217 research outputs found

    Quantity and Quality: Not a Zero-Sum Game

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    Quantification of existing theories is a great challenge but also a great chance for the study of language in the brain. While quantification is necessary for the development of precise theories, it demands new methods and new perspectives. In light of this, four complementary methods were introduced to provide a quantitative and computational account of the extended Argument Dependency Model from Bornkessel-Schlesewsky and Schlesewsky. First, a computational model of human language comprehension was introduced on the basis of dependency parsing. This model provided an initial comparison of two potential mechanisms for human language processing, the traditional "subject" strategy, based on grammatical relations, and the "actor" strategy based on prominence and adopted from the eADM. Initial results showed an advantage for the traditional subject" model in a restricted context; however, the "actor" model demonstrated behavior in a test run that was more similar to human behavior than that of the "subject" model. Next, a computational-quantitative implementation of the "actor" strategy as weighted feature comparison between memory units was used to compare it to other memory-based models from the literature on the basis of EEG data. The "actor" strategy clearly provided the best model, showing a better global fit as well as better match in all details. Building upon the success modeling EEG data, the feasibility of estimating free parameters from empirical data was demonstrated. Both the procedure for doing so and the necessary software were introduced and applied at the level of individual participants. Using empirically estimated parameters, the models from the previous EEG experiment were calculated again and yielded similar results, thus reinforcing the previous work. In a final experiment, the feasibility of analyzing EEG data from a naturalistic auditory stimulus was demonstrated, which conventional wisdom says is not possible. The analysis suggested a new perspective on the nature of event-related potentials (ERPs), which does not contradict existing theory yet nonetheless goes against previous intuition. Using this new perspective as a basis, a preliminary attempt at a parsimonious neurocomputational theory of cognitive ERP components was developed


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk-bentuk tindak pidana paten yang apabila terbukti secara sah telah dilakukan dapat diberlakukan ketentuan pidana dan bagaimana pemberlakuan ketentuan pidana akibat dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak melakukan perbuatan yang dilarang menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2016 tentang Paten. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Bentuk-bentuk tindak pidana paten dan paten sederhana yang dapat diberlakukan ketentuan pidana, seperti perbuatan dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak melakukan perbuatan dalam hal paten-produk, membuat, menggunakan, menjual, mengimpor, menyewakan, menyerahkan, atau menyediakan untuk dijual atau disewakan atau diserahkan produk yang diberi paten; dan/atau  dalam hal paten-proses, menggunakan proses produksi yang diberi paten untuk membuat barang atau tindakan lainnya tanpa persetujuan pemegang paten. Perbuatan tersebut mengakibatkan terjadinya gangguan kesehatan dan/atau lingkungan hidup dan mengakibatkan kematian manusia, serta  bentuk perbuatan dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak membocorkan dokumen permohonan yang bersifat rahasia sejak tanggal penerimaan sampai dengan tanggal diumumkannya permohonan bersifat rahasia. Tindak pidana paten merupakan delik aduan sehingga dapat diproses secara hukum apabila ada pengaduan dari pemegang paten. 2. Pemberlakuan ketentuan pidana akibat dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak melakukan perbuatan yang dilarang menurut Undang-Undang 13 Tahun 2016 Tentang Paten, yakni dapat dikenakan pidana penjara dan/atau denda sesuai dengan bentuk perbuatan pidana yang dilakukan dan telah terbukti secara sah dilakukan oleh pelaku dalam pemeriksaan di pengadilan.Kata kunci:  Pemberlakuan Ketentuan Pidana, dengan sengaja, tanpa hak, perbuatan yang dilarang, Pate

    Education of Henry Adams, 1871--1891

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    Analisis Besi dan Seng dalam Ikan Nila, Eceng Gondok, dan Sedimen di Perairan Danau Maninjau

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    Research on determination the concentration of heavy metals Iron (Fe) and Zinc (Zn) in sample of tilapia fish, water hyacinth, and sediment in Maninjau Lakein Rambai village Koto Malintang subdistrict Tanjung Raya district have been done. Samples of tilapia, water hyacinth, and sediment taken at four points around in the fish breeding. Concentration of Fe and Zn were measured using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Based on the analytical result, tilapia have concentration of Fe ranged from 42 mg/kg to 245 mg/kg and concentration of Zn ranged from 14 mg/kg to 37 mg/kg, water hyacinth have concentration of Fe ranged from 167 mg/kg to 285 mg/kg and concentration of Zn ranged from 27 mg/kg to 76 mg/kg, and sediment have concentration of Fe ranged from 644 mg/kg to 1282 mg/kg and concentration of Zn ranged from 64 mg/kg to 269 mg/kg. The result were showed that the concentration of Fe and Zn metals had exceed the limit. Key words: Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS

    A Place Not on the Map

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    T HE DAY was over. Th e pink and slate and lavender streaks would have been white clouds if he could have been closer to them. But pink faded into lavender, and lavender into slate as the evening sky came down to meet that last evidence of the day that had just been..

    And Never Go Home

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    TT WAS (lie season of high clouds and bright skies and •*• wood smoke. Dr. Hilnian wailed as die Negro porter opened the door of the passenger coach that had (onfined him for more than four hours since he left (he Chicago depot..
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