7 research outputs found

    Studying monogenetic volcanoes with a Terrestrial Laser Scanner: Case study at Croscat volcano (Garrotxa Volcanic Field, Spain)

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    Erosional processes (natural or anthropogenic) may partly destroy the relatively small-sized volcanic edifices characteristic of monogenetic volcanic zones, leaving their internal structure well exposed. Nevertheless, the study of these outcrops may be extremely challenging due to restricted accessibility or safety issues. Digital representations of the outcrop surface have been lately used to overcome such difficulties. Data acquired with terrestrial laser scanning instruments using Light Detection and Ranging technology enables the construction of such digital outcrops. The obtained high-precision 3-D terrain models are of greater coverage and accuracy than conventional methods and, when taken at different times, allow description of geological processes in time and space. Despite its intrinsic advantages and the proven satisfactory results, this technique has been little applied in volcanology-related studies. Here, we want to introduce it to the volcanological community together with a new and user-friendly digital outcrop analysis methodology for inexperienced users. This tool may be useful, not only for volcano monitoring purposes, but also to describe the internal structure of exposed volcanic edifices or to estimate outcrop erosion rates that may be helpful in terms of hazard assessment or preservation of volcanic landscapes. We apply it to the Croscat volcano, a monogenetic cone in the La Garrotxa Volcanic Field (Catalan Volcanic Zone, NE Spain), quarrying of which leads to a perfect view of its interior but restricts access to its uppermost parts. Croscat is additionally one of the most emblematic symbols of the La Garrotxa Volcanic Field Natural Park, and its preservation is a main target of the park administration

    Lamprophyre-Carbonatite Magma Mingling and Subsolidus Processes as Key Controls on Critical Element Concentration in Carbonatites-The Bonga Complex (Angola)

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    The Bonga complex is composed of a central carbonatite plug (with a ferrocarbonatite core) surrounded by carbonatite cone sheets and igneous breccias of carbonatitic, fenitic, phoscoritic and lamprophyric xenoliths set in a carbonatitic, lamprophyric or mingled mesostase. To reconstruct the dynamics of the complex, the pyrochlore composition and distribution have been used as a proxy of magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the complex. An early Na-, F-rich pyrochlore is disseminated throughout the carbonatite plug and in some concentric dykes. Crystal accumulation led to enrichment of pyrochlore crystals in the plug margins, phoscoritic units producing high-grade concentric dykes. Degassing of the carbonatite magma and fenitization reduced F and Na activity, leading to the crystallization of magmatic Na-, F-poor pyrochlore but progressively enriched in LILE and HFSE. Mingling of lamprophyric and carbonatite magmas produced explosive processes and the formation of carbonatite breccia. Pyrochlore is the main Nb carrier in mingled carbonatites and phoscorites, whereas Nb is concentrated in perovskite within mingled lamprophyres. During subsolidus processes, hydrothermal fluids produced dolomitization, ankeritization and silicification. At least three pyrochlore generations are associated with late processes, progressively enriched in HFSE, LILE and REE. In the lamprophyric units, perovskite is replaced by secondary Nb-rich perovskite and Nb-rich rutile. REE-bearing carbonates and phosphates formed only in subsolidus stages, along with late quartz; they may have been deposited due to the release of the REE from magmatic carbonates during the hydrothermal processes

    Deciphering the evolution of Deception Island's magmatic system

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    Deception Island (South Shetland Islands) is one of the most active volcanoes in Antarctica, with more than 20 explosive eruptive events registered over the past two centuries. Recent eruptions (1967, 1969, and 1970) and the volcanic unrest episodes that happened in 1992, 1999, and 2014-2015 demonstrate that the occurrence of future volcanic activity is a valid and pressing concern for scientists, technical and logistic personnel, and tourists, that are visiting or working on or near the island. We present a unifying evolutionary model of the magmatic system beneath Deception Island by integrating new petrologic and geochemical results with an exhaustive database of previous studies in the region. Our results reveal the existence of a complex plumbing system composed of several shallow magma chambers (≤10 km depth) fed by magmas raised directly from the mantle, or from a magma accumulation zone located at the crust-mantle boundary (15-20 km depth). Understanding the current state of the island's magmatic system, and its potential evolution in the future, is fundamental to increase the effectiveness of interpreting monitoring data during volcanic unrest periods and hence, for future eruption forecasting

    Deciphering the evolution of Deception Island's magmatic system

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    Deception Island (South Shetland Islands) is one of the most active volcanoes in Antarctica, with more than 20 explosive eruptive events registered over the past two centuries. Recent eruptions (1967, 1969, and 1970) and the volcanic unrest episodes that happened in 1992, 1999, and 2014-2015 demonstrate that the occurrence of future volcanic activity is a valid and pressing concern for scientists, technical and logistic personnel, and tourists, that are visiting or working on or near the island. We present a unifying evolutionary model of the magmatic system beneath Deception Island by integrating new petrologic and geochemical results with an exhaustive database of previous studies in the region. Our results reveal the existence of a complex plumbing system composed of several shallow magma chambers (≤ 10 km depth) fed by magmas raised directly from the mantle, or from a magma accumulation zone located at the crust-mantle boundary (15-20 km depth). Understanding the current state of the island's magmatic system, and its potential evolution in the future, is fundamental to increase the effectiveness of interpreting monitoring data during volcanic unrest periods and hence, for future eruption forecasting

    Evolución del sistema magmático de Isla Decepción (Antártida)

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    Isla Decepción (Islas Shetland del Sur) es uno de los volcanes más activos de la Antártida, con más de 20 erupciones volcánicas explosivas registradas en los últimos dos siglos. Las erupciones recientes (1967, 1969 y 1970) y los episodios de unrest volcánico que ocurrieron en 1992, 1999 y 2014-2015 demuestran que la generación de actividad volcánica en el futuro debe ser una preocupación válida y apremiante para aquellos científicos, personal técnico y logístico, y turistas localizados en la misma isla volcánica o sus alrededores. En este trabajo presentamos un modelo evolutivo del sistema magmático de Decepción integrando nuevos resultados petrológicos y geoquímicos con una base de datos exhaustiva de estudios previos llevados a cabo en la región y en la propia isla. Los resultados revelan la existencia de un complejo sistema magmático compuesto por varios reservorios someros (¿10 km de profundidad) alimentados por magmas que ascienden directamente desde el manto, o desde una zona de acumulación ubicada en el límite entre la corteza y el manto (15-20 km de profundidad). Comprender el estado actual del sistema magmático de la isla, y su evolución potencial en el futuro, es fundamental para aumentar la eficacia de la interpretación de los datos de monitoreo durante los períodos de unrest volcánico y, por lo tanto, para el pronóstico de erupciones futuras

    El vulcanisme bàsic del Carbonífer inferior de la Serra de Miramar

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    El Carbonífer Inferior de la Serra de Miramar conté manifestacions de roques volcàniques. Llur caracterització petrogràfica permet la seva classificació com a laves i diabases subvolcàniques; l'estudi geoquímic palesa la seva afinitat alcalina

    Studying monogenetic volcanoes with a Terrestrial Laser Scanner: Case study at Croscat volcano (Garrotxa Volcanic Field, Spain)

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    Erosional processes (natural or anthropogenic) may partly destroy the relatively small-sized volcanic edifices characteristic of monogenetic volcanic zones, leaving their internal structure well exposed. Nevertheless, the study of these outcrops may be extremely challenging due to restricted accessibility or safety issues. Digital representations of the outcrop surface have been lately used to overcome such difficulties. Data acquired with terrestrial laser scanning instruments using Light Detection and Ranging technology enables the construction of such digital outcrops. The obtained high-precision 3-D terrain models are of greater coverage and accuracy than conventional methods and, when taken at different times, allow description of geological processes in time and space. Despite its intrinsic advantages and the proven satisfactory results, this technique has been little applied in volcanology-related studies. Here, we want to introduce it to the volcanological community together with a new and user-friendly digital outcrop analysis methodology for inexperienced users. This tool may be useful, not only for volcano monitoring purposes, but also to describe the internal structure of exposed volcanic edifices or to estimate outcrop erosion rates that may be helpful in terms of hazard assessment or preservation of volcanic landscapes. We apply it to the Croscat volcano, a monogenetic cone in the La Garrotxa Volcanic Field (Catalan Volcanic Zone, NE Spain), quarrying of which leads to a perfect view of its interior but restricts access to its uppermost parts. Croscat is additionally one of the most emblematic symbols of the La Garrotxa Volcanic Field Natural Park, and its preservation is a main target of the park administration