97 research outputs found

    El estado de necesidad en materia económica y financiera

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    «Beneficia Dei, Beneficium Christi». Ortodoxia, heterodoxia y herejía en el pensamiento hispano de la primera mitad del XVI

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    This article aims to clarify the discourses around the Beneficia Dei in the first half of XVI Century Spain. Firstly, it will sketch the notes of the traditional one. A tradition of doubtful value among the Alumbrados, it will show by deepening in their exoteric and esoteric doctrines. After that, it will suggest the misunderstanding of the Roman lessons of Dionisio Vázquez as the basis of Lutheran theology of beneficia and how it returned to Spain. Finally, it will end by proposing the Spanish works of Luis de Granada, after Juan de Ávila, as an answer to both deviations.El presente artículo se propone aclarar los discursos en torno al beneficio divino en la primera mitad del XVI español. Primero, esbozando la tradición de partida, que se verá confrontada a continuación con el pensamiento alumbrado, en sus dimensiones esotérica y exotérica. Tras ello, sugiere contemplar la teología luterana del beneficio como resultado de una mala comprensión de las lecciones romanas de Dionisio Vázquez y muestra el camino que siguió de vuelta a España a través de los Valdés. Un retorno que, junto al desafío alumbrado, propone finalmente, encontrará respuesta en la obra castellana de Luis de Granada, tras los pasos de Juan de Ávila.   

    Magnetic anomalies of the NW Iberian continental margin and the adjacent abyssal plains

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    The NW Iberian margin is a hyperextended continental margin, formed during the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean, where a subsequent partial tectonic inversion has undergone during the Alpine Orogeny. This succession of tectonic episodes determines the magnetic signature of the margin. The Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone Project has carried out seven one-month cruises between 2001 and 2009. To extend and densify the spatial coverage, we have used data from the World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map. Here, we describe the methodology used for the acquisition and data processing of the magnetic field data. The use of diverse instrumentation, a non-complete external field’s cancelation, and the use of different magnetic core field models, contributed to the total error budget. To reduce it, we have used a leveling algorithm which minimizes all these contributions. Finally, a statistical analysis was applied using crossover residuals, showing a resolution better than 28 nT

    Simulation and validation of the gas flow in close-coupled gas atomisation process: Influence of the inlet gas pressure and the throat width of the supersonic gas nozzle.

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    The effectiveness of a close-coupled gas atomisation process largely depends on the operational and the geometric variables. In this study, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques are used to model and simulate the gas flow in the melt nozzle area for a convergent-divergent, close-coupled gas atomiser in the absence of the melt stream. Firstly, a reference case, in which the atomisation gas is nitrogen at 50 bar and a supersonic gas nozzle with a throat width of L0 has been modelled, is presented. Then, the influence of both the inlet gas pressure and this design parameter are investigated, comparing the numerical results provided by simulations varying the inlet pressure from 5 to 80 bar and modelling different convergent-divergent gas nozzles with throat widths of 0.29 center dot Lo, 0.5 center dot Lo, 0.77 center dot Lo and 2 center dot Lo respectively. The simulation results show how similarly these two parameters modify gas mass flow rates, gas velocity fields, aspiration pressures in the melt delivery tube or the size of the recirculation zones below the melt nozzle. Therefore, it can be stated that this geometric variable of the gas nozzle may be as relevant as the inlet pressure in the atomisation process. The most important novelty of this study is related to experimental validation of the numerical results using the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique and through direct measurements of gas mass flow rates, with a clear correlation between simulated and measured data. Moreover, some results obtained with experimental atomisations using copper and nitrogen are also presented. The experimental results show that finer powders are produced by increasing th

    Effect of temperature on particle shape, size, and polycrystallinity of Nd-Fe-B powders obtained by hydrogen decrepitation

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    This work presents a detailed study of hydrogen decrepitation (HD) to obtain monocrystalline Nd-Fe-B powder. The effect of decrepitation temperature has been investigated to optimize both particle size and shape. Differential scanning calorimetry was applied to analyze the hydrogenation kinetics of Nd2Fe14B and Nd-rich phases in the range of 25 to 300 C. Thermogravimetry and X-ray diffraction allowed determining the hydrogen absorption of the whole alloy and the matrix phase, respectively. While scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to visualize particle shape and size, dynamic image analysis was applied to evaluate quantitatively these properties. The high monocrystallinity of the powder was confirmed by electron backscattering diffraction. The partial pressure of hydrogen required to initiate the hydrogenation reactions decreases when the temperature increases. The hydrogen absorbed by the whole alloy and, in particular, by the Nd2Fe14B phase decreases with temperature. Below 150 C, the hydrogen absorbed by the Nd2Fe14B phase produces a significant transgranular cracking that is undesirable for particle shape. At 300 C, the fast and limited absorption of hydrogen by the Nd-rich phase causes insufficient intergranular fracture and, hence, polycrystallinity. Between 150 and 300 C, the controlled fragmentation resulted in monocrystalline particles with a more equiaxial shape, which is a suitable precursor to develop anisotropic ultrafine powders by the hydrogenation, disproportionation, desorption, recombination (HDDR) process

    Radial line slot antenna design for monopulse space debris radar

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    This paper shows the design of a radial line slot antenna for Space Debris Radar Applications. The monopulse antenna has two beams, sum and difference, and requires an amplitude and phase receiver for detection of the azimuth and elevation direction of arrival. The antenna is circular polarized, and this paper focus on the design of the receiver antenna. The paper shows the optimization process of the position and length of slots in the central frequency of 94 GHz and a first analysis of the feeding network. This design will be tested with the fabrication of a prototype

    Influence of the Seasonal Thermocline on the Vertical Distribution of Larval Fish Assemblages Associated with Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Spawning Grounds

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    Temperature is often an important variable influencing the vertical position of fish larvae in the water column. The same species may show different vertical distributions in areas with a strong near-surface seasonal thermocline compared to isothermal near-surface regions. In areas with a strong surface thermocline, tuna larvae show a significant preference for the near-surface warmer layers. Little is known regarding larval tuna vertical distribution in isothermal waters and on the vertical distribution of the associated larval fish assemblages. We conducted vertical stratified sampling using the same methodology and fishing device (MOCNESS) in the two major spawning areas of Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT): western Mediterranean Sea (MED), characterized by a surface thermocline, and the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) which lacks thermal stratification. Tuna larvae occupied the upper 30 m in both areas, but the average larval depth distribution was consistently deeper in the GOM. In the MED, vertical distribution of larval fish assemblages was explained by temperature, and species such as BFT, Thunnus alalunga, and Ceratoscopelus maderensis, among others, coexist above the thermocline and are separated from species such as Cyclothone braueri and Hygophum spp. (found below the thermocline). In the GOM, the environmental correlates of the vertical distribution of the larvae were salinity and fluorescence. Mesopelagic taxa such as Ceratoscopelus spp. and Cyclothone spp., among others, had a shallower average distribution than Lampanyctus spp., Hygophum spp., and Myctophum spp.Versión del edito

    Banco de La Concepción: A new Natura 2000 Marine Site off Canary Islands

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    The main objective of the LIFE+ INDEMARES project is to contribute to the protection and sustainable use of the biodiversity in the Spanish seas through the identification of valuable areas for the Natura 2000 Network. The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) has been in charge of implementing scientific surveys to map sensitive habitats of seven of the ten INDEMARES areas, and to determine the fisheries footprint over these areas. Banco de La Concepci´on is one of the areas chosen to be depicted in the frame of INDEMARES project. Located at 71 km to the NE of Lanzarote, at the coordinates 29º 55’ Latitude N and 12º 45’ Longitude W, Banco de la Concepci´on raises from 2,541 m up to its summit at 170 m deep. The biological richness of Banco de la Concepci´on is very influenced by the deep water up-welling phenomena, which create a high productivity, attracting a multitude of pelagic species, such as cetaceans, turtles, sharks, and tunas looking for food. In its vicinity, fishery resources such as goraz, anglerfish, and hakes, are abundant, and a rich invertebrate fauna cohabits in their bottoms. Banco de la Concepci´on is a traditional fishing area of oceanic pelagic species, and very good to catch demersal fish; it is highly visited by Galician and Portuguese drifters and long liners that fish in Mauritania, and mainly by the Andalusian longliners. In general, its main impacts are related to uncontrolled fishing pressure. The available information on the anthropogenic impact of the area was scarce, and its level of research was very poor as well, before INDEMARES project. Methodology approach complies with a multidisciplinary perspective, having described the area from geological, oceanographic, biological and fisheries points of view. Several surveys have taken place since 2009 to 2013 at Banco de La Concepci´on waters. Traps, longlines, beam trawls, benthic dredges and box corers have been used to sample benthic fauna. These last two, plus EM 3002 multibeam echosounder, PS 18 parametric sub bottom profiler, EA600 monobeam sounder, Seapath 200 positioning sensor and SV Plus sound velocity calibration sensor were used to make a geophysical study which provides a range of environmental factors. CTD was used to depict physical conditions of the water column. Finally, Remote Operated Vehicle Liropus 2000 and different photogrammetric tugged sleds were used to make a great effort of visual sampling. Data from VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) were used, combined with interviews to users (fishers), to describe the fishery uses in the area. Results from all this field work provide enough information for the administrations to establish a new Natura 2000 area, trying to reconcile protection of biodiversity and artisanal local economic activities. This establishment should take place at the end of a process of public consultation to stakeholders which is taking place in the present and which will help to shape the future Management Plan which will give details about permitted and prohibited uses