed optical fiber sensors (DOFS) have been postulated as a suitable technique for long-range monitoring of sinkhole-related subsidence, and possibly for the anticipation of catastrophic collapse (early-warning systems). The strain data published in previous works refer to artificial experiments considering real and virtual cover collapse sinkholes characterized by rapid subsidence and sharp lateral deformation gradients. The influence of the subsidence mechanism (sagging, collapse, suffosion) on the capability of DOFS to satisfactorily detect active subsidence is discussed. Sagging sinkholes with poorly-defined lateral edges, low lateral deformation gradients and slow subsidence are identified as the most challenging scenario. The performance of BOTDA optical fiber for monitoring such type of sagging sinkholes is evaluated in the active Alcalá sinkhole, which affects a flood-control dike creating a high-risk and -uncertainty scenario. This sinkhole shows active subsidence in sections tens of meters long with maximum subsidence rates ranging between 5 and 35 mm/yr. The comparison of vertical displacement data measured by high-precision leveling and the strain recorded by two types of fiber optic cables shows good spatial and temporal correlation. The subsidence sections are captured in the strain profiles by: (1) troughs of negative strain (contraction) in the area affected by subsidence, with the maximum strain associated with the point of most rapid settlement; and (2) lateral ridges of positive values (extension) in the marginal zones. A subsidence acceleration phase associated with a flood is also captured by substantial increments in the strain values. In this challenging scenario, despite the reasonably good spatial and temporal correlation between the displacement and strain data, the unambiguous identification of the active subsidence area with the fiber optic data alone might be difficult. Better results could be obtained improving the monitoring system (e.g., tighter cable-ground coupling) and testing other types of sinkholes with more localized deformation zones and higher subsidence rates

    Tectonic analysis of the gravimetric anomaly maps in the Málaga Basin (Western Betic Chain)

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    En el presente trabajo se muestra el análisis tectónico de los mapas de anomalía gravimétrica resultado de una campaña gravimétrica llevada a cabo en la Cuenca de Málaga, situada en la Cordillera Bética Occidental. En los mapas realizados se interpreta la presencia significativa de cuerpos peridotíticos en profundidad, entre los que destaca el que se encuentra bajo los Montes de Málaga, con gran continuidad lateral. Además, queda reflejado el fuerte control estructural con dirección E-O que presenta la cuenca, que estuvo condicionada por un corredor de fallas dextrales desde el Burdigaliense Inferior hasta el Tortoniense Inferior. A favor de este corredor se desplazó hacia el Oeste un segmento cortical que incluía gran parte de la masa de peridotitas existentes en la zona y que ahora quedan marcadas por dos máximos gravimétricos en los mapas de anomalía de carácter más regional. Posteriormente, con el cambio en la dirección de esfuerzos máximos horizontales a NNO-SSE, el movimiento en dirección de las fallas de este corredor quedó prácticamente bloqueado, y la falla del límite sur de la Cuenca de Málaga empezó a actuar como una falla inversa de alto ángulo controlando la sedimentación de la cuenca. Bajo estas condiciones de compresión NNO-SSE se desarrolla la actividad post-miocena del pliegue de la Sierra de Cártama.The tectonic analysis of the gravimetric anomalies maps resulting from the gravimetric survey carried out in the Malaga Basin (located on the Internal Zone of the Western Betic Chain, southern Spain) are shown in this paper. In these maps it can be observed the remarkable presence of peridotites in deep. The most important ultramafic body is sited under the Montes de Malaga with wide lateral continuity. A strong structural control in E-W direction is marked in the maps for the basin. This basin was controled by a dextral faults corridor from the Lower Budigalian until the Lower Tortonian. A crustal segment, which included the main part of the peridotites body was displaced westward by these corridor, as it can be deduced from the maximum gravimetric anomalies map of the whole region. After the Tortonian, with the change in the regional shotening direction to NNW-SSE, the strike-slip became progresivelly blocked, with an increasing of the reverse component of the existing faults. Under this stress field, the main fault bounding the southern border of the Malaga Basin works as a reverse fault and controls the sedimentation in the basin.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    A comparison of perturbed initial conditions and multiphysics ensembles in a severe weather episode in Spain

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    Ensembles of numerical model forecasts are of interest to operational early warning forecasters as the spread of the ensemble provides an indication of the uncertainty of the alerts, and the mean value is deemed to outperform the forecasts of the individual models. This paper explores two ensembles on a severe weather episode in Spain, aiming to ascertain the relative usefulness of each one. One ensemble uses sensible choices of physical parameterizations (precipitation microphysics, land surface physics, and cumulus physics) while the other follows a perturbed initial conditions approach. The results show that, depending on the parameterizations, large differences can be expected in terms of storm location, spatial structure of the precipitation field, and rain intensity. It is also found that the spread of the perturbed initial conditions ensemble is smaller than the dispersion due to physical parameterizations. This confirms that in severe weather situations operational forecasts should address moist physics deficiencies to realize the full benefits of the ensemble approach, in addition to optimizing initial conditions. The results also provide insights into differences in simulations arising from ensembles of weather models using several combinations of different physical parameterizations.Funding from projects PPII10- 0162-5543 (JCCM), CGL2010-20787-C02-01, CGL2010- 20787-C02-02 (MiCInn), Cenit project Prometeo (CDTI), and UNCM08-1E-086 (MiCInn) is gratefully acknowledged

    Active fault databases: building a bridge between earthquake geologists and seismic hazard practitioners, the case of the QAFI v.3 database

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    Active fault databases are a very powerful and useful tool in seismic hazard assessment, particularly when singular faults are considered seismogenic sources. Active fault databases are also a very relevant source of information for earth scientists, earthquake engineers and even teachers or journalists. Hence, active fault databases should be updated and thoroughly reviewed on a regular basis in order to keep a standard quality and uniformed criteria. Desirably, active fault databases should somehow indicate the quality of the geological data and, particularly, the reliability attributed to crucial fault-seismic parameters, such as maximum magnitude and recurrence interval. In this paper we explain how we tackled these issues during the process of updating and reviewing the Quaternary Active Fault Database of Iberia (QAFI) to its current version 3. We devote particular attention to describing the scheme devised for classifying the quality and representativeness of the geological evidence of Quaternary activity and the accuracy of the slip rate estimation in the database. Subsequently, we use this information as input for a straightforward rating of the level of reliability of maximum magnitude and recurrence interval fault seismic parameters. We conclude that QAFI v.3 is a much better database than version 2 either for proper use in seismic hazard applications or as an informative source for non-specialized users. However, we already envision new improvements for a future update

    Paleoseismological evidence of Holocene activity of the Los Tollos Fault (Murcia, SE Spain): A lately formed Quaternary tectonic feature of the Eastern Betic Shear Zone

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    [EN] The Los Tollos Fault is a recent and important feature of the Eastern Betic Shear Zone, one of the major tectonic structures in South Iberia accommodating the convergence between Nubian and Eurasian plates in the western Mediterranean. The Los Tollos Fault became active by the end of Middle Pleistocene introducing some paleogeographical modifications. Previously mapped as a secondary normal fault related to the Carrascoy Fault, recent research evidences that the Los Tollos Fault is an independent Holocene active left-lateral reverse fault extending for at least 15 km. Data analysis from 4 trenches dug across the fault has revealed the occurrence of at least two paleo-earthquake events during the Holocene. The most recent event is dated between 2,740 and 2,140 yr BP (8th to 2nd centuries BC). The size of the paleoevents is calculated to be Mw 6.3 – 6.6 following empirical regressions on surface rupture length. The recurrence interval is estimated to be between 2,200-6,860 years, fitting a slip rate for the fault between 0.12 and 0.17 mm/yr. Such parameters highlight the Los Tollos Fault as a tectonic structure with a considerable activity located relatively close to densely populated areas. These seismogenic parameters should be considered in future reassessments of the seismic hazard of the region.[ES] La falla de Los Tollos es una estructura reciente e importante de la Zona de Cizalla de la Bética Oriental, la principal estructura del sureste de la Península Ibérica que acomoda gran parte de la convergencia entre las placas de Eurasia y Nubia en el Mediterráneo Occidental. La falla de Los Tollos, descrita inicialmente como una falla normal secundaria relacionada con la falla de Carrascoy, comenzó su actividad a finales del Pleistoceno Medio generando algunas modificaciones paleogeográficas significativas. El trabajo que aquí presentamos demuestra su activad durante el Holoceno con una cinemática lateral sinestral con componente inversa a lo largo de una longitud de 15 km, e independiente de la Falla de Carrascoy. Del análisis de los datos obtenidos en 4 trincheras paleosismológicas realizadas a lo largo de la traza de la falla, se han podido interpretar la ocurrencia de al menos 2 paleoterremotos durante el Holoceno, acotándose el evento más reciente entre hace 2.740 y 2.140 años (siglos VIII a II a.C.). La magnitud máxima de estos paleoterremotos, estimada mediante correlaciones empíricas que consideran la longitud de rotura en superficie de la falla, se encuentra entre Mw 6,3 y 6,6, con un periodo de recurrencia comprendido entre 2.200 y 6.860 años. La tasa de deslizamiento neta calculada para la falla se estima entre 0,12 y 0,17 mm/a. Estos parámetros identifican la falla de Los Tollos como una estructura activa situada en las cercanías de áreas densamente pobladas y ponen de manifiesto el interés que tendría considerarla en futuras reevaluaciones de la peligrosidad sísmica en la región.FASEGEO Project (CGL2009-09726) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Peer reviewe