36 research outputs found

    Naisen koulutuksen yhteys huollettavien lastensa hyvinvointiin vähiten kehittyneissä maissa - kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    Aiheen lähtökohtana on oletus naisen koulutuksen merkityksestä hyvinvoinnin edistämisessä. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kuvata naisen koulutuksen ja hänen huollettavien lastensa hyvinvoinnin välisiä yhteyksiä vähiten kehittyneissä maissa. Työssä tarkastellaan naisen koulutuksen kautta saatua voimaantumista lukutaidon sekä perus-, lukio- tai ylemmän koulutustason lähtökohdista. Tämä on kirjallisuuskatsaus. Aineisto (n=11) perustuu vuosien 2001–2012 aikana julkaistuihin Sub-Saharan vähiten kehittyneiden maiden tutkimus- ja asiantuntijakatsauksiin. Katsauksessa naisen kouluttautumismahdollisuuksien lähtökohdaksi nousi kansallinen kehitystaso, yhteiskunnan investoinnit julkisiin palveluihin sekä naisen asema. Naisen koulutuksella todettiin olevan yhteys kohentuneeseen sosioekonomiseen statukseen, perheen terveyden edistämiseen ja terveyspalvelujen käytön lisääntymiseen sekä turvallisempaan ympäristöön. Sisäistä voimaantumista kuvattiin yksilön lisääntyneinä kompetensseina sekä minäkuvan vahvistumisena. Lukutaidon merkitys korostui modernissa yhteisössä selviytymisessä. Naisen koulutuksen todettiin lisäävän lasten selviytymismahdollisuuksia. Naisen koulutuksella katsottiin olevan myös selkeä positiivinen vaikutus lasten ravitsemukseen, terveydentilaan, kasvun ja kehittymisen edistämiseen sekä lasten kouluttautumismahdollisuuksiin. Naisen koulutuksen ja lasten hyvinvoinnin yhteyksiä kuvattiin aineistossa pääasiassa perhetasolla. Katsaus osoittaa vähiten kehittyneiden maiden tasa-arvopolitiikan tarpeellisuuden koulutussektorilla. Saatuja tuloksia voidaan käyttää suuntaa antavina työkaluina naisten ja lasten hyvinvoinnin edistämisessä.This study is based on a hypothesis of the importance of women’s education. The aim of study is to review the correlations between women’s education and their children´s well-being in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). The study has focused on the women’s empowerment through means of literacy and basic education to higher education. This paper is a literature review based on (n=11) researches and specialist articles pub-lished between the year 2001 and 2012 focusing on the LDCs in Sub-Saharan Africa. According to the results a national level of development, public service investments and gender equality were found fundamental for women’s education. Furthermore, the study shows that women’s education has a correlation with the rise of socio-economic level, improved family health and sustainable environment. Women’s empowerment through means of education was found improving individual competences and self-confidence. In addition, access to literacy skills was established as a key of thriving in the modern society for women and their household. The study findings show that women’s education increases the possibilities of child survival. Women’s education was also found to have a correlation with an improved child health and possibilities of child education. According to the results women´s education was important factor in enhancing children´s nutrition, growth and development. The correlation was described mainly at a family level. This paper addresses the importance of scaling up gender equality policies in educational sector that have proven to be effective. The study results may also be employed in activities of well-being improvement in the LDCs

    S021-04 OA. A large-scale analysis of immunoglobulin sequences derived from plasmablasts/plasma cells in acute HIV-1 infection subjects

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    Background In acute HIV-1 infection (AHI) there are infectioninduced polyclonal shifts in blood and bone marrow Bcell subsets from naïve to memory cells and plasmablasts/ plasma cells (PCs) coupled with decreased numbers of naive B cells. To study the initial antibody response to HIV, we have used recombinant technology to create a database of PC antibody sequences derived from 3 early stage AHI subjects

    Kehitysyhteistyöprojektin arviontia osallistuneiden perheiden näkökulmasta Tansaniassa

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    Suurin osa suomalaisista pitää kehittyneiden maiden vastuuna auttaa köyhempiä maita. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa Tansaniassa yksittäisen kehitysyhteistyöprojektin kautta vuosina 1995 - 1999 annettua avustusta ja avustettujen henkilöiden nykyisistä elinolosuhteiden.Perheiden näkökulmasta saatujen tietojen pohjalta pohditaan kehitysyhteistyön terveyttä edistävää merkitystä. Tässä työssä kehitysyhteistyöllä terveyden edistämisen näkökulmasta tarkoitetaan toimintaa, jonka päämääränä on solidaarisesti edistää terveyttä. Kansainvälisten tai kansallisten kehitysyhteistyöhankkeiden kautta panostetaan joko suoraan terveyden edistämiseen tai välillisesti kohentamalla elämän muita terveyteen vaikuttavia osa-alueita. Opinnäytetyö pohjautuu kansalaisjärjestö Fida International ry:n vuonna 1993 käynnistämään Itärannan AIDS-orpo projektiin (East Shore AIDS Orphans`Project, ESAO). Projektin päätavoitteena oli mahdollistaa AIDS-orpojen peruskoulutus sekä tukea perheitä muiden avustustoimintojen kautta. Opinnäytetyön tutkimuskysymykset olivat seuraavat; 1. Millaista avustusta perheet ovat saaneet ESAO -projektin kautta vuosina 1995 - 1999? 2. Miten huoltaja arvioi avustuksen merkityksen lasten elämässä? 3. Millaisia ehdotuksia projektiin osallistuneilla on terveyden edistämiseen tähtäävän kehitysyhteistyöprojektin kehittämiseksi? Opinnäytetyöprosessiin kuului suunnittelu, tutkimusluvan hakeminen, tansanialaisten tutkimusavustajien rekrytointi ja kouluttaminen sekä haastattelulomakkeen suahiliksi kääntäminen. Prosessiin kuulunut kyselyaineisto kerättiin marraskuussa 2009 Tansaniassa, jonka jälkeen se lähetettiin analysoitavaksi Suomeen. Analyysi valmistui keväällä 2010. Analyysissa käytettiin tilastollisia kuvailevia menetelmiä sekä laadullista sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimusjoukko valittiin alueellisen saavutettavuuteen perustuvalla harkinnanvaraisella otoksella. Näin näytteen kautta saatiin tietoa 12 ESAO -projektin aikana avustetun perheen 48 lapsesta. Tutkimusjoukosta ei ole aiemmin tehtyjä tutkimuksia. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella huoltajat arvioivat koulutuksen olevan ylivoimaisesti tärkein ESAO -projektin kautta annettu avustusmuoto. Tutkimustulokset myös osoittavat lähes 80% avustetuista lapsista pystyneen hyödyntämään projektin kautta annetusta avustuksesta noin kolmanneksen parantaessa tansanialaisen mittapuun mukaan sosioekonomista asemaansa paremmalla työllä sekä ylemmän asteen koulutuksen saaneiden määrä kaksinkertaistumisella tutkimusajankohdan jälkeen. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan sanoa avustettujen lasten terveyden edistämisen mahdollisuuksien lisääntyneen. Näytteen tutkimustulokset ovat suuntaa-antavia.According to Finnish citizens’ perceptions on developing aid, the majority of the Finnish people support the idea of responding to humanitarian needs and challenges that face the developing countries. The aim of this study is to evaluate the aid given in one development project based in Tanzania in 1995 – 1999, and to study participant children’s` current living conditions. The development work and health promotion are viewed through the study results collected from participant guardians. The development work from health promotion perspective stands in this thesis for operation, which target health improvement in a solitary way. Through Non-Governmental Organization`s (NGO) development programs, whether international or national, efforts for health are direct or indirect. Indirect here means improving parts of life which have a positive impact in health. The thesis is based on East Shore AIDS orphans project, ESAO, which was founded in year 1993 by NGO registered under the name of Fida International. The main goal of the project was to provide primary education to AIDS orphans and assist the families with other means of aid. The research questions are following; 1. What kind of assistance has been provided by ESAO project for participant families during years 1995 – 1999? 2. How do the guardians evaluate meaning of the aid given in children’s` life? 3. Suggestions for health promotion development project from guardian perspective? The study process consisted of planning, applying a research permit, recruiting and educating Tanzanian research assistants and translating the questionnaire into the local language. Interviews were organized in November 2009 in Tanzania and thereafter the data was collected and analyzed in Finland during spring 2010 using statistical analysis methods. The target group was selected using discretionary sample based on set criteria in the study to ensure validity. The sample covered information of 12 families that participated in ESAO Project including 48 assisted children. The study is based on a situation where previous information of the target group is not available. According to the study results, the guardians of orphans ranked education as the most significant form of aid provided by the ESAO Project. Notably the study indicates that 80% of the children benefited from the aid received during the project period. According to the Tanzanian life standards, one third of the target group had improved their social status and livelihood by securing better jobs or increasing income level. In addition, since the study period, the number of higher educated children among the assisted children has doubled. The results indicate that an improved possibility for health quality is prevalent in the target group. Further studies are required before generalizing the results

    Non-technical Skills and Personal Characteristics of frontline Leaders in Crisis Management : Master`s Degree Programme in Global Health

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    Worldwide disasters impose an increasing burden on society. Multi-level leaders play a significant role in implementation of disaster response. Current disaster training emphasize little if at all in equipping disaster personnel in non-technical skills and development of personal characters. This master’s thesis seeks to describe the nature and stressors of leadership in context of humanitarian crisis. The aim of the study is to illustrate from selected literature the essential non-technical skills and personal characteristics of frontline leaders that significantly support the comprehensive approach of leadership in crisis contexts and thus influence the outcomes of goal achievement. The study was conducted by descriptive literature review and provides a qualitative answer for the research question. The collected articles (n = 16) were analysed with inductive content analysis. The findings will serve the Finn Church Aid/ ACT Alliance in recruitment practices. Additionally it gives suggestions for individual leadership skill development as well as agencies readiness for responding to global humanitarian circumstances. The review defined non-technical skills and personal characteristics of leaders under five leadership competence levels; 1) Team Facilitation, 2) Cultural and Emotional Competence, 3) Multi-Level Collaboration, 4) Operational Management and 5) Goal Achievement. The reviews further implies that personnel wellbeing and safety, culturally sensible behaviour and interaction, innovative solution and creative control, trust, increased individual motivational and organizational commitment were the most substantial and important outcomes of the frontline leaders` skill and behaviour. The leaders` non-technical skills and personal characteristics that strongly impacted in leadership emergence were interest in others wellbeing and safety, cultural awareness and sense making, empathy, communication skills, self-confidence, reactiveness, innovativeness, motivation skills and willingness leading by exsample. A strong context-dependency in gender preference emerged favouring female attributes in times of crisis. Nevertheless, the most significant predictor for leadership outcome, especially in crisis situations, was execution of a transformal leadership style


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    The effects of country image on a tourist destination. The case in point South Africa’s image has suffered largely from its derogatory history. With an alarming increase of crime and terrorism activities, tourists are averse to travel to destinations curbed with the image problems. The purpose of this thesis is to re-evaluate the existing theories on country image and contribute to the previous studies that have listed the main attributes of country image rather than “image” construct per se. Country image encapsulate geopolitics, history, personal factors, information sources, and geographical dispensation. Analysis: Collected data has been analyzed by means of comparing, classifying significant characters and transforming raw data to meaningful information which assisted in corroborating the selected theory against the case study. Conclusion: Promoted image brand should always reflect the reality of a destination in question. The case in point SA has a room for a makeover of its image as a safe destination. Arguably, country’s image can be overhauled by reviewing curbing factors that were identified in this study. Notably, some of country image aspects as history and geographical dispensation can not be altered or easily manipulated. However, application of relevant marketing strategies as events and deeds were found relevant in SA context. Inevitably, successfully facilitation for the FIFA 2010 (events) could advance SA’s country profile in terms of trade, investment and tourism.+358(0)44343555


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    The effects of country image on a tourist destination. The case in point South Africa’s image has suffered largely from its derogatory history. With an alarming increase of crime and terrorism activities, tourists are averse to travel to destinations curbed with the image problems. The purpose of this thesis is to re-evaluate the existing theories on country image and contribute to the previous studies that have listed the main attributes of country image rather than “image” construct per se. Country image encapsulate geopolitics, history, personal factors, information sources, and geographical dispensation. Analysis: Collected data has been analyzed by means of comparing, classifying significant characters and transforming raw data to meaningful information which assisted in corroborating the selected theory against the case study. Conclusion: Promoted image brand should always reflect the reality of a destination in question. The case in point SA has a room for a makeover of its image as a safe destination. Arguably, country’s image can be overhauled by reviewing curbing factors that were identified in this study. Notably, some of country image aspects as history and geographical dispensation can not be altered or easily manipulated. However, application of relevant marketing strategies as events and deeds were found relevant in SA context. Inevitably, successfully facilitation for the FIFA 2010 (events) could advance SA’s country profile in terms of trade, investment and tourism.+358(0)44343555

    Le Petit Jack, illustrations par L. Froelich, suivi par : Mon écureuil, Mes busards / Marshalls

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